Sunday 26 November 2017

Tasa De Ganancias De La Divisa 70

¡Hola a todos! He encontrado el blog del comerciante ruso cuyas victorias con probabilidad del 100% usando el robot de FOBOTEX. ¿Había alguien intentado FOBOTEX? ¿Qué puedes decir al respecto?

Si realmente tiene 100% winrate, lo mantendría en secreto y el comercio.

Si no es genuino, él lo ofrecerá por $ 199 a todo el mundo.

¿Tiene un sitio web con fotos de playas tropicales, Lambourghinis y cosas muy jóvenes en bikinis?

EDIT: Hola! Lambourghini / bikini. La posibilidad de un poema invita.

__________________ # Si la única herramienta que tienes es un martillo, tienden a ver cada problema como un clavo - Abraham Maslow # Hay 10 tipos de personas en el mundo; Los que entienden binario, y los que no. - Anon # Ed Seykotas canción Whipsaw http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=LiE1V. Wlxk8 & amp; index = 10 # La derrota es temporal. Renunciar lo hace permanente. Luego

Si quieres ganar en Forex, tienes que aprender a perder

99% de los comerciantes comienzan a tener las mismas creencias y en la misma ruta de negociación. En particular, hay dos creencias principales que tienen el poder para mantener el nuevo comerciante de nuevo durante mucho tiempo o hasta que se dan cuenta y dejarlos ir. Estas dos creencias son;

En algún lugar hay un sistema super secreto de fantasía que la gente está usando para hacer millones cada día con poco esfuerzo y si pueden descubrir lo que es o poner sus manos sobre él, todos sus sueños se harán realidad.

Hay sistemas en el mundo que tienen 100% de tasa de ganancias y lograr una tasa de 100% de triunfo es la meta.

HECHO: Es imposible tener 100% ganando tasa de huelga

El simple hecho de la cuestión es que cada comerciante en el mundo va a perder los oficios y en ocasiones tienen carreras perdidas. Tienes que dejar que esto se hunda antes de seguir adelante. Todos los sitios que tienen promociones de basura que brotan cosas como "100% garantizado tasa de ganancia" y simplemente estafas.

Algunas personas no van a creer mi cuando digo que lograr una tasa de 100% de ganar no es alcanzable así que permítanme explicar por qué esto es así. Para entender cómo ganamos dinero y hacer operaciones ganadoras en el mercado Forex, primero tenemos que entender cómo se mueve el mercado básicamente.

El mercado no se mueve debido a los comunicados de prensa o los fundamentos y no se mueve debido a algún sistema de cross-over de media móvil. La razón simple por la que el mercado se mueve es debido a la oferta y la demanda, o en otras palabras, otros comerciantes y organizaciones comerciales ofrecen el precio más alto o más bajo. Esta es la única manera de moverse los precios. Otros comerciantes y organizaciones participan en el mercado y compran o venden lo que afecta la oferta y la demanda. Cada comerciante en el marcador es un factor de oferta y demanda por precio haciendo lo que está haciendo y va a hacer.

Debido a que todos estos diferentes comerciantes son la oferta y los factores de demanda en el movimiento de precios, nunca podemos ser 100% positivo lo que cada comerciante va a hacer y por lo tanto, el precio de manera se moverá definitivamente. Un ejemplo de esto es; Podemos ver una configuración de comercio perfecta que cumple nuestros criterios de configuración de comercio perfectamente. Tomamos el comercio y va a ser un buen ganador. Por precio para hacer lo que hizo, se llevó a todos los comerciantes y organizaciones en el mercado para desempeñar su papel. Al día siguiente otra configuración puede formarse en el mismo par que se ve exactamente igual y una vez más entramos en el comercio. Para este próximo comercio, a pesar de que se ve exactamente igual que la configuración anterior, no tiene ninguna garantía de que también funcionará de la misma manera para un ganador como el comercio anterior. Esto se debe a que para que el precio actúe exactamente como lo hizo anteriormente, necesitaría que cada comerciante y cada organización comercial hicieran exactamente lo que hicieron en el pasado. Tendrían que entrar y salir exactamente en los mismos puntos con exactamente las mismas cantidades y exactamente al mismo tiempo. Obviamente esto es imposible y el mercado nunca tendrá exactamente el mismo maquillaje de los comerciantes en él dos veces.

Debido a que cada comerciante en el mercado es un factor de cómo se compone el precio, no importa cuán grande es un comerciante en el comercio, nunca puede estar 100% seguro de que cada configuración funcionará. La única manera para que alguien sepa lo que definitivamente iba a pasar es si sabían exactamente lo que cada comerciante en el mercado ha hecho, está haciendo y va a hacer. Hay muchos miles de comerciantes entrar y salir del mercado en un momento dado y saber lo que van a hacer (cuando la mayoría del tiempo incluso el comerciante no sabe) es imposible.

La próxima vez que alguien le diga que su sistema es 100% rentable o no puede perder etc, remítase a este artículo.

Aprender a perder, es la clave para aprender a ganar

Después de que un comerciante se da cuenta de que las pérdidas son inevitables y que van a suceder no importa qué, se convierte en el tiempo para aprender a tratar con ellos y tratarlos como un gasto más de negocios. En la mayoría de los casos el problema con la pérdida no es el dinero perdido en sí mismo, pero la mentalidad puede enviar al comerciante en, que luego incurre en más pérdidas.

Directamente después de una pérdida es cuando un comerciante puede estar en su más vulnerable y mentalmente más débil. Hacer una pérdida puede enviar a los comerciantes en pánico, el estrés, el miedo e incluso para algunas personas de nuevo en sus depósitos. Como todo, estas emociones estarían bien si no afectaran lo que el comerciante hizo a continuación.

Muchas veces después de una pérdida se ha tomado el comerciante hará una decisión estúpida o irracional para tomar venganza en el mercado y ganar de nuevo cualquier dinero perdido. La parte más difícil para un comerciante puede ser simplemente aceptar la pérdida y no hacer nada.

Para frenar las decisiones irracionales y pobres, cada comerciante tiene que cambiar su pensamiento hacia las pérdidas y el mercado en general. El mercado no es una bestia que está fuera de conseguirlo y tomar todo su dinero. El mercado Forex es completamente neutral. No importa si usted compra y vende o si mantiene o cierra un comercio.

Deje que su Edge Play Out

Así que por ahora después de leer hasta aquí, usted puede estar pensando "si nunca podemos saber con certeza si un comercio no funcionará, ¿cómo en la tierra podemos ganar dinero?" La razón de esta pregunta es tratar su comercio como un Casino y dejar que su ventaja jugar con el tiempo.

Usted nunca puede estar seguro de lo que cada comercio individual va a hacer, pero usted puede saber que usted tiene una ventaja que le da una ventaja estadística con el tiempo. Los contadores negros de la tarjeta del gato en el casino no saben qué tarjetas van a salir definitivamente hacia fuera, pero han trabajado hacia fuera que sobre muchas manos de tarjetas tienen una ventaja estadística sobre el casino que les da la ventaja. Ellos van a incurrir en perder las manos, pero en general su ventaja los llevará a cabo en la parte superior. Esta es la razón por la que los casinos prohiben los contadores de coches.

Cada juego en el casino está diseñado para dar al casino la ventaja. Mientras que el casino pierde juegos e incluso muchos juegos en una fila a veces, todos los juegos que los casinos tienen se diseñan de modo que sobre muchos juegos que son jugados el casino salgan en tapa. El casino no sabe qué manos van a ganar o perder, pero saben que tienen una ventaja en el tiempo que les hará dinero.

Esto es lo mismo para los comerciantes y por qué es tan importante que después de que usted tiene una pérdida, no hacer oficios de venganza que normalmente no haría. Al hacer los oficios de la venganza usted está cortando lejos en su borde y está negociando como todos los otros comerciantes perdidos hacia fuera allí. Cada uno de los intercambios comerciales que necesita para ajustarse a sus criterios de configuración comercial, de manera que las horas extraordinarias saben que su ventaja estadística saldrá por encima.


Hacer perder oficios e incluso perder una serie de oficios va a suceder. También debe tener en cuenta que mientras que usted puede tener una ventaja estadística sobre el mercado, nunca se puede saber para el 100% seguro de qué comercios serán los ganadores y que los perdedores. Usted puede tener una ventaja sobre el mercado que promedia una tasa de ganancia del 70%. Eso no significa que para cada 10 operaciones usted tiene siete ganadores y tres pérdidas. Esto significa que en muchas operaciones, después de tener en cuenta las rachas perdedoras, las rachas ganadoras y todo lo demás, usted gana un promedio de 70% de los ganadores.

Es muy importante que nunca apostar la granja en cualquier comercio. Porque nunca sabemos con certeza qué oficios ganará y que perderá, tenemos que dar igual esperar a cada comercio. Para que su ventaja funcione usted no puede arriesgar el 3% en un comercio y entonces el 5% en otro usando su discreción. Usted debe arriesgar la cantidad igual en cada comercio así que sobre tiempo su borde puede jugar hacia fuera con éxito.

Espero que hayas disfrutado de este artículo y que puedas comenzar a moverte más allá de tus operaciones perdidas, en lugar de tenerlas discapacitadas para el resto de tu trading. Asegúrese de dejar cualquier pregunta y comentarios a continuación y mostrar su agradecimiento por golpear los botones similares.

Si quieres ganar en Forex, tienes que aprender a perder fue modificado por última vez: 13 de agosto de 2017 por Johnathon Fox

Autor Tema: ¿Es 65-70% tasa de ganancia en 1: 1 suficiente para comenzar a operar en vivo?

Hola a todos, He sido manualmente back-testing en las cartas de 4 horas de barras de Engulfing y mañana / noche estrellas en la dirección de la actual tendencia importante. He backtestado 20-25 cartas por un par de años. Estoy obteniendo consistentemente 65-70% de resultados ganadores con riesgo: recompensa de 1: 1. Es este porcentaje ganador con 1: 1 suficiente para comenzar a operar con éxito. He visto personas que reclaman 80-90%, pero nunca han tocado el 90%, con ocaciones raras del 80%. Pero en la mayoría de los casos mi backtesting me da 65-70% resultado ganador. ¿Debo comenzar a operar en vivo con estos resultados?

Esperando su respuesta.

Estás negociando un riesgo / recompensa de 1: 1 & amp; Obviamente, siempre y cuando usted está ganando más del 50% de sus operaciones entonces el sistema es rentable. Con una tasa de éxito del 65-70%, esto es definitivamente suficiente para hacer la prueba, o darle una oportunidad en una cuenta demo o probarlo con una pequeña ($ 100) cuenta en vivo.

Suponiendo que su sistema funcione, puede seguir el plan & amp; Tratar con la psicología de la negociación en vivo entonces usted debe hacer el lunes.

Buena suerte con él & amp; Actualizarnos con la forma en que se enciende.

Fecha de Ingreso Jul 2012 Ubicación Asia Mensajes 279

65-70% tasa ganadora en 1: 1 más allá de lo suficiente para comenzar a operar en vivo ^ _ ^

Pero comenzar a operar en vivo basado sólo en ese resultado todavía demasiado pronto. Espero que disfrutes de la demo primero.

Si todavía estamos tratando de vivir, debemos estar listos para todo, y siempre hacer que la experiencia sea el mejor mentor que hemos tenido.

Fecha de Ingreso 31-ene-2011 Ubicación Perth, Western Australia Puestos 721

¿Apenas preguntándose cuántos oficios usted ha probado de nuevo?

Fecha de Ingreso Apr 2017 Ubicación Glasgow Mensajes 44

La prueba directa es la única manera de probar su estrategia, ya que en tiempo real usted tiene que hacer que el comercio ocurra, que es mucho más difícil que hacer un backtest.

También creo que 1: 1 RR es demasiado estrecho.

Última edición por jonnyteg; 05-19-2017 at 05:21 PM.

Fecha de Ingreso Aug 2009 Mensajes 1,595

Hola a todos, He sido manualmente back-testing en las cartas de 4 horas de barras de Engulfing y mañana / noche estrellas en la dirección de la actual tendencia importante. He backtestado 20-25 cartas por un par de años. Estoy obteniendo consistentemente 65-70% de resultados ganadores con riesgo: recompensa de 1: 1. Es este porcentaje ganador con 1: 1 suficiente para comenzar a operar con éxito. He visto personas que reclaman 80-90%, pero nunca han tocado el 90%, con ocaciones raras del 80%. Pero en la mayoría de los casos mi backtesting me da 65-70% resultado ganador. ¿Debo comenzar a operar en vivo con estos resultados?

Esperando su respuesta.

Personalmente, tendría como objetivo una mayor Recompensa: Riesgo. 2.0: 1 y arriba es bastante bueno. Si usted podría manejar el 60-70% ganan la tarifa y 2: 1 usted ser fijado. Aún así, el 70% y 1: 1 es rentable. 80% de tasa de ganancia y 2.5: 1 es definitivamente posible sin embargo

Fecha de Ingreso Jan 2011 Ubicación Mexico Mensajes 1,410

Hola a todos, He sido manualmente back-testing en las cartas de 4 horas de barras de Engulfing y mañana / noche estrellas en la dirección de la actual tendencia importante. He backtestado 20-25 cartas por un par de años. Estoy obteniendo consistentemente 65-70% de resultados ganadores con riesgo: recompensa de 1: 1. Es este porcentaje ganador con 1: 1 suficiente para comenzar a operar con éxito. He visto personas que reclaman 80-90%, pero nunca han tocado el 90%, con ocaciones raras del 80%. Pero en la mayoría de los casos mi backtesting me da 65-70% de resultado ganador. ¿Debo comenzar a operar en vivo con estos resultados?

Esperando su respuesta.

Sólo prueba demo para un par de meses y por lo menos 100 operaciones y vuelva a comprobar si todavía está con ese porcentaje ganador.

Si eso es cierto, prueba en vivo por otros dos meses y 100 operaciones con capital bajo, tal vez 100 usd en una cuenta nano (donde cada pip es sólo 1 centavo). Si continúa con los mismos resultados, entonces congratz! Usted tiene un comercio ganador!

Hola a todos, He sido manualmente back-testing en las cartas de 4 horas de barras de Engulfing y mañana / noche estrellas en la dirección de la actual tendencia importante. He backtestado 20-25 cartas por un par de años. Estoy obteniendo consistentemente 65-70% de resultados ganadores con riesgo: recompensa de 1: 1. Es este porcentaje ganador con 1: 1 suficiente para comenzar a operar con éxito. He visto personas que reclaman 80-90%, pero nunca han tocado el 90%, con ocaciones raras del 80%. Pero en la mayoría de los casos mi backtesting me da 65-70% resultado ganador. ¿Debo comenzar a operar en vivo con estos resultados?

Esperando su respuesta.

65-70% ganando resultados mientras backtesting es una buena señal que dice "hey que está listo para sentir el mundo real de la divisa. Sin embargo, debe estar listo ya que es posible que no obtenga los mismos resultados con una cuenta real.

Forex Trading señales que le ayudan a ganar

Con años de experiencia en el comercio de divisas y una comprensión elaborada de los mercados mundiales, le proporcionamos señales que le ayudarán a ganar comercio después de después.

Somos el mejor servicio de señal forex en Internet. Una gran cantidad de servicios de señal de divisas afirman ser el mejor, le mostramos en algunos ejemplos por qué otros servicios de señal forex no puede imaginar quiénes somos y lo que hacemos, ninguno de ellos se acerca a ofrecer el servicio que hacemos.


El 100% de nuestros clientes obtienen pips de nuestro servicio FOREX SIGNAL ganador a partir del primer día.

Nunca hemos soplado ninguna cuenta comercial.

Ofrecemos servicio de señal profesional. Usted puede suscribirse a nuestro servicio de señal forex y recibir una señal de compra / venta de divisas en su teléfono móvil a través de mensaje de texto sms y correo electrónico.

Todas nuestras alertas son "orden pendiente", cuando usted recibe la señal de nosotros Tendrá por lo general 30-60 minutos para entrar en el comercio o post clásico "orden de entrada".

Usted puede operar con nuestro servicio de señal incluso si tiene una cuenta de micro trading, RECUERDE QUE NUNCA HEMOS ABOLIDO CUALQUIER CUENTA DE NEGOCIACIÓN

Los mercados de Forex se ven afectados por cuatro factores: Social, Técnico, Económico y Político (STEP) y como un comerciante no necesita examinar todos estos temas día tras día para sus decisiones comerciales. Lo hacemos por usted y lo alertamos para entrar en operaciones a la hora correcta y en la dirección correcta. Las señales se enviarán a su correo electrónico y se actualizarán en la página Análisis en tiempo real. Los miembros pueden acceder a la página a través del inicio de sesión y la contraseña.

Tasa de ganancias y Riesgo

Una gran cantidad de su sistema de comercio y el tamaño de posición dependerá de cuál es su tasa de ganancias y cuál es su recompensa a la proporción de riesgo.

Estadísticas bastante simples ¿eh?

Steve Cohen, el multimillonario gestor de fondos de cobertura utiliza estadísticas simples también. En el artículo de CNBC: Cómo SAC Capital Works Now. Cohen dice:

Mantenemos la puntuación con estadísticas simples, como el béisbol. Obviamente desea que sus operaciones ganadoras para ganar más dinero que sus operaciones perder perder.

El artículo entonces va a decir que sus comerciantes se juzgan en dos medidas básicas: Su porcentaje de la ganancia / pérdida y sus tallas relativas de sus triunfos y pérdidas.

Existen diferentes sistemas de flujo de pedidos que puede desarrollar y comercializar. Algunos de ellos tienen un alto winrate de 70% + pero baja recompensa ratio de riesgo con los ganadores sólo haciendo alrededor de 1-3 veces lo que arriesgaste.

Otros sistemas de flujo de pedidos tienen una tasa de ganancia baja / promedio alrededor del 30-60%, pero la proporción de riesgo de recompensa es extremadamente alta, con los ganadores haciendo más de 4 veces lo que se arriesgó.

Luego están los verdaderamente extraordinarios sistemas de comercio que tienen tanto altos winrates y alta recompensa a los ratios de riesgo. Éstos son los donde usted puede ir para la yugular encendido. Soros sabía de esto cuando rompió el Banco de Inglaterra y aprovechó tanto el alto porcentaje de ganancias percibido como el alto potencial de pago.

Hay distinciones importantes entre cada sistema de comercio que usted necesita ser consciente de. Hay ciertos principios del mercado que si usted intenta desafiarlos, el mercado apenas le aplastará dándole muchas pérdidas, pérdidas grandes, o soplando su cuenta.

Tasa de ganancia alta, baja recompensa a los sistemas de riesgo

Estos tipos de sistemas de comercio pueden ser negociados con un bajo porcentaje de riesgo, o alto riesgo porcentual. Puesto que estos oficios son altos winrate, no pueden ocurrir tan a menudo. Por lo tanto si usted elige negociar solamente con el riesgo bajo del porcentaje, usted puede no conseguir el la mayoría de la explosión para su buck.

También, ya que su recompensa a la proporción de riesgo es baja, el comercio con un bajo porcentaje de riesgo no va a hacer que mucho dinero.

Por ejemplo, digamos que usted tiene un alto winrate, baja recompensa a riesgo sistema de la proporción, con 90% winrate, ratio de recompensa de riesgo 1: 1.

Si sólo el comercio de un sistema con un riesgo de 0,50% por el comercio, entonces sólo están haciendo un máximo de 0,50% por el comercio. Usted no puede hacer más que eso en el comercio porque el sistema tiene una relación de recompensa a riesgo baja. La fuerza del sistema no está en los grandes oficios ganadores. La fortaleza está en el gran número de operaciones ganadoras consecutivas. Los beneficios consecutivos.

Por lo tanto, con tal sistema usted puede querer intentar negociar el sistema usando el riesgo más alto por comercio que el 0,50%. Por ejemplo, si usted cambió el mismo sistema con 10% de riesgo por el comercio en lugar de 0,50%, a continuación, asumiendo la misma serie de operaciones, su rendimiento comercial y rendimiento será mucho mayor.

Por supuesto usted corre el riesgo de sufrir una pérdida en su primer comercio y estar abajo de 10%, que no es deseable. Pero la alta tasa de ganancias del sistema debería compensar la próxima serie de operaciones.

Los sistemas de negociación con altas tasas de ganancias son deseables y generalmente preferibles debido a la baja probabilidad de sufrir pérdidas comerciales consecutivas.

Estos son los tipos de sistemas de comercio que se utilizan normalmente si desea crecer rápidamente una cuenta de cinco cifras en el rango de seis cifras o 1 millón de dólares rango. Una vez que usted consigue en las limitaciones de la liquidez del millón del rango del dólar y la protección de su capital llega a ser más importante y usted clava abajo su riesgo por comercio.

Cuando usted ha tomado una cuenta de cinco cifras a un millón usted no quiere arriesgar demasiado por el comercio. No quieres apostar tu estilo de vida.

El único objetivo de utilizar alto apalancamiento y alto riesgo por comercio es demasiado obtener su cuenta hasta un nivel suficientemente alto donde se puede reducir su riesgo por el comercio y aún así lograr significativas sumas de dinero.

Tasa de ganancia baja / media, alta relación entre la recompensa y el riesgo

Estos son los tipos de sistemas de comercio que la mayoría de los comerciantes están tratando de desarrollar. Su indicador técnico típico o comerciante del patrón de la carta está intentando desarrollar un sistema con winrate del around 30-60%, pero con los ganadores que son muy grandes para compensar los comercios perdidosos.

No hay nada malo con este tipo de sistemas. Yo comercio de estos sistemas también.

Puesto que su tarifa del triunfo es más baja, su probabilidad de tener operaciones perdedoras consecutivas es lejos mayor. Puesto que su probabilidad de sufrir muchas operaciones perdidas en una fila es mayor, usted TIENE que utilizar bajo riesgo por comercio.

Intentar el comercio de estos sistemas de alto riesgo por comercio resultará ser un desastre. Usted puede coger un buen ganador, pero la volatilidad será el aumento de pelo.

Digamos que usted tiene un sistema con un 30% winrate, y sus ganadores son seis veces lo que arriesgaste.

Si usted decide comerciar con un riesgo del 10% por el comercio, entonces usted puede tener suerte y atrapar a un ganador en su primer comercio. Si usted hace su cuenta es hasta 60%. Si por otro lado se captura una serie de perdedores consecutivos, a continuación, su cuenta comenzará a caer un 10% cada comercio. Y ya que sólo tiene un 30% de tasa de ganancia, puede sufrir 3, 4, 5 o 6 operaciones perdidas en una fila. Si esa serie de perdedores sucede antes de su primer ganador, podría bajar el 50% de su cuenta antes de ver a su primer ganador.

Es por eso que estos sistemas sólo están diseñados para ser comercializados con bajo riesgo por comercio. Sólo puede desbloquear el verdadero potencial de estos sistemas si utiliza un bajo riesgo por operación.

Los sistemas de baja tasa de ganancia requieren un bajo riesgo por monto comercial. Esa es la regla cardinal.

Sistemas de alta tasa de ganancia no tienen que exigir alto riesgo por cantidades de comercio. Usted puede negociar fácilmente un alto sistema de la tarifa del triunfo usando bajo riesgo por el comercio y todavía conseguir números respetables. Sin embargo, si desea desbloquear el verdadero potencial de un sistema de alta tasa de ganancia, entonces usted tiene que establecer una olla de capital en el lado y el comercio del sistema con alto riesgo por el comercio.

Sistemas de alta tasa de ganancia requieren alto riesgo por cantidades de comercio si desea desbloquear todo su potencial.

Alta tasa de ganancias, alta recompensa a las tasas de riesgo

Estos tipos de sistemas de comercio son algunos de los más cool alrededor. Estos son los tipos de oficios que usted sueña en su carrera. Estos son los momentos en que se puede ir para la yugular en ellos.

Estos son los tipos de sistemas de comercio en los que puede tener una tasa de ganancia de 70% +, sin embargo, todavía tienen una recompensa extraordinariamente alta relación de riesgo con el pago potencial de ser más de cinco veces lo que se arriesga.

Estos son los tipos de operaciones donde se puede hacer 50%, 100%, o 200% en un solo comercio.

Estos tipos de sistemas comerciales son muy raros y no disparar una señal que a menudo. Pero cuando lo hacen, usted debe tomar ventaja completa de ellos.

Estos tipos de sistemas de negociación no tienen que ser negociados con alto riesgo por comercio. Usted puede hacer multa que negocia con bajo riesgo por comercio.

Sin embargo, si desea obtener todo el potencial de estos oficios, entonces tendría que utilizar alto riesgo por comercio.

Frecuencia de Oficios

Tengo sistemas comerciales para todo lo anterior. Todos ellos son muy discrecionales, pero aún así son sistemas.

Es necesario darse cuenta de la frecuencia de los oficios que cabe esperar.

El sistema de comercio que dispara la mayoría de las señales es el: Low Win Rate, Alto Sistema de Recompensa al Riesgo.

El sistema de comercio que dispara una cantidad promedio de señales es el: Winrate alto, bajo premio al sistema de riesgo

El sistema de comercio que dispara la menor cantidad de señales es el: High Winrate, High Reward to Risk System.

Tiene sentido ¿verdad? El sistema que dispara la mayoría de las señales es el que tiene el menor potencial de ganancias. El sistema que dispara la cantidad promedio de señales es el sistema de comercio más rentable. Y finalmente el sistema que dispara la menor cantidad de señales es el más rentable.

Yo comercio de los sistemas de baja ganancia, alta recompensa a riesgo y me mantienen ocupado y ocupado mientras espero la oportunidad de ir a la yugular en los tráficos de alto sistema winrate. Esa es mi filosofía comercial.

¿Qué sistemas operan muchos grandes fondos de cobertura? Muchos de los fondos de cobertura de comercio utilizando el bajo índice de ganancias, la alta recompensa a los sistemas de riesgo. Parte de la razón es que don & # 8217; t sabe cómo capturar las mejores operaciones. Pero la razón más importante es que están negociando con posiciones mucho más grandes a la suma de cientos de millones y miles de millones de dólares, por lo que el tipo de sistema comercial que puede acomodar tales restricciones de liquidez y aún generar una cantidad decente de señales es la baja tasa de ganancias , Sistema de recompensa de alto riesgo.

También tenga en cuenta que si si intenta el comercio de cualquiera de los sistemas anteriores con una gran cantidad de capital, entonces probablemente destruir la rentabilidad del sistema, porque el mercado no puede manejarlo. O lo que sucederá es que se reducirá la frecuencia de los intercambios dentro de ese sistema sólo a los que pueden manejar la gran cantidad de capital.

Por ejemplo, si usted tiene un sistema de comercio que tiene un 80% winrate, y los ganadores son tres veces lo que arriesgaste. Genera 25 señales por año. Genera 25 señales por año si está tratando de cambiarlo con una cantidad pequeña / moderada de capital, digamos $ 1 millón.

En el momento en que decidieron comerciar un sistema de este tipo con una gran cantidad de capital, digamos $ 1 mil millones. O bien destruirás el sistema. O, lo que es más probable es que el número de señales generadas por año cae. Así que si tuviera 25 señales por año de comercio del sistema con $ 1 millón en capital. Si usted negocia el sistema con $ 1 mil millones en capital, teniendo en cuenta las nuevas limitaciones de liquidez y el impacto de órdenes más grandes, usted puede conseguir solamente 10 señales comerciales por año.

¿Cómo sé estas cosas?

Tenga en cuenta que no mencione nada sobre la baja tasa de ganancias, bajo sistema de recompensa a riesgo, ni nada sobre el alto winrate, con recompensa a la proporción de riesgo por debajo de 1: 1. Yo no los menciono porque esos sistemas no valen la pena negociar.

No hay ninguna razón para estar negociando un sistema que tiene una tasa de ganancia del 80% y una relación de Recompensa a Riesgo de 0,50

No hay razón para negociar un sistema con un 30% winrate donde sus victorias son sólo dos veces sus pérdidas.

No intercambiar esos sistemas.

En su lugar desarrollar mejores sistemas comerciales.

Espero que hayas disfrutado el artículo.

Peter Southam 12 de diciembre de 2011

Me parece que su resumen de arriba es informativo & # 8212; Creo. Digo que pienso, porque estoy francamente confundido por sus referencias mixtas a & # 8220; riesgo de recompensa & # 8221; , Y en otros lugares usas & # 8220; riesgo recompensa & # 8221; proporción. Podría leer mejor si utilizó consistentemente la recompensa a la proporción de riesgo y # 8221; En todo y así, las referencias numéricas a esto, como 1: 1 debe significar 1 recompensa a 1 riesgo.

De hecho, he hecho todo esto por ti, como sigue: ____________________________________

Una gran cantidad de su sistema de comercio y el tamaño de posición dependerá de cuál es su tasa de ganancias y cuál es su recompensa a la proporción de riesgo.

Estadísticas bastante simples ¿eh?

Steve Cohen, el multimillonario gestor de fondos de cobertura utiliza estadísticas simples también. En el artículo de CNBC: Cómo SAC Capital Works Now, Cohen dice:

Mantenemos la puntuación con estadísticas simples, como el béisbol. Obviamente desea que sus operaciones ganadoras para ganar más dinero que sus operaciones perder perder.

El artículo entonces va a decir que sus comerciantes son juzgados en dos medidas básicas: su porcentaje del triunfo a la pérdida y sus tamaños relativos de sus triunfos y pérdidas.

Existen diferentes sistemas de flujo de pedidos que puede desarrollar y comercializar. Algunos de ellos tienen una alta tasa de ganancias de 70% + pero baja recompensa a la proporción de riesgo con los ganadores sólo hacer alrededor de 1-3 veces lo que se arriesga.

Otros sistemas de flujo de pedidos tienen una tasa de ganancia baja o media alrededor del 30-60%, pero la proporción de recompensa a riesgo es extremadamente alta, con los ganadores haciendo más de 4 veces lo que arriesgaste.

Luego están los verdaderamente extraordinarios sistemas de comercio que tienen tanto altas tasas de ganancias y alta recompensa a riesgo. Estos son los que se puede ir para la yugular. Soros sabía de esto cuando rompió el Banco de Inglaterra y aprovechó tanto el alto porcentaje de ganancias percibido como el alto potencial de pago.

Hay distinciones importantes entre cada sistema de comercio que usted necesita ser consciente de. Hay ciertos principios del mercado que si usted intenta desafiarlos, el mercado apenas le aplastará dándole muchas pérdidas, pérdidas grandes, o soplando su cuenta.

Alta tasa de ganancias, baja recompensa a los sistemas de riesgo

Estos tipos de sistemas de comercio pueden ser negociados con un bajo porcentaje de riesgo, o alto riesgo porcentual. Dado que estos oficios son de alta tasa de ganancia, no pueden ocurrir tan a menudo. Por lo tanto si usted elige negociar solamente con el riesgo bajo del porcentaje, usted puede no conseguir el la mayoría de la explosión para su buck.

También, ya que su recompensa a la proporción de riesgo es baja, el comercio con un bajo porcentaje de riesgo no va a hacer que mucho dinero. Por ejemplo, supongamos que tiene una alta tasa de ganancias, un sistema de recompensa a riesgo bajo, con una tasa de ganancia del 90%, una recompensa a la proporción de riesgo de 1: 1. Si sólo el comercio de un sistema con un 0,5% de riesgo por comercio, entonces usted está haciendo sólo un máximo de 0,5% por comercio. Usted no puede hacer más que eso en el comercio porque el sistema tiene una recompensa baja a la proporción de riesgo. La fuerza del sistema no está en los grandes oficios ganadores. La fortaleza está en el gran número de operaciones ganadoras consecutivas, resultando en ganancias consecutivas.

Por lo tanto, con tal sistema usted puede querer intentar negociar el sistema usando el riesgo más alto por el comercio que el 0.5%. Por ejemplo, si usted cambió el mismo sistema con un riesgo del 10% por el comercio en lugar de un 0,5%, entonces asumiendo la misma serie de operaciones, su rendimiento comercial y retorno será mucho mayor.

Por supuesto usted corre el riesgo de sufrir una pérdida en su primer comercio y estar abajo de 10%, que no es deseable. Pero la alta tasa de ganancias del sistema debería compensar la próxima serie de operaciones.

Los sistemas de negociación con altas tasas de ganancias son deseables y generalmente preferibles debido a la baja probabilidad de sufrir pérdidas comerciales consecutivas.

Estos son los tipos de sistemas de negociación que se utilizan normalmente si desea crecer rápidamente una cuenta de cinco cifras en el rango de seis cifras o rango de 1 millón de dólares. Una vez que entre en el rango de un millón de dólares, las restricciones de liquidez y la protección de su capital se vuelven más importantes, y disminuirá su riesgo por operación.

Cuando usted ha tomado una cuenta de cinco cifras a un millón que no quieren estar arriesgando demasiado por el comercio. Usted no quiere apostar su estilo de vida. El único objetivo de usar alto apalancamiento y alto riesgo por comercio es conseguir que su cuenta llegue a un nivel suficientemente alto donde pueda reducir su riesgo por comercio y aún así lograr significativas sumas de dinero. Tasa de ganancia baja / media, Ratio de recompensa de alto riesgo.

Estos son los tipos de sistemas de comercio que la mayoría de los comerciantes están tratando de desarrollar. Su indicador técnico típico o comerciante del patrón de la carta está intentando desarrollar un sistema con la tarifa del triunfo del alrededor 30-60%, pero con los ganadores que son muy grandes para compensar los comercios perdidosos.

No hay nada malo con este tipo de sistemas. Yo comercio de estos sistemas también.

Puesto que su tarifa del triunfo es más baja, su probabilidad de tener operaciones perdedoras consecutivas es lejos mayor. Puesto que su probabilidad de sufrir muchas operaciones perdidas en una fila es mayor, usted TIENE que utilizar bajo riesgo por comercio. Intentar el comercio de estos sistemas con alto riesgo por comercio resultará ser un desastre. Usted puede coger un buen ganador, pero la volatilidad será pelirroja.

Digamos que usted tiene un sistema con una tasa de triunfo del 30%, y sus ganadores son seis veces lo que arriesgaste.

Si usted decide comerciar con un riesgo del 10% por el comercio, entonces usted puede tener suerte y atrapar a un ganador en su primer comercio. Si usted hace su cuenta es hasta 60%. Si por otro lado si usted caza una serie de perdedores consecutivos, entonces su cuenta comenzará a caer 10% cada comercio. Y ya que sólo tiene un 30% de tasa de ganancia, puede sufrir 3, 4, 5 o 6 operaciones perdidas en una fila. Si esa serie de perdedores sucede antes de su primer ganador, podría bajar el 50% de su cuenta antes de ver a su primer ganador.

Esta es la razón por la cual estos sistemas sólo están diseñados para ser comercializados utilizando bajo riesgo por comercio. Sólo puede desbloquear el verdadero potencial de estos sistemas si utiliza un bajo riesgo por operación.

Los sistemas de baja tasa de ganancia requieren un bajo riesgo por monto comercial. Esa es la regla cardinal.

Los sistemas de alta tasa de ganancia no tienen que requerir cantidades de alto riesgo por comercio. Usted puede negociar fácilmente un alto sistema del ganar-tarifa usando bajo riesgo por comercio y todavía conseguir números respetables. Sin embargo, si desea desbloquear el verdadero potencial de un sistema de alta tasa de ganancia, entonces usted tiene que establecer una olla de capital en el lado y el comercio del sistema con alto riesgo por el comercio.

Los sistemas de alta tasa de ganancia requieren cantidades de alto riesgo por comercio si desea desbloquear todo su potencial.

Alta tasa de ganancias, alta recompensa a las tasas de riesgo

Estos tipos de sistemas comerciales son algunos de los más cool alrededor. These are the types of trades that you dream for in your career. These are the times when you can go for the jugular on them.

These are the types of trading systems where you can have a 70%+ win rate, yet still have an extraordinarily high reward to risk ratio with the potential payoff being over five times what you risked.

These are the types of trades where you can make 50%, 100%, or 200% in a single trade.

These types of trading systems are very rare and do not fire off a signal that often. But when they do, you should take full advantage of them.

These types of trading systems do not have to be traded with high risk per trade. You can do well trading them with low risk per trade. However, if you want to get the full potential out of these trades then you would need to use high risk per trade.

Frequency of Trades

I have trading systems for all of the above. They are all highly discretionary but still are systems nonetheless.

You need to realize the frequency of the trades to be expected. The trading system that fires off the most signals is the: Low Win Rate, High Reward - to-Risk System.

The trading system that fires off an average number of signals is the: High Win Rate, Low Reward-to-Risk System.

The trading system that fires off the least number of signals is the: High Win Rate, High Reward-to-Risk System.

It makes sense right? The system that fires off the most signals is the one with the lowest profit potential. The system that fires off the average number of signals is the more profitable trading system. And finally the system that fires off the least number of signals is the most profitable one.

I trade the low win rate, high reward-to-risk systems and they keep me occupied and busy while I await for the chance to go for the jugular on the high win-rate system trades. That is my trading philosophy.

What systems do many large hedge funds trade? Many of the hedge funds trade using the low win rate, high reward-to-risk system. Part of the reason is that they don’t know how to capture the better trades. But the bigger reason is that they are trading with much bigger positions to the tune of hundreds of millions and billions of dollars, thus the type of trading system that can accommodate such liquidity constraints and still generate a decent number of signals is the low win rate, high reward to risk system.

Also note that if you attempt to trade any of the above systems with a large amount of capital, then you probably either destroy the profitability of the system because the market cannot handle it, or what will happen is you will reduce the frequency of trades within that system to only the ones that can handle the large amount of capital.

For example, if you have a trading system that has an 80% win rate, and winners are three times what you risked. It generates 25 signals per year. It generates 25 signals per year if you are attempting to trade it with a small-to-moderate amount of capital, of let’s say, $1 million.

The moment you decided to trade such a system with a large amount of capital, say, $1 billion, either you will destroy the system, or what is more likely, the number of signals generated per year drops. So if you had 25 signals per year trading the system with $1 million in capital, and then you trade the system with $1 billion in capital, taking into account the new liquidity constraints and impact of larger orders, you may only get 10 trading signals per year.

How do I know these things?

Notice that I did not mention anything about the low win rate, low reward-to-risk system, nor anything about the high win rate, with reward-to-risk ratio below 1:1. I didn’t mention them because those systems are not worth trading.

There is no reason to be trading a system that has 80% win rate and a Reward:Risk of 0.5.

There is no reason to be trading a system with a 30% win rate where your wins are only two times your losses.

Don’t trade those systems. Instead develop better trading systems.

I hope you enjoyed the article.


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Forex Reviews-Forex Trend Navigator

My Name is Mike Ndegwa, my partner Reza Mehrabani and I have been designing trading systems for some of the leading financial institutions and high net worth financial traders for the last couple of years.

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DISCLAIMER : This is a paid review and not a suggestion or a recommendation from ForexWinners. Trading foreign currencies can be a challenging and potentially profitable opportunity for investors. Lo más importante, no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder.

Forex Signal FAQ

What is PracticalPips

In short, we are FOREX signal providers. We learnt about forex the hard way…as you probably also have by now. Sure, your forex broker offers you training, setups, the “lowest spreads available” and possibly even tradings signals. Do you think your forex broker expects you to win?

Guess what – he knows you are likely to lose. In fact, your losing trades are the back-bone of his business. How you say? We’ve all heard the stats – 95% of new traders fail (and this is true folks). Your broker knows this too. In fact, he’s banking on it. If you were to consistently win, your forex broker would have to pay out your profits to you on a regular basis and he’d have no business left – your losses are his profits. Your forex broker will have a few clients (the magical 5% who win) that he needs to pay out. He is able to pay out this elite 5% easily through the losses of the 95% and still keep a heavy chunk of profits. Forget spreads – the real money brokers make is through convincing the losers (the 95%) to keep adding real money to their accounts which is quickly traded away.

We’re not saying forex brokers are evil. We make use of several different brokers ourselves and have great relationships with them – we just think its important that traders are aware of the conflict of interest here.

What do your trade signals look like

You get entries, profit targets, stops, comments and an explanation as to why we’re taking the trade.

Why is PracticalPips. com different?

We provide reliable, high-confidence forex signals. We’re not going to bombard you with forex signals – only a full time trader could cope with that. Expect between 15 and 20 signals a month, with a 70% win-rate. Also expect losers – we publish the winners and losers alike. We’re not offering training or personal trading development – don’t expect advice on trade-size management, portfolio management or similar. We’re about forex signals on the major forex pairs and that’s it.

If our signals are so good, why are we sharing them?

The forex market is the most liquid market in the world. If we take the trades we promote and a hundred or even a thousand more traders take exactly the same trades, it doesn’t change anything on a macro-scale. Us and all of our subscribers together cannot ever come close to manipulating the market or creating movement like the real whales can. So why share? Quite simply, why not? Selling our trading signals represents another revenue stream we can take advantage of.

¿Quienes somos?

We’re a group of traders who have been through the pain of wiping out our portfolios. We’re tried multiple systems, Electronic Advisors (EAs), forums and social networks. We still wiped out our portfolios. ¿Por qué? Mostly because the trading advice offered by so many out there just isn’t practical for the average trader who wants to either get started or trade part-time.

What’s practical about us?

You don’t need to be staring at your laptop 24 hours a day to trade with us. In fact, our trades are designed for you to get in when you are good and ready. What use is a trade signal at 2am, which you jump into at 6am (because you’re super excited) only for it to end up as a loser? So much of trading is about timing – and if you get into trades late, you often end up catching a reversal and feel the pain. Our time-frames are longer and mean that you able to get in at the right time and make real money.

We also acknowledge our losers – they are a fact of trading and if you trade with us, you will have losers too. Sorry about that, but if you manage your trade sizes correctly, the winners will more than make up for it.

Finally, we offer a 10-day free trial. If you’re not happy with the signals we provide after 10 days, we’ll gladly cancel your subscription and you’ll never be charged a cent. There are no obligations and no hidden catches with PracticalPips. com. In fact, because we rely on PayPal to process payments, you’re able to cancel your subscription with ease.

Our trading style

Some traders don’t mind losing 9 trades out of 10, as long as their winners are more than 10 times the size of their losers. Other traders hate losing and would rather trade fewer setups and have a greater win/loss ratio. Both methods can make you money, but we’re firmly in the second group. Our win/loss ratio is about 70% and our risk to reward ratios are typically 1:1. If a trade moves nicely in our favour, we often do move profit targets to new levels in order to maximise a great run. We will always advise on entry, profit targets and stop losses and walk you through the trade as it unfolds. There you have it, your 10-day free subscription can be created here. Feliz comercio!

I bought Forex Assassin last Sunday afternoon and placed trades on the six recommended pairs an hour or so later. Both s/l and t/p were set at 30 pips. The trades were not monitored while in progress - neither the s/l or t/p were moved and no trailing stops were used.

There were two wins and four losses. One losing trade never went more than 20 pips in the desired direction beyond the entry point. The other 3 losers were all stopped out by retracements because the stop losses were too close.

Settings of 15 and 15 would have produced 5 winners. 60 and 60 would also have produced 5 winners. The next goal is to try and come up with the best numbers for the different pairs.

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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Kuroda comments on ECB disastrous rates! (Euro yawns)

HIGH RISK WARNING: Foreign sell trading carries a high turn of risk that might not be suitable for all investors. Leverage creates additional risk and detriment exposure. Before we confirm to trade unfamiliar exchange, delicately cruise your investment objectives, knowledge level, and risk tolerance. You could remove some or all of your initial investment; do not deposit income that we can't means to lose. Educate yourself on a risks compared with unfamiliar sell trading, and find recommendation from an eccentric financial or taxation confidant if we have any questions.

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Why the rupee might reach 70 against dollar

Exchange rate can be best understood as nothing more than a benchmark for a nation's money supply. When the rupee depreciates against the dollar, it simply means value of the Indian currency has gone down relatively against the greenback. This can happen because of two things: 1) increase in rupees in the market; or 2) decrease of dollars in the market.

So how does this affect money supply?

One of the major duties of the governor of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is to essentially continuously decide supply of the currency in India. However, Raghuram Rajan, the newly appointed RBI governor who will officially take over the reins on 5 September, has a difficult situation on his hands. With the rupee on a seemingly continuous free-fall, he could accomplish two tasks in one shot: control India's rising inflation. and control the depreciation of the rupee, simply by limiting supply of the currency.

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Seems like a win-win situation, right? Unfortunately, Mr Rajan will be taking on one of the most challenging roles in the nation as RBI governor. Let's first look at how and why the rupee has gotten to its current position.

One of the most important questions that many are asking is why the rupee has fallen to its current state. It is important to know that the rupee's value is directly linked to the amount of US dollars available in the Indian market. India receives dollars in three ways: through exports, through foreign investments into India, and through NRI remittances into India. The less dollars there are in the market, the more the dollar is worth (basic laws of demand and supply), and, so, the rupee depreciates. India's main import is crude oil, and the countries it imports from unfortunately only accept US dollars or other major currencies.

Therefore, it is critical for India to always have a large supply of US dollars or other major currencies within its system. The current account deficit is a measure that easily tells us the difference between exports and imports, and, hence, is a good indicator for the the supply of US dollars and other major currencies. If a country's current account deficit is seen rising, it means that the country is importing more goods than it is exporting. In case of India, each successive month the current account deficit has been rising at a dangerously alarming rate. This is a worrying sign, and it very well could be the largest contributor towards the rupee's depreciation.

One of the reasons for the rising account deficit is the fact that India is a heavy importer of crude oil and, of course, gold. On 14 August, the government decided to impose a 10 per cent import duty on gold, a knee jerk reaction to the rising current account deficit. That did nothing to stop the rupee from further depreciation.

The current account deficit can be stimulated through other means, not just by controlling the money supply - and this will be Mr Rajan's biggest challenge. By limiting the money supply, inflation and, potentially, the rupee's value would be controlled - but it would severely impact the country's growth. India's gross domestic product (GDP) has dropped from 6.2 per cent to 5 per cent in latest fiscal year, so India's growth would be hampered by lowering its money supply. Instead, Mr Rajan should look at the past. Over the past 24 calendar months, India's money supply grew at around 29 per cent, while it's GDP grew at a much lower pace.

This essentially means that more rupees were printed than required, which caused a rise in inflation. To control India's high current account deficit, Mr Rajan should do the exact opposite of what the current RBI governor has done, which was to impose capital controls on local companies by limiting Indians' ability to sell rupees. Investors took this as a cue for panic, and the rupee began to spiral out of control.

Instead, Mr Rajan should let the markets remain open and democratic - eventually, Indian goods will be cheap enough to a point where they will be easily exported. India's urbanisation is not going to stop, wages will continue to rise, and inflation will be controlled since the money supply can be kept at par with GDP growth. The rupee will probably rise in the short term and very well could rise to 70- but at a certain point, equilibrium will kick in. There is a high level of pessimism in the markets. The government needs to address the rising current account deficit and slow growth until optimism finally settles in.

Raghu Kumar is the co-founder of RKSV, a broking company. The opinions expressed here are the personal opinions of the author. NDTV is not responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability or validity of any information given here. Toda la información se proporciona en forma tal cual. The information, facts or opinions appearing on the blog do not reflect the views of NDTV and NDTV does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same.

Story first published: Aug 24, 2017 15:15 IST

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Applying Risk Reward.

Is Risk:Reward the Holy Grail of Strategies?

If you give risk:reward the thought that it deserves you will soon understand just how powerful of a role it can play. You will quickly understand how, all by itself, it could make or break you as a trader. In this lesson we will take a look at the numbers game behind risk:reward but before we do that it is also important to quickly review the power of what you have learnt so far.

If you are able to master your trading psychology and properly use the price action confluence of a solid location, chart patterns, market structure, entry trigger and market layers, your win rate will very easily be 70% or higher. There are VIP members here at ElectroFX. com who go months without a loss but this is not something you will be able to achieve overnight. You won’t know your win/loss ratio until you have been trading for a while but you will be able to determine it before you start trading live. Let’s take a look at how applying a risk:reward strategy to your trading plan can help you succeed no matter what your win/loss ratio is, this may just be the holy grail piece of your puzzle.

Use Simple Math to Your Advantage

Don’t worry if maths is not your strong point, there is nothing complicated about this. Let’s assume that you will always risk 2% of your account on every trade that you take. As outlined in the stop loss lesson; you can avoid the need to worry about different size stop loss’s on each trade by using a percentage risk. Not every trade is going to have the same size stop loss so this is a great approach if you want to eliminate the need to think about it.

In this following table we will base everything upon having taken 10 trades using different risk:reward ratio’s each time. Each example results in the same 4% profit for your trading account, yet each example has a different amount of trades won vs lost. 1:1 should always be considered as your minimum risk:reward requirement for any single trade. A 1:5 risk:reward trade is not something you will find very often but it does serve it’s purpose here as an example.

Total Profit = 100pips

The fact is that if you trade using the evidence based approach outlined here at ElectroFX. com then you do not get to decide what the risk:reward ratio on a trade will be. The strategies outlined so far will however allow you to understand what the risk:reward ratio on any given trade is, before you enter. In turn this means that you can decide what the minimum risk:reward ratio you will accept is going to be. If the trade setup that you are seeing does not meet that minimum then you just need to sit out and wait for the next one.

A Very Conservative Calculation

Earlier on in this lesson you were told that a 70% win rate is very realistic with the approach that has been outlined in these lessons. A higher win rate than that is very possible so let’s assume a lower win rate to be conservative. Based on only ever winning 60% of your trades here is another look at those same risk:reward ratios to compare the outcomes.

By always winning 60% of the trades that you attempt you can see the mathematical advantaged that a risk:reward strategy can provide. It’s not complicated, but it is powerful, and it should play a part in your complete trading plan.

Finding Your Risk:Reward Balance

Flipping a coin would give you a 50% chance of getting a trade correct. The whole purpose of you studying right now is to top the scales further in your favor than that. Knowing that it is realistic to achieve a 70% win rate, that some traders can go long periods of time without a loss, and that flipping a coin gives you a 50% chance, why not assume that with the correct knowledge you can achieve a 60% win rate. Based on that 60% win rate; if you have a minimum 1:1 risk:reward ratio as a rule then you are keeping that small advantage knowledge has given you. That 1:1 is just a minimum though and you will also get the odd 1:2 and even 1:3 risk:reward trade, pushing things even further in your favor.

If you progress along with your trading and notice that you are only winning 50% of your trades, make a small adjustment. Your minimum risk:reward rule on any one trade could be changed to 1:1½ or 1:2. That would make winning 50% of your trades profitable and you could always adjust it again later on once your win/loss rate improves.

By Theo Patsios

Theo Patsios ha estado negociando el mercado de divisas desde 2005 y ofrece Forex Trading Educación desde 2008. Es un especialista en Pure Price Action Trading con la correcta recompensa de riesgo y la gestión comercial. If you want to learn more then get yourself started with a Free Membership at ElectroFX. com

Descargo de responsabilidad: Cualquier asesoramiento o información en este sitio web es Asesoramiento General Solamente - No toma en cuenta sus circunstancias personales, por favor no haga transacciones o invierta basándose únicamente en esta información. Al ver cualquier material o usar la información de este sitio usted acepta que este es material de educación general y no tendrá ninguna persona o entidad responsable de la pérdida o daños resultantes del contenido o asesoramiento general proporcionado aquí por ElectroFX. com, sus empleados, Directores o compañeros. Los futuros, las opciones y el comercio de divisas al contado tienen grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también un gran riesgo potencial. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para invertir en los mercados de futuros y opciones. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Este sitio web no es una solicitud ni una oferta de compra / venta de futuros, forex spot, cfd, opciones u otros productos financieros. No se está haciendo ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en cualquier material en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

Advertencia de alto riesgo: Forex, futuros y opciones de comercio tiene grandes recompensas potenciales, pero también grandes riesgos potenciales. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Debe ser consciente de los riesgos de invertir en forex, futuros y opciones y estar dispuesto a aceptarlos para negociar en estos mercados. El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo sustancial de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Por favor, no negocie con dinero prestado o dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida en este sitio web se proporciona como comentario general del mercado y no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. No asumiremos ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier pérdida o daño, incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier pérdida de beneficio, que pueda surgir directa o indirectamente del uso o dependencia de dicha información. Recuerde que el desempeño anterior de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros.

GBP/USD > 1.70

Cable finally conquered 1.70. Carney’s rate hike message sent the pair higher while the world had one eye on the world cup, and a second shove in the wake of the first European session of the new week sent it above the round number.

The next target is close: the post crisis high of 1.7040 — more coming —

One of the reasons for the last move was a weekend interview by BOE member Charlie Bean, that said that higher rates should be welcomed.

The high so far is 1.7008. After Carney’s initial message, cable went higher but stopped again at 1.6990, forming a double top. It took the weekend for traders to push GBP/USD above this round number.

Update: the pair continues surging. The pound is also gaining against the euro, with EUR/GBP falling to a low of 1.6962.

It is a busy week for the British pound: tomorrow, inflation numbers are published in the UK, and they could also have an impact on the timing of the rate hike. On Wednesday, the meeting minutes of the last rate decision are released, and we will learn if one BOE member already voted for a hike now.

For all the lines, events and analysis, see the GBP to USD prediction .

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

Artículos Relacionados

Forex Win Percentage

What Win Percentage Range Is Acceptable?

It would seem that the closer a trader is to 100% winning trades, the better trader they are. On the flip side it would seem that the closer they are to 0%, the worse they are. While it is certainly true that you would like to win the most trades possible, there is more to it than that. I would argue that a 95% win rate is infinitely worse than a 65% win rate. Hopefully this article will help to tell you why.

First we'll take a look at traders with a low win rate. We will classify 0% to

40% as low. If a trader fits into this range, then the closer they are to zero probably means the worse they are. Most traders in this lower range are losing traders. You will occasionally find a trader who attempts to catch very large moves with very tight stops. This type of trader may have an extremely low win % and still be a very successful trader. I have yet to find a trader of this variety trading on ZuluTrade.

The next range is from

70%. This is the range most winning traders will be in. The reason these traders win is not because they pick a ton of winning trades and rarely have a loser. They may in fact have more losing trades than winning trades. The reason they are able to win is that they properly manage their trades once they are open. They use reasonable stops that will often be executed. This obviously results in a losing trade, but a small loser. These small losers are only a fraction of the size of their winning trades. These are most often the traders that have the ability to cut their losses but let their winners run. This seems like a simple concept, but very few traders have the discipline to actually do it.

The last group are those with a very high win % (>70%). It seems the closer to 100% these traders get, the more people want to trade their signals. Unfortunately the opposite is probably the correct play. These traders win an incredibly high amount of the time because they often take profit off of the table as soon as it appears. This strategy is ok of you also plan to cut losses in that manner. But traders with 85% win rates and above do not have this strategy in mind. Rather than accepting a small loss and moving on with their day, they will let a loser run indefinitely and even add to that position in many cases. This eventually wipes out months or more of winning trades all at once and in the end has no chance of success. I have attached 2 equity graphs as examples of this type of meltdown.

These types of losses seem extreme, but I actually started watching both of these traders in demo accounts weeks before their respective meltdowns because I wanted to use them as examples once the inevitable happened.

The point of this article is not to say that noone outside of the predetermined range can possibly be an winning trader. Surely many people can and do win with a win % outside of my range. I just want to warn you that if someone has a 95% win rate you should stand aside and hope not to get hit by any debris when they eventually implode.

AUD/USD set to go below 0.70 – ANZ

AUD/USD has been pressured by weak inflation numbers and China, as always.

The team at ANZ sees further downside potential:

Aquí está su opinión, cortesía de eFXnews:

& # 8220; Our framework suggests that the recent decline in the AUD did not make it excessively cheap, and this will limit the veracity of the counter-trend rally that’s currently in play.

While volatility consolidates, the focus may turn back to the fundamental drivers of the AUD. There, rate cut expectations are growing and commodity prices are declining still.

On the domestic front, dynamics are equally unsupportive. Data surprises have turned negative, while at the same time out-of-cycle rate hikes from the major banks (in response to higher capital charges) are raising expectations of further easing from the RBA.

Looking at history suggests that ultimately it is economic fundamentals that win out. In January 2017, when the ECB first announced its foray into unconventional policy, the AUD managed to rally a measly 2%, while in 2017, as economic fundamentals deteriorated in the face of BoJ easing, the AUD depreciated precipitously .

As such, we continue to expect that the AUD will push back below USD0.70. & # 8220;

Para más transacciones FX de los principales bancos, inscríbase en eFXplus

By signing up to eFXplus via the link above, you are directly supporting Forex Crunch.

sobre el autor

Yohay Elam - Fundador, Escritor y Editor

He estado en el mercado de Forex por más de 5 años, y comparto la experiencia que tengo y el conocimiento que he acumulado. Después de tomar un curso corto sobre forex. Al igual que muchos comerciantes de forex, he ganado la parte significativa de mi conocimiento de la manera difícil. La macroeconomía, el impacto de las noticias en los siempre cambiantes mercados de divisas y la psicología comercial siempre me han fascinado.

Antes de fundar Forex Crunch, he trabajado como programador en varias empresas de alta tecnología. Tengo un B. Sc. En Ciencias de la Computación de la Universidad Ben Gurion. Dado este fondo, el software de la divisa tiene una parte relativamente mayor en los postes.

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The US Dollar / Ruble is the most popular pair to trade the Russian currency. There is no official symbol for the Ruble. Russia is the R of the four BRIC emerging markets and the eighth largest economy of the world. Russia is the world's leading oil producer since 2011, and the Ruble is therefore exposed to changes in global energy prices. The Russian economy is both a high growth one and exposed to changes in the global financial markets, which is why it was hard hit by the crisis in 2008 and 2009.


Thank you for your request. You will receive your Forecast by email shortly.

by John Kicklighter

With the USDollar testing the 12-year highs established in March, the currency was once again faced with an important question: is there enough conviction to extend the incredible nine-month bull trend? Continue Reading

by John Kicklighter

ForexEarth | Scalper Trading EA

Descripción del producto

ForexEarth | Scalper Trading EA

Key Features as listed by the vendor:

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Forex Earth Robot is one of the first EAs that brings you an excellent risk/reward ratio while maintaining stable steady profits year after year.

With Forex Earth Robot you will no longer be afraid of losing trades. With our strategy, you recover from your loss in no time due to the awesome win/lose ratio provided.

Also backtests are much closer to reality as trading tends to be immune to broker spread spikes. Fully FIFO compatible.

If you are an experienced Expert Advisor trader like us, you will know this is the kind of EA you need.


This is my experience with binary forex trading using three robots available at binarytradingrobot. com, binaryturbo. com, and quantum-binary. net, all of which are very similar and seem to operate identically to each other. In fact, all of these tools are so similar to each other that I firmly believe that all they do is re-brand each one after it gets out that the previous one is a total fraud. So, make the presentation a little different and then call it “turbo” or “quantum” or some such stupid label in a pathetic attempt to disguise what it truly is.

Firstly, to trade with binary options using these tools you can’t use any demo money like other forex platforms that use MT4. You either use real money, or nothing. The system scammers promoted a win rate over 70% (turbo even went so far as to claim 91 % and quantum claimed as much as 95%!).

When you sign up with them, you have to choose a broker. I chose GlobalTrader365 and TradeRush, which were recommended by the software. After the verification period, it begins to execute trades using the amount you specify. This is what usually attracts people to these systems – the ability to run unattended without having to watch a screen all day for option opportunities. In addition to that, you don’t run these things on your own computer, but it runs on their servers located somewhere in the world. And, I have to say, it is a powerful attraction. It would be great if something like this actually worked, instead of being a complete fraud and the promoters total liars. But then, that’s what makes up 99% of the Forex software industry – frauds. How refreshing it would be to find one that is honest and really works.

When you sign up with a broker, your money is gone the instant you send it in. What I mean is, if you try to take it out you have to supply them with your entire identity with card numbers, photos, addresses, etc. And, to make things worse, if you accept their “bonus” money that gets added to your account, you have to reach a certain trading volume before you can withdraw anything. So, if you deposited $500 and you get a $120 bonus, this comes to (500+120) x 20 = $12,400 before you can withdraw even one penny. With the results below, that will never happen.

The results for trading with these robots were pretty consistent. On average, over a couple weeks, I saw a win rate of about 38% and loss rate of 62%. This was far below the advertised (and fraudulent) win rate of 70% or above. You would probably get better results by flipping a coin.

So, what am I doing now? Well, I’m just letting them run because I can’t get my money back from the brokers. Sooner or later, the money will run out because of their dismal win rate and that will be it. But if I can keep one person away from these frauds, that will have to satisfy me.

These guys have changed whole way to loot peoples money. This website claims to automatically trade Binary options on Traderush. com

So, all we have to do is open an account with traderush and also pay a a fee to binaryturbo. com to avail this service and then deposit money into traderush and give them the traderush registered email id and you are done!!

You will see one or two trades closing in profit but very soon you will loose the deposit. I have lost all the money.

auto trading in forex sounds legitimate but auto trading in binary options. where are the systems built. Binary options itself is a dangerous and unregulated business and how can binaryturbo. com auto trade on traderush. com.

I got a refund for the service which i paid for binaryturbo through the card processor but in the website of binaryturbo. com they promised that they will pay $100 + refund of fee if i dont make money. when i asked this. they said they dont know what i'm talking about. I have attached all the proofs which they have asked and they started ignoring my emails.

The money invested in binary markets are never traded in real time. they only gain if we loose. and they are successful in cheating me

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Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

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Day Trading Forex Live – Learn To Trade Pro Forex Strategies

While every successful trader has his or her own way of being consistently profitable, there are a few “common denominators” that all profitable traders follow without exception. Chad and I have a combined 17 years of experience in this market, with 8 of those years spent teaching others our forex trading strategies. As you might imagine we have met many traders along the way. As Chad and I discussed this forex training article series we thought of the different common denominators all successful traders we know follow. In part 1 of this training series we will break down risk/reward and discuss its importance if you are to ever profit from the forex market.

Why Is Risk/Reward Critical?

Forex trading by its very nature is a game of statistics and probabilities. Profitability is the combination of a win to loss ratio vs. the risk/reward of those trades taken. Simply put one can be profitable in ONLY two ways. First you can maintain a high winning percentage, or second you can maintain a high risk/reward (R/R) ratio. What though is the common demononator between profitable traders? Without a doubt the answer is risk vs. reward. Those who strive after a win/loss ratio of 80-90% almost always do so at the expense of the R/R ratio, and this is a dangerous trade off.

The best way to illustrate the importance of R/R is to show a real life example of it. Below is roughly a month and a half of Chad’s track record. Let’s break down the numbers….

Winning Trades – 18 (53%)

Losing Trades – 17 (47%)

Average Profit – $1,704

Average Loss – $606

Overall R/R – 2.8/1

Overall Profit – $20,414.33

Does this begin to make clear why R/R is so critical if you are to ever become a successful forex trader. Contrary to the lie many tell….most profitable forex traders win between 60-70% of their trades based on our experience over the years. Over the last month and a half Chad has managed a to turn a profit on 53% of his trades. Would you consider that track record a success? Without a doubt the win/loss ratio is lower than both Chad and I usually average but this so perfectly illustrates the power of the bank trading strategy and its ability to present high R/R trade setups.

Breaking Down The Numbers…

While 4 standard lots is not a huge lot size, most reading this will be trading with an account that is smaller and thus be using smaller lots sizes per trade. To illustrate the power of R/R lets break down the numbers using an account size of $2,000. If you risk 2% per trade that would be $40 risk per trade you take. Thus if you keep the 2.8 to 1 R/R as shown above you would profit $112 on each winning trade. Lets see how this breaks down using the number of trades in the track record above….

18 Winning Trades – $2017 (18 trades X $112 profit per trade)

17 Losing Trades – $680 (17 trades X $40 risk per trade)

Total Profit – $1336 or +66.8% gain

Using the R/R in the track record listed above you could win as little as 30% of the time and still make money! Hands down if your losing money in the forex market it is almost certainly because you have a poor R/R per trade. I strongly urge you to go back through your last 50-100 trades and determine your overall R/R ratio. How then does one increase their R/R properly?

High Risk/Reward Day Trading Strategies

At this point I’m sure you can see the value and importance of maintaining a high R/R in your trading. At the heart of the track record listed above is the forex bank trading strategies. The concept is really quite simple. When the banks enter a trade they do not do so to make a 5, 10, or even 20 pip profit. As we have discussed before because they enter positions over time it takes larger moves in order to exit those accumulated positions. Because of this when a trader has truly identified a high probability bank trading setup the market is usually in for at least a 90 pip move.

Trade setups such as the stop run reversal for example, often allow for -20 pip stop losses….thus a 2 to 1 R/R on these day trades is normally achievable. Additionally trading with the smart money trend generally gives high R/R setups. The key is understanding how the banks move the forex market and taking those high probability setups when at least a 2 to 1 R/R is probable. Doing so is the key to profits like those seen in above!

If you would like to join our community of traders and learn how to trade forex using our bank trading strategies & trade setups then please visit our forex trading course page.

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How to Report FOREX Profits & Losses

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Copyright y copia; Zacks Investigación de Inversiones

En el centro de todo lo que hacemos es un fuerte compromiso con la investigación independiente y compartir sus descubrimientos provechosos con los inversores. Esta dedicación a dar a los inversores una ventaja comercial llevó a la creación de nuestro probado Zacks Rank sistema de clasificación de valores. Desde 1986 casi triplicó el S & P 500 con una ganancia media de + 26% por año. Estos rendimientos cubren un período de 1986-2011 y fueron examinados y atestiguados por Baker Tilly, una firma de contabilidad independiente.

Visite el rendimiento para obtener información sobre los números de rendimiento mostrados anteriormente.

Los datos de NYSE y AMEX tienen al menos 20 minutos de retraso. Los datos de NASDAQ tienen al menos 15 minutos de retraso.


The big news from China was the added easing announced late Friday: PBOC cuts 1 year rate by 25bps and cuts RRR by 50bps Behind the scenes, the yuan is edging ever closer to reserve currency status, with China and the IMF working assiduously to include the currency in the fund’s Special Drawing Rights (SDR)

A note for the diary, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen will appear before the US Congress’ Joint Economic Committee on the morning of December 3. – She will likely address topics such as the inflation outlook, the labor market, monetary policy and whatever comes along that happens to be the fear du jour Of course, on Tuesday and Wednesday coming (October 27 and 28) the FOMC meets also. If you’re sick of hearing about the Federal Reserve, next week might be a good time for a holiday.

Some weekend trading psychology There’s nothing wrong with being right every time but it’s unrealistic. One of the pillars of successful trading is setting goals. If you’re thinking of doubling an account before Christmas, you’re setting yourself up for failure.

According to director of research Rolf Strauch cited in Euro magazine. European Stability Mechanism – IMF is also responsible for third Greek bailout Bloomberg reporting the comments which back up the stance from ESM boss Regling that I covered

Forex news from US trading on October 23, 2017: – Markit US Oct prelim manufacturing PMI 54.0 vs 52.7 expected – The strongest Northeastern Pacific hurricane on record is about to hit Mexico China delivered a surprise rate cut and markets are loving the sound of cheap money everywhere. Stocks surged, bonds sold off but the FX market wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.

Amancio Ortega worth almost $80 billion The man behind the clothing chain Zara briefly passed Bill Gates as the world’s richest man on Thursday. He would have went into the weekend on top but Microsoft delivered a blockbuster earnings report and shares rose 10% to keep him on top. Euro weakness also hurt Ortega.

All hail King Dollar The US economy isn’t great but the Fed isn’t on the cusp of cutting rates. Neither is the Bank of England but that doesn’t matter at the moment as the market chases dollars like a rabid dog.

Forex futures market speculative positions data from the CFTC commitments of traders report as of the close on 20 October 2017 – EUR short 63K vs. 81K short prior week EUR shorts are the smallest since the July 8, 2017 week. GBP net position is long for the first time since the Sept 9, 2017 week. JPY position is the smallest short position since October 16, 2012

Lower CPI/Higher USD help the pair today . Retail sales were not great yesterday. The BoC was more dovish on Wednesday. Add a stronger USD and the USDCAD is higher. PS oil is down too.

BOJ likely to push back expected timing for hitting its price target by several months - sources Reuters with the headlines More from Reuters: – The Bank of Japan will cut its growth and inflation outlook … will only slightly tweak its projections for next year, sources said, possibly tempering expectations that the central bank will soon ease monetary policy further –

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Forex AmeroBot – Rita Lasker Review

The latest onВ Forex AmeroBot a fresh new Forex robot that is coming from the Rita Lasker trading team. I will review the EA and the creator Rita Lasker to inform you of this system’s potential. The price for this system is TBA (expect around $70-100) and it is being sold on the Clickbank payment processor.

Tagline: This patriotic software is based on technology and innovation with a high win rate and no risk.

I believe thatВ Forex AmeroBotВ will be a reliable system. Rita Lasker’s team pumps out systems regularly which I do not prefer but the software is always reasonably priced and trades according to it’s strategy. There are people on both side of the fence when it comes to Rita but I don’t feel as if she is snake oil salesmen.


At this point there are no results forВ Forex AmeroBotВ to look at but I expect them to have some sort of screen shots that I can add as well as my own tests once it is released. This review is being written before release but it will be updated as more information surfaces. В The problem with this lack of Forex results thus far is that it В really cannot show a true image of the strategy itself and thus does not depict how the Forex product will actually perform. В This is not an insinuation aboutВ Forex AmeroBot on behalf of Forex Robot Nation but an astute observation of the market for Forex products itself. В

Here at Forex Robot Nation you will be able to find the best reviews onВ Forex AmeroBotВ from real Forex traders. Tenemos una comunidad fuerte que está totalmente involucrada en el proceso de nuestras revisiones de Forex, que incluyen una dedicación a las pruebas y la discusión. Nuestros usuarios y comerciantes expertos podrán ayudarle a ganar un montón de dinero mediante la utilización de sistemas de Forex y estrategias.

If you have any information aboutВ Forex AmeroBotВ that you would like to contribute to the conversation then you can leave your thoughts below. En general, los productos que obtienen la mayoría de los puestos son, obviamente, los más populares, pero tenga en cuenta que hay muchos productos que no tienen el bombo, pero sin duda tienen el beneficio.

Por favor, no dude en contactar con nosotros en cualquier momento con respecto a nuevas Forex Robots, asesores expertos y cualquier software de comercio que sienta que debemos reconocer, revisar y probar.

It is time for you to have your say onВ Forex AmeroBotВ so leave a comment below and tell the Forex Robot Nation community what you think! If you like it or you hate it we want to know everything aboutВ Forex AmeroBot.

Forex Money Management

>> Making Money Scalping Forex Just Got A Whole Lot Easier!

Forex money management strategies are the most basic, yet most critically important to get right because ultimately your long-term success as a trader relies not on how often you win, but rather how much you win when you are right verses how much you lose when you are wrong.

Even traders with a high forex probability expectation, or in other words a high win rate of say 70-80% can still lose money over all, if their forex losers are significantly larger than their winners. Forex traders who have stood the test of time and have become successful have at some point come to grips with the reality that losing is a part of trading and there are times when your forex losers are consecutive.

This is why using a forex stop loss and having a conservative forex stop loss strategy is so important. In addition to this it is also vitally important that you only risk a small percentage of your overall capital at any one time. 5% capital allocation is not too aggressive, nor conservative in terms of real risk and on a $5000 trading account means the maximum amount of capital risked at any point in time is just $250.

The next thing to consider when analysing trading opportunities is the forex risk reward ratio. A basic and commonly used benchmark in currency trading is a 1:2 forex risk reward ratio. The goal here is to win $2 for every $1 lost or in terms of pips to have a forex profit target or win of at least 200 pips for every 100 pips lost, while still only placing 5% of your total risk capital in the market at any one point in time.

This conservative approach to forex money management will give you a significant window of opportunity and (hopefully) allow you stay in the forex trading game long enough to become consistently profitable, even when faced with a string of losses, which under more aggressive strategies may well blow up your trading account!

Make 100K A Year Day Trading Gaps With A 70% Win Ratio System

Would you like to learn more about the power of gaps? If you have never traded gaps before this is an informative seminar on gaps. Learn how powerful trading gaps can be for day trading, and core trading for long term trend moves. Are you looking for a trading strategy that provides both longevity and consistency of profitability in the market? If so then this seminar is for you. The Golden Gap has over a 70% positive expectancy rate for short term trades, and over 90% for long term swing and core trades. The Golden Gap is one of the most specialized trading strategies in existence

If you want your money to work for you to achieve positive results then learn the power of trading gaps. Once you trade gaps, you will never go back!

Join us live on January 28th to learn in this lecture:

✩ Why do gaps work?

✩ Why do some gaps *NOT* work?

✩ How do you know which way to trade a gap?

✩ How do you know which gap to trade?

✩ How do you find the BEST gap each day to trade?

✩ How do you find the gap that will have the greatest momentum each day?

If YOU want the latest information on this lucrative method - trading GAPS - look no further, this session is for YOU!

About the Presenter

Melissa Armo founded The Stock Swoosh, LLC. in December of 2012. The Stock Swoosh, LLC. is an educational firm that empowers traders with a complete and detailed system to become profitable traders.

Melissa Armo graduated Magna Cum Laude from Gettysburg College with a BA in Philosophy and a Minor in Latin and Political Science in 1994. She was employed for several banks and brokers in Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona and New York as a mortgage broker for seventeen years. She changed careers from banking to pursue a security trading career in 2008. A self taught day trader with eight years of experience, Melissa's specialty is a trading strategy that focuses on shorting stocks that Gap. In her free time Melissa likes to work out, read, write, and dance. She loves NYC and James Bond movies.

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Forex Education: Why do Many Traders Lose Money?

Why Do Many Forex Traders Lose Money?

In our Traits of Successful Traders series, the DailyFX Research and Education teams go through a year’s worth of trades from actual clients and discusses the results along with surprising conclusions.

Strong growth in forex trading has brought a significant increase in the number of new traders, but the influx has been matched by a similar outflow of existing traders. ¿Por qué? This article discusses arguably the most important question of all – why do many forex traders lose money?

Why Does the Average Forex Trader Lose Money?

Many forex traders have significant experience trading in other markets, and their technical and fundamental analysis is often quite good. In fact, in almost all of the most popular currency pairs that FXCM clients trade, traders are correct more than 50% of the time.

The above chart shows the results of a data set of over 12 million real trades conducted by FXCM clients worldwide in 2009 and 2010. It shows the 15 most popular currency pairs that clients trade. The blue bar shows the percentage of trades that ended with a profit for the client. Red shows the percentage of trades that ended in loss. For example, in EUR/USD, the most popular currency pair, FXCM clients in the sample were profitable on 59% of their trades, and lost on 41% of their trades.

So if traders tend to be right more than half the time, why do most forex traders lose money.

The above chart says it all. In blue, it shows the average number of pips traders earned on profitable trades. In red, it shows the average number of pips lost in losing trades. We can now clearly see why traders lose money despite bring right more than half the time. They lose more money or their losing trades than they make on their winning trades.

Let’s use EUR/USD as an example. We know that EUR/USD trades were profitable 59% of the time, but trader losses on EUR/USD were an average of 127 pips while profits were only an average of 65 pips. While traders were correct more than half the time, they lost nearly twice as much on their losing trades as they won on winning trades losing money overall.

The track record for the often-volatile GBP/JPY pair was even worse. Traders were right an impressive 66% of the time in GBP/JPY – that’s twice as many successful trades as unsuccessful ones. However, traders overall lost money in GBP/JPY because they made an average of only 52 pips on winning trades, while losing more than twice that – an average 122 pips – on losing trades.

Cut Your Losses Early, Let Your Profits Run

Countless trading books advise traders to do this. When your trade goes against you, close it out. This is difficult to do because it is going against the great deal of work and research you performed to first enter the trade. Closing it out at a loss is admission that you were wrong —invalidating everything you did that went into that trade.

Worse than admitting you’re wrong, however, is letting a small loss balloon into a large one. This is exactly the mistake we watch time and time again: traders are too willing to hold onto a losing trade in the hopes that it will come back. And to be clear, a trade can come back and there will definitely be times that you will have avoided a loss by holding onto a small loser. But those large losses completely ruin the potential reward on your overall trading.

Conversely, when a trade is going well, do not be afraid to let it continue working. You may be able to gain more profits. After taking a series of losses or perhaps one especially large loss, it is natural for us to take profits on a trade due to fears that it can go against us. Taking profits also proves that we were right—the hard work that went into the trade was valid and it feels good. Yet letting losses run and cutting profits short is how many traders lose money.

How to Do It: Follow One Simple Rule

Avoiding the loss-making problem described above is pretty simple in theory, though it is admittedly difficult in practice. When trading, one rule is critical: always seek trades that offer larger potential rewards than losses. This is nothing groundbreaking, and almost every trading book will tell you the same thing.

Typically, this is called a “ reward/risk ratio ”. If your analysis shows that a trade will pay out 100 pips with a max risk of 100 pips, your reward/risk ratio is 1 to 1. If you risk losing 200 pips to make that same 100, then that same ratio is 1:2.

According to our data on real traders, the average reward/risk on EURUSD trades was 127 pips in average losses versus 65 pips in gains—approximately 1:2.Given that reward/risk, traders would have had to make profits on at least 66 percent of all trades to ultimately make money. Unfortunately the true win percentage was 57 percent and helps explain why most lost.

You should always use a minimum 1:1 ratio.

That way, if you are right only half the time, you will at least break even. Generally, with high probability trading strategies, such as range trading strategies, you will want to use a lower ratio, perhaps between 1:1 and 2:1. For lower probability trades, such as trend trading strategies, a higher reward/risk ratio is recommended, such as 2:1, 3:1, or even 4:1. Remember, the higher the reward/risk ratio you choose, the less often you need to be right in order to make money trading.

Stick to Your Plan: Use Stops and Limits

Once you have a trading plan that uses a proper reward/risk ratio, the next challenge is to stick to the plan. Remember, it is natural for us to want to hold on to losses and take profits early, but it makes for bad trading. We must overcome this natural tendency and remove our emotions from trading.

The best way to do this is to set up your trade with Stop-Loss and Limit orders from the beginning.

This will allow you to use the proper reward/risk ratio (1:1 or higher) from the outset, and to stick to it. Once you set them, don’t touch them (One exception: you can move your stop in your favor to lock in profits as the market moves in your favor).

Managing your risk in this way is a part of what many traders call “money management”. Many of the most successful forex traders are right about the market’s direction less than half the time. Since they practice good money management, they cut their losses quickly and let their profits run, so they are still profitable in their overall trading.

Does This Rule Really Work?

Absolutamente. There is a reason why so many traders advocate it. You can readily see the difference in the chart below.

The 2 lines in the chart above show the hypothetical returns from a basic RSI trading strategy on USD/CHF using a 60 minute chart. This system was developed to mimic the strategy followed by a very large number of FXCM clients, who tend to be range traders. The blue line shows the “raw” returns, if we run the system without any stops or limits. The red line shows the results if we use stops and limits. The improved results are plain to see.

Our “raw” system follows FXCM clients in another way – it has a high win percentage, but still loses more money on losing trades than it gains on winning ones. The “raw” system’s trades are profitable an impressive 65% of the time during the test period, but it lost an average $200 on losing trades, while only making an average $121 on winning trades.

For our Stop and Limit settings in this model, we set the stop to a constant 115 pips, and the limit to 120 pips, giving us a reward/risk ratio of slightly higher than 1:1. Since this is an RSI Range Trading Strategy, a lower reward/risk ratio gave us better results, because it is a high-probability strategy. 56% of trades in the system were profitable.

In comparing these two results, you can see that not only are the overall results better with the stops and limits, but positive results a re more consistent. Drawdowns tend to be smaller, and the equity curve a bit smoother.

Also, in general, a reward/risk of 1-to-1 or higher was more profitable than one that was lower. The next chart shows a simulation for setting a stop to 110 pips on every trade. The system had the best overall profits above 1:1. In the chart below, the left axis shows you the overall return generated over time by the system. The bottom axis shows the reward/risk ratios. You can see the steep rise right at the 1:1 level. At higher reward/risk levels, the results are broadly similar to the 1:1 level.

Again, we note that our model strategy in this case is a high probability range trading strategy, so a low reward/risk ratio is likely to work well. With a trending strategy, we would expect better results at a higher reward/risk. as trends can continue in your favor for far longer than a range-bound price move.

Game Plan: What Strategy Should I Use?

Trade forex with stops and limits set to a reward/risk ratio of 1:1 or higher

Whenever you place a trade, make sure that you use a stop-loss order. Always make sure that your profit target is at least as far away from your entry price as your stop-loss is. You can certainly set your price target higher, and probably should aim for 2:1 or more when trend trading. Then you can choose the market direction correctly only half the time and still make money in your account.

The actual distance you place your stops and limits will depend on the conditions in the market at the time, such as volatility, currency pair, and where you see support and resistance. You can apply the same reward/risk ratio to any trade. If you have a stop level 40 pips away from entry, you should have a profit target 40 pips or more away. If you have a stop level 500 pips away, your profit target should be at least 500 pips away.

DailyFX Resources for Successful Money Management

For our models in this article, we simulated a “typical trader” using one of the most common and simple intraday range trading strategies there is, following RSI on a 15 minute chart.

Entry Rule: When the 14-period RSI crosses above 30, buy at market on the open of the next bar. When RSI crosses below 70, sell at market on the open of the next bar.

Exit Rule: Strategy will exit a trade and flip direction when the opposite signal is triggered.

When adding in the stops and limits, the strategy can close out a trade before a stop or limit is hit, if the RSI indicates that a position should be closed or flipped. When a Stop or Limit order is triggered, the position is closed and the system waits to open its next position according to the Entry Rule.

The Traits of Successful Traders

This article is a part of our Traits of Successful Traders series.

The DailyFX Research and Education team has been closely studying the trading trends of FXCM clients, utilizing the trade data at FXCM. We have gone through an enormous number of statistics and anonymous trading records in order to answer one question: “What separates successful traders from unsuccessful traders?”. We have been using this unique resource to distill some of the “best practices” that successful traders follow, such as the best time of day, appropriate use of leverage, the best currency pairs, and more. You can learn more about the project and see further research at the Traits of Successful Traders webpage.

DailyFX proporciona noticias forex y análisis técnico sobre las tendencias que influyen en los mercados de divisas globales. Aprenda el comercio de divisas con una cuenta de práctica libre y gráficos comerciales de FXCM.

Win/Loss Ratio

BREAKING DOWN 'Win/Loss Ratio'

For example, if you made 30 trades and of them 12 were winners 18 were losers, your win/loss ratio would be 2:3. Your probability of success would be 40%.

The win/loss ratio is used in calculating the risk/reward ratio. It is not very useful on its own because it does not take into account the monetary value won or lost in each trade. For example, a win/loss ratio of 2:1, means the trader has twice as many winning trades than losing. Sounds good, but if the losing trades have dollar losses three-times as large as the dollar gains of the winning trades, the trader has a losing strategy.

The Sharpe Ratio is a measure for calculating risk-adjusted return.

An analytical method consisting of what amounts to a series of.

The act of placing buy/sell orders for financial securities and/or.

A type of security that signifies ownership in a corporation.

A basic economic concept that involves multiple parties participating.

Executing a security transaction that is the exact opposite of.

Bonds & Fixed Income

This simple ratio will tell you how much that extra return is really worth.

Trading Systems & Software

Acquaint yourself with an indicator that played a role in the early development of technical analysis.

Adopting realistic expectations is essential to staying in the trading game.

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Not sure how to determine your equity allocations? Read about a system that can help.

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The requirements for an entity to be considered a public limited company (PLC) include registration requirements, establishing. Leer respuesta completa >>

It is easy to get started buying and selling stocks, especially with the advancements in online trading since the turn of. Leer respuesta completa >>

La tasa de rendimiento de una propiedad de inversión de bienes raíces sobre la base de los ingresos que la propiedad se espera que genere.

Una relación de deuda y rentabilidad utilizada para determinar la facilidad con que una empresa puede pagar intereses sobre la deuda pendiente.

Una cuenta que se puede encontrar en la parte de activos del balance de una empresa. La buena voluntad a menudo puede surgir cuando una empresa.

Un fondo de índice es un tipo de fondo mutuo con una cartera construida para igualar o rastrear los componentes de un índice de mercado, tales.

Un contrato de derivados mediante el cual dos partes intercambian instrumentos financieros. Estos instrumentos pueden ser casi cualquier cosa.

Amongst the hundreds of trading books available the subject of money management is hardly ever discussed, the predominant content of trading books usually consists of strategies, patterns, formulas..This pattern of content is repeated on forex trading forums. Look closely at the visitor numbers on the sub forum categories and you'll quickly discover that the main focus is on strategies and techniques, the money management sub forums have virtual tumble-weed blowing through them. However, as part of a trader's effective money management and discipline an understanding of expectancy is crucial.

Expectancy is the average amount you can expect to win (or lose) per unit of currency at risk. Here’s the formula for expectancy:

Expectancy = (Probability of Win * Average Win) – (Probability of Loss * Average Loss)

We will use Euros in the examples we choose to demonstrate what expectancy is and how getting it 'right' can aid your profitability. But first here's two respected authors and economists thoughts on expectancy;

Your trading system should have a positive expectancy and you should understand what that means. The natural bias that most people have is to go for high probability systems with high reliability. We all are given this bias that you need to be right. We’re taught at school that 94 percent or better is an A and 70 or below is failure. Nothing below 70 is acceptable. Everyone is looking for high reliability entry systems, but its expectancy that is the key. And the real key to expectancy is how you get out of the markets not how you get in. How you take profits and how you get out of a bad position to protect your assets. The expectancy is really the amount you’ll make on the average per dollar risked. If you have a methodology that makes you 50 cents or better per dollar risked, that’s superb. Most people don’t. That means if you risk $1,000 that you’ll make on the average $500 for every trade – that’s averaging winners and losers together.

In some strategies and life situations, it is said, one gambles dollars to win a succession of pennies. In others one risks a succession of pennies to win dollars. While one would think that the second category would be more appealing to investors and economic agents, we have an overwhelming evidence of the popularity of the first.

Win percentage 6%

Win rate 60%

Loss percentage 4%

Loss rate 40%

The expectancy is therefore 2.0% per trade, or (6% x 60%) – (4% x 40%).

Therefore, on an average trade, 2% of the money traded is profit. Now, on first inspection that may not read like a decent return. If your average trade is €10,000 then 2% is €200 profit per trade. However, if you have 300 trades per year, then you have a €60,000 profit per year with an average trade of only €10,000. This does not even include any profits if you decide to compound each trade.

When experimenting with the 'expectancy formula', traders quickly come to realise that no single set of 'numbers' gives a positive expectancy, but there are an infinite number of sets therefore (in theory) there exists an infinite number of trading systems that could be profitable. That last sentence is hard for many traders (novice and experienced) to grasp as it tears at one the fabrics of trading – systemic/mechanical trading. The expectancy model is suggesting that even random systems can be profitable if the money management is sound. The expectancy model can also impact on another trading belief; it is possible to develop systems using expectancy and position size (overall risk) as the underpinning foundations where the stop loss is larger than the profit target. The stop loss could in fact be viewed as being redundant, if your profit expectancy is positive.

We could use relative extremes, placing a 20% stop loss and a 5% profit target and come out with 2% expectancy if the win rate is high enough. An 88% win rate in this example would yield 2.0%, the result of (5% x 88%) – (20% x 12%). You could experience positive expectancy with very low win rates.

One of the more famous expectancy numbers originates from the CAN SLIM system. CAN SLIM refers to the seven-pronged mnemonic publicised by the American newspaper Investor's Business Daily, which claims to be a checklist of the characteristics performing stocks tend to share before their biggest gains. It was developed by Investor's Business Daily editor William O'Neil who has reportedly made several hundreds of millions of dollars by consistently using its approach.

The seven parts of the mnemonic are as follows:

C stands for Current earnings. Per share, current earnings should be up to 25%. Additionally, if earnings are accelerating in recent quarters, this is a positive prognostic sign.

A stands for Annual earnings, which should be up 25% or more in each of the last three years. Annual returns on equity should be 17% or more

N stands for New product or service, which refers to the idea that a company should have a new basic idea that fuels the earnings growth seen in the first two parts of the mnemonic. This product is what allows the stock to emerge from a proper chart pattern of its past earnings to allow it to continue to grow and achieve a new high for pricing. A notable example of this is Apple Computer's iPod.

S stands for Supply and demand. An index of a stock's demand can be seen by the trading volume of the stock, particularly during price increases.

L stands for Leader or laggard? O'Neil suggests buying "the leading stock in a leading industry". This somewhat qualitative measurement can be more objectively measured by the Relative Price Strength Rating (RPSR) of the stock, an index designed to measure the price of stock over the past 12 months in comparison to the rest of the market based on the S&P 500 or the TSE 300 over a set period of time.

I stands for Institutional sponsorship, which refers to the ownership of the stock by mutual funds, particularly in recent quarters. A quantitative measure here is the Accumulation/Distribution Rating, which is a gauge of mutual fund activity in a particular stock.

M stands for Market indexes, particularly the Dow Jones, S&P 500, and NASDAQ. During the time of investment, O'Neil prefers investing during times of definite uptrends of these three indices, as three out of four stocks tend to follow the general market pattern.

If we use O'Neil's stop and target numbers of 8% and 20% and his published win rate of 30%, the expectancy can be calculated to be: (20% x 30%) – (8% x 70%) or +0.4%. Over a period of time each of his trades has an expectancy of 0.4%. Whilst on the face of it a 0.4% ROI appears to be a modest return per trade if 100% confidence exists in this method then the profit potential is massive.

Expectancy must be positive if you want to make a profit over time. Never use a system with a zero or negative expectancy, you cannot win. You will not make a great deal of money unless you have a lot of opportunities to trade, whilst O'Neil's CAN SLIM may be limiting, given it's more stock related than forex, there are no such limitations on forex pairs. Knowing how to create a method, (at least on paper), with a positive expectancy is one issue, but if we develop a system with 8% expectancy and the system only yielded one trade per year, it would not be tradable. If we had a method that yielded 0.2% per trade and that system generated 1,000 trades per year 1,000 times 0.2% would become very serious money in a very short space of time.

Forex Trading News - Fomc Rate

In an earlier article, I wrote about the trading professional system to realize from the forex market. Another nice and dependable forex trading software is that the trading robot called FAP Turbo that is in high demand within the market and continuously delivering satisfying result to the users and therefore, price a look within.

What makes a forex trading software sensible and attractive? Well, undoubtedly the performance. Fap Turbo performance results show that in the past several years, the software has managed to earn in regarding 90 to 95percent cases. Considering the volatility of the forex market, anything higher than 70% earning rate ought to be thought of as outstanding. And what is the failure rate? It's been seen that the software has caused capital loss in less that .5p. c over the same period. It means that in 90 to 95 cases it's earned for the user, in about 4.5 to 9.5p. c cases it performed in no loss no gain situation and in only about .5p. c cases, it's really caused capital loss. Such performance can not be expressed in any term as outstanding, spectacular, excellent etc. adjectives fall short to describe it.

Fap Turbo utilizes advance algorithms to perform trades which don't require any type of external input. Once the software is installed, the user is at all not needed to be gift either to watch or to convey any command to it. All the trading is performed automatically by the software itself. It is like putting your money during a bank or trust knowing absolutely well that you will receive your interest or dividend cheques for positive.

It even includes a demo account facility where you'll be able to familiarize yourself about the trading and after you're well accustomed to the demo account, you'll venture into the live market.

If you are planning to travel for a forex trading software, why not try Fap Turbo? With the performance rate it displayed, you can worry less and smile happily for your decision.


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The Myth Of Profit/Loss Ratios

When trading the forex market or other markets, we are often told of a common money management strategy that requires that the average profit be more than the average loss per trade. It's easy to assume that such common advice must be true. However, if we take a deeper look at the relationship between profit and loss, it is clear that the "old," commonly held ideas may need to be adjusted.

Tutorial: The Ultimate Guide To Forex Profit/Loss Ratio A profit/loss ratio refers to the size of the average profit compared to the size of the average loss per trade. For example, if your expected profit is $900 and your expected loss is $300 for a particular trade, your profit/loss ratio is 3:1 - which is $900 divided by $300.

Many trading books and "gurus" advocate a profit/loss ratio of at least 2:1 or 3:1, which means that for every $200 or $300 you make per trade, your potential loss should be capped at $100. (For related reading, see Limiting Losses .)

At first glance, most people would agree with this recommendation. After all, shouldn't any potential loss be kept as small as possible and any potential profit be as large as possible? The answer is, not always. In fact, this common piece of advice can be misleading, and can cause harm to your trading account.

The blanket advice of having a profit/loss ratio of at least 2:1 or 3:1 per trade is over-simplistic because it does not take into account the practical realities of the forex market (or any other markets), the individual's trading style and the individual's average profitability per trade (APPT) factor, which is also referred to as statistical expectancy.

The Importance of Average Profitability Per Trade Average profitability per trade (APPT) basically refers to the average amount you can expect to win or lose per trade. Most people are so focused on either balancing their profit/loss ratios or on the accuracy of their trading approach that they are unaware that a bigger picture exists: Your trading performance depends largely on your APPT.

This is the formula for average profitability per trade:

Average Profitability Per Trade = (Probability of Win x Average Win) - (Probability of Loss x Average Loss)

Let's explore the APPT of the following hypothetical scenarios:

Scenario A: Let's say that out of 10 trades you place, you profit on three of them and you realize a loss on seven. Your probability of a win is therefor 30%, or 0.3, while your probability of loss is 70%, or 0.7. Your average winning trade makes $600 and your average loss is $300.

In this scenario, the APPT is:

As you can see, the APPT is a negative number, which means that for every trade you place, you are likely to lose $30. That's a losing proposition!

Even though the profit/loss ratio is 2:1, this trading approach produces winning trades only 30% of the time, which negates the supposed benefit of having a 2:1 profit/loss ratio. (For related reading, see The Importance Of A Profit/Loss Plan .)

Scenario B: Now let's explore the APPT of a trading approach that has a profit/loss ratio of 1:3, but has more winning trades than losing ones. Let's say out of the 10 trades you place, you make profit on eight of them, and you realize a loss on two trades.

Here is the APPT:

In this case, even though this trading approach has a profit/loss ratio of 1:3, the APPT is positive, which means you can be profitable over time.

Many Ways of Becoming Profitable When trading the forex market, there is no one-size-fits-all money management or trading approach. Traditional advice, such as making sure your profit is more than your loss per absolute trade, does not have much substantial value in the real trading world unless you have a high probability of realizing a winning trade. What matters is that your APPT comes up positive and that your overall profits are more than your overall losses.

For more forex money management tips, see Money Management Matters .

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You could use time segmented volume (TSV) to build a forex trading strategy, which allows you to compare volume data to determine. Leer respuesta completa >>

Closing a long position in forex trading depends on whether you are using a broker operating under U. S. trading regulations. En. Leer respuesta completa >>

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What Is The Best Forex Robot?

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Binary options are a new way to trade the market volatility. You simply have to bet whether the market price will be above or below a certain strike rate in order to make returns like 181% per hour. Once you enter the trade, you don’t need to monitor it. It is set and forget. Either it will end up in the money or it will end up out of money. No need to worry about the stop loss or the take profit like in forex trading. Your risk is already calculated once you enter the trade and is equal to your investment.

But in order to have a high win rate you need to do technical analysis in order to determine at what strike rate you should buy the put or the call. There are now a number of good binary options signal services that can help you avoid spending hour doing the complicated technical analysis. In this article, we will discuss a simple trading plan that can help you turn your $300 into $50K trading not more than 10 minutes a day.

First do a little research and find a binary options signal service that has a win rate like 60-70%. Suppose you find a binary options signals service that has a win rate of 60%. What this means is that out of every 10 trades, you will win 6 and lose 4. Lets discuss the money management system that can help us turn $300 into $50K in 5 months!

Suppose, the binary options signals service gives 20 signals in one month and the return on each trade is 181%. What this means is that you will be trading only once a day that will not take more than 10 minutes of your time. Suppose, you start with a deposit of only $300. Divide your deposit into ten trades of $30. On average you will win 6 and lose 4 if the win rate is 60%.

Making a $30 trade means making $54.3 in case you win. At the end of ten trades, your net profit should be on average $205 and your equity will be $505. Now increase the trade size to $50 and make the next 10 trades with this trade size. You now will make $90.5 per trade and your net profit for 10 trades will be $343. So after 20 trades at the end of the month, your equity will be $848.

In the second month, for the first 10 trades increase the trade size to $90. Each trade will make you $162. In 10 trades your net profit will be $612. Your equity will now become $1460. Increase the trade size to $150 now for the next 10 trades. You make now $271 per trade and your net profit for the next 10 trades will be $1029. So by the end of the second month, your equity will become $2489.

In the third month, increase the trade size to $250 for the first ten trades of the month. Your return per trade will now be $452. Your net profit for 10 trades will be $1712 and your equity will now become $4201. Now, again increase the trade size to $400 for the next 10 trades. By the end of the third month your equity will grow to $6945.

In the fourth month, increase the trade size to $700 for the first 10 trades. Your return per trade will now become $1267. Your equity after these 10 trades will become to $11,747. Now again increase the trade size to $1000 for the next 10 trades. Your equity will be now $18607.

In the fifth month, for the first ten trades increase the trade size to $2K. Your return per trade will now become $3620. Your net profit for 10 trades will be now $13,720 and your equity will grow to $32,327. Once again now increase the trade size to $3K. Your net profit at the end of the month will be $20,580 and your equity will now be $52,907.

In nutshell in this money management system increase the trade size after every ten trades. You can try variations to this simple formula as well. The beauty of this money management system is that even if the win rate somehow comes down to 40%, you still make profit and not lose your money. If you increase the number of trades to 30-50 per month with a win rate like 70%, do the maths you will make a lot more if you follow the above steps.

Try these FREE Binary Options Signals that has a monthly win rate of 73% and are FREE. Take a look at these Binary Options PRO Signals that have a monthly win win rate of 72.5%!


USD/CAD: review and forecast

Current trend This week, the USD/CAD pair has been falling like it did in the previous month. At present, the price remains near the level of the beginning of December 2017. Today, series of macroeconomic publications are due both in the US and Canada. At 3:30 pm (GMT+2) attention needs to be paid to statistics on US labour market, including data on unemployment rate. It is hard to predict what impact these releases will have on the American currency. At the same time, analysts’ forecasts for Canada’s data are generally negative.

Support and resistance According to technical indicators, the pair tends to continue moving down. The price remains between the middle and the lower MAs of Bollinger Bands. Support levels: 1.3300, 1.3060, 1.2860. Resistance levels: 1.3540, 1.3700, 1.3900, 1.4070.

Trading tips Short positions can be opened after the price breaks down the level of 1.3300 with the target at 1.3060. Long positions can be opened above the level of 1.3540 with the target at 1.3700.

Mar 7, 2017, 11:01am

Joined Nov 2017

USD/JPY: pair trades flat

Current trend The USD/JPY pair ended the previous trading week near the opening levels. On Friday, the Yen was growing moderately during the morning session supported by the statements of BoJ Governor Haruhiko Kuroda that the central bank is not considering any further cuts in interest rates. More support for the currency came from favorable data on labour cash earning which were up by 0.4% in January after the previous 0.2% growth. Then, the pair gained back its losses amid US macroeconomic data but did not manage to strengthen further, as the US Dollar came under pressure due to a fall in the indicators of average hourly earnings and average weekly hours.

Support and resistance Bollinger Bands indicator on the daily chart is directed horizontally while the price range is trying to remain within the current borders. MACD is slowing down its growth but is still keeping a relatively strong buy signal. Stochastic has left the overbought zone and moving up-and-down. The indicators recommend waiting for clearer trading signals. Support levels: 113.50, 113.00, 112.50, 112.00, 110.97 (11 February low). Resistance levels: 113.85, 114.54 (2 March high), 115.00, 115.56, 116.00 (8 February level), 116.50, 117.00.

Trading tips Long positions can be opened after the price breaks out and consolidates above the level of 113.85 with targets at 115.00, 115.60 and stop-loss at 113.00. Validity – 2-3 days. Short positions can be opened if the price breaks down the level of 113.00 with targets at 112.00, 111.50, 111.00 and stop-loss at 113.70. Validity – 2-4 days.

Mar 9, 2017, 9:52am

Joined Nov 2017

USD/CAD: review and forecast

Current trend Yesterday the pair significantly grew amid some decline in oil prices and the strengthening US Dollar. Today extra attention needs to be paid to the Bank of Canada Interest Rate Decision and the regulator’s Rate Statement. According to forecasts, the rate will remain unchanged at the current 0.5%. High volatility is expected on the market during the news releases.

Support and resistance The pair is trading near the strong resistance level at 1.3470 that the price has tested three times since the beginning of the month. The likeliest scenario seems a price rebound from the level of 1.3470 that coincides with the upper MA of Bollinger Bands on the 4-hour chart, and its further fall towards the middle MA of the indicator at the level of 1.3364. Support levels: 1.3364, 1.3260. Resistance levels: 1.3470, 1.3585.

Trading tips Pending sell orders can be placed at the level of 1.3470 with the target at 1.3364 and stop-loss at 1.3495. Pending buy orders can be placed at the level of 1.3495 with the target at 1.3585 and stop-loss at 1.3470.

Mar 11, 2017, 11:04am

Joined Nov 2017

EUR/USD: general review

Current trend Yesterday the pair showed a volatile trade amid the monetary policy ECB meeting. As soon as the decision to cut the refinance rate to zero and the deposit rate to -0.4% was made, the pair significantly fell. However, later comments by Mario Draghi that in the near future more monetary policy easing in unlikely sent the pair in the opposite direction. At the same time, pair’s growth was limited by strong data on Initial Jobless Claims form the US that fell to 259 thousands that was better than forecasts. Today attention needs to be paid to data on Imports and Exports from the US.

Support and resistance On the 4-hour chart, the price broke out the upper MA of Bollinger Bands suggesting a downward correction possibility towards the level of 1.1038. MACD histogram is in the positive zone but its volumes are falling indicating a correction possibility as well. Support levels: 1.1158, 1.1038, 1.1000, 1.0990. Resistance levels: 1.1217, 1.1250, 1.1286.

Trading tips Short positions can be opened after the breakdown and consolidation below the level of 1.1100 with targets at 1.1038, 1.0990 and stop-loss at 1.1125. Long positions can be opened after the breakout and consolidation above the level of 1.1217 with targets at 1.1250, 1.1286 and stop-loss at 1.1242.

Mar 14, 2017, 11:15am

Joined Nov 2017

USD/JPY: pair shows flat

In the end of last week, the pair significantly grew amid the publication of strong data in the US and the ECB decision to expand its QE program. At the same time, the Yen remains under pressure prior to the Bank of Japan meeting on monetary policy that is due tomorrow. Investors worry that the regulator can apply fresh measures aimed at limiting growth in the Yen and stimulating inflation growth. In addition, tomorrow attention needs to be paid to data on Industrial Production in Japan.

Support and resistance

Bollinger Bands on the daily chart is moving up while the price range significantly narrowed. MACD is growing and giving a quite strong buy signal. Stochastic is growing as well and approaching the overbought zone. The indicators recommend waiting for clearer trading signals. Support levels: 113.50 (local low), 113.00, 112.50 (9 and 10 March lows), 112.00, 110.97 (11 February low). Resistance levels: 114.00 (local high), 114.54 (2 March high), 115.00, 115.56, 116.00, 116.50, 117.00.

Long positions can be opened after the breakout of the level of 114.00 (with the appropriate indicators signals) with targets at 115.00, 115.56 and stop-loss at 113.50. Validity – 2-4 days. Short positions can be opened after the price rebound from the level of 114.00 with targets at 113.00, 112.50 and stop-loss at 114.60. Validity – 2-4 days.

Mar 15, 2017, 12:29pm

Joined Nov 2017

AUD/JPY: pair is falling

Current trend Since the beginning of the week, the pair is showing a significant decline. The pair was substantially pressured by the Bank of Japan statement. As was expected, the regulator left monetary policy unchanged. However, in its Monetary Policy Statement it noted that prospects for the world economy growth remain gloom. In addition, according to today’s RBA Meeting Minutes, the Australian GDP continues growing but labour market conditions are still poor. In particular, wages growth remain low.

Support and resistance Bollinger Bands on the daily chart is moving up while the price range is narrowing. MACD turned down and formed a sell signal. Stochastic is near the overbought zone. The indicators recommend considering correctional sales. Support levels: 85.00 (local low), 84.46, 83.69 (10 March low), 83.00, 82.41, 82.06. Resistance levels: 85.69 (local high), 86.00, 86.39 (local high), 87.00, 87.30 (4 January high), 88.00, 88.60.

Trading tips Short positions can be opened from current prices with targets at 83.00, 82.00 and stop-loss at 85.00. Validity – 2-4 days. Long positions can be opened above the level of 85.00 (with the appropriate indicators signals) with targets at 86.39, 87.00 and stop-loss at 84.00. Validity – 2-3 days.

Mar 16, 2017, 1:18pm

Joined Nov 2017

GBP/USD: analysis and forecast

Since the beginning of the week, the GBP/US D pair has been trading down. Having reached its month high at 1.4435, the price turned down and lost more than 250 points.

Today, market volatility remains low. The Bank of England announces its interest rate decision tomorrow. As for today, market participants are waiting for the Fed’s interest rate decision. The regulator is expected to keep interest rates unchanged at 0.5%. Moreover, attention needs to be paid to data on inflation and industrial production, due in the US today as well.

Support and resistance On the 4-hour chart, the price range of Bollinger Bands is widening. MACD histogram is in the negative zone; its volumes are growing. Support levels: 1.4105, 1.4043, 1.3990. Resistance levels: 1.4159, 1.4197, 1.4240, 1.4284.

Trading tips Short positions can be opened after the price breaks down and consolidates below the level of 1.4105 with targets at 1.4043, 1.3990 and stop-loss at 1.4130.

Long positions can be opened after the price consolidates above the level of 1.4197 with targets at 1.4284, 1.4346 and stop-loss at 1.4166.

Mar 17, 2017, 9:46am

Joined Nov 2017

USD/CAD: pair is falling

Current trend Yesterday the pair significantly declined after the US Fed made its Interest Rate Decision. As was expected, the rate remained unchanged at the current 0.5% but the regulator lowered its own forecasts of the pace of further monetary policy tightening. In addition, the regulator acknowledged the existence of substantial risks for the growth of the US and world economies. Tomorrow attention needs to be paid to the speeches by Fed officials and to data on inflation in Canada.

Support and resistance Bollinger Bands on the daily chart is moving down while the price range is widening, but the price currently remains outside of its borders. MACD turned down and formed a sell signal. Stochastic is near the oversold zone. The indicators recommend waiting for clearer trading signals. Support levels: 1.3100 (local low), 1.3037 (3 November 2017 low), 1.3000 (psychologically important level), 1.2951, 1.2900. Resistance levels: 1.3164 (local high), 1.3224, 1.3265, 1.3300 (psychologically important level), 1.3370, 1.3404 (local high), 1.3457, 1.3500, 1.3586 (29 February high), 1.3650.

Trading tips Long positions can be opened after the price rebound from the level of 1.3100 (with the appropriate indicators signals) with targets at 1.3200, 1.3265 and stop-loss at 1.3030. Validity – 2-3 days. Short positions can be opened after the price consolidates below the level of 1.3100 with the target at 1.3000 and stop-loss at 1.3165. Validity – 2-3 days.

Joined Nov 2017

USD/CAD: general review

Yesterday the pair continued falling amid weakness of the US Dollar and the publication of mixed macroeconomic data in the US. The Current Account deficit amounted to 125.3 billion, while economists predicted it at 118.9 billion USD. At the same time, the number of Initial Jobless Claims grew to 265 thousands that was yet better than forecasts. Today attention needs to be paid to data on the Bank of Canada Consumer Price Index Core. According to forecast, the index will grow that might add to pressure on the pair.

Support and resistance On the 4-hour chart, the pair is falling along the lower MA of Bollinger Bands. MACD histogram is in the negative zone and its volumes are growing. Stochastic is near the oversold zone. Support levels: 1.2965, 1.2940. Resistance levels: 1.3030, 1.3100, 1.3165, 1.3210, 1.3265, 1.3300, 1.3340, 1.3365, 1.3400, 1.3465, 1.3530.

Trading tips Short positions can be opened from the level of 1.2965 with targets at 1.2940, 1.2900 and stop-loss at 1.2990. Validity – 1-3 days. Long positions can be opened from the level of 1.3030 with the target at 1.3100 and stop-loss at 1.3000. Validity – 1-3 days.

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Forex Trading Times

In an earlier article, I wrote regarding the trading pro system to gain from the forex market. Another nice and dependable forex trading software is that the trading robot referred to as FAP Turbo that's in high demand within the market and continuously delivering satisfying result to the users and therefore, worth a look inside.

What makes a forex trading software smart and engaging? Well, positively the performance. Fap Turbo performance results show that in the past several years, the software has managed to earn in regarding 90 to 95percent cases. Considering the volatility of the forex market, something on top of 70% earning rate should be thought of as outstanding. And what's the failure rate? It's been seen that the software has caused capital loss in less that .5p. c over the same amount. It means that in 90 to 95 cases it's earned for the user, in concerning 4.5 to 9.5% cases it performed in no loss no gain situation and in only about .5percent cases, it's truly caused capital loss. Such performance can not be expressed in any term as outstanding, spectacular, very good etc. adjectives fall short to explain it.

Fap Turbo utilizes advance algorithms to perform trades that don't require any type of external input. Once the software is put in, the user is at all not required to be gift either to observe or to give any command to it. All the trading is performed automatically by the software itself. It is like putting your cash during a bank or trust knowing fully well that you may receive your interest or dividend cheques for positive.

It even encompasses a demo account facility where you'll familiarize yourself regarding the trading and when you're well conversant in the demo account, you'll be able to venture into the live market.

If you're designing to go for a forex trading software, why not strive Fap Turbo? With the performance rate it displayed, you'll worry less and smile happily for your decision.

Choosing a Forex Signal Provider - A Look at Win Percentage

It would seem that the closer a trader is to 100% winning trades, the better trader they are. On the flip side it would seem that the closer they are to 0%, the worse they are. While it is certainly true that you would like to win the most trades possible, there is more to it than that. I would argue that a 95% win rate is infinitely worse than a 65% win rate. Hopefully this article will help to tell you why.

First we'll take a look at traders with a low win rate. We will classify 0% to

40% as low. If a trader fits into this range, then the closer they are to zero probably means the worse they are. Most traders in this lower range are losing traders. You will occasionally find a trader who attempts to catch very large moves with very tight stops. This type of trader may have an extremely low win % and still be a very successful trader.

The next range is from

70%. This is the range most winning traders will be in. The reason these traders win is not because they pick a ton of winning trades and rarely have a loser. They may in fact have more losing trades than winning trades. The reason they are able to win is that they properly manage their trades once they are open. They use reasonable stops that will often be executed. This obviously results in a losing trade, but a small loser. These small losers are only a fraction of the size of their winning trades. These are most often the traders that have the ability to cut their losses but let their winners run. This seems like a simple concept, but very few traders have the discipline to actually do it.

The last group are those with a very high win % (above 70%). It seems the closer to 100% these traders get, the more people want to trade their signals. Unfortunately the opposite is probably the correct play. These traders win an incredibly high amount of the time because they often take profit off of the table as soon as it appears. This strategy is fine if you also plan to cut losses in that manner. But traders with 95% win rates and above do not have this strategy in mind. Rather than accepting a small loss and moving on with their day, they will let a loser run indefinitely and even add to that position in many cases. This eventually wipes out months or more of winning trades all at once and in the end has no chance of success. One 500 pip loser wipes out 500 one pip winners. Keep in mind that this trader would have well over 99% winning trades and still be an over all loser.

The point of this article is not to say that no one outside of the predetermined range can possibly be a winning trader. Surely many people can and do win with a win % outside of my range. I just want to warn you that if someone has a 95% win rate you should stand aside and hope not to get hit by any debris when they eventually implode.

Sobre el Autor

To learn more about Automated Forex Trading visit Automated Forex Trading Systems .


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Advanced Super Triangle Band EA is fully automated MT4 Expert Advisor .

This EA is work in 24 hour. Try to open trade one good position and make many pips profit and close trade. this Ea flow market trend open trade and close trade time. using H4 time frame. We have chosen the right strategy combination that provides maximum profits for each pair. Because each currency pair has its own particularities, the strategies were optimized per currency and direction.

There are different TP/SL. The range of TP is between 100 to 150 pips and for SL is between 200-300 pips.

Advanced Super Triangle Band EA product is really revolutionary in terms of getting huge profits in today's turbulent market conditions. Advanced Super Triangle Band EA. robot based on of historical analysis of currencies evolution stands for the most popular Super Triangle Band EA. robot in the world. I hope that.

Advanced Super Triangle Band EA features represent the newest approach of trading Forex currencies. It is very simple to install, running in profit on all kind of brokers (4 digits as well as 5 digits brokers, ( ECN/STP brokers )

Being designed to earn many pips daily, this robot will be unstoppable and will bring you the most expected financial satisfaction.

Compatibility: Only MT4

Monthly Profit: 30% -50 %

One license is only for one live account

Q3 2017 Forex Blog Review

Posted 5 months ago | 10:58 AM | 29 October 2017 4 Comments

The third quarter was choppy for the currency crosses, but I was able to snag more winning trades than losers. See how it all went down in this quick review of my Q3 forex trading.

Basic Forex Trading Stats

Total Number of Trades Ideas: 10

Wins: 7 Losses: 3 Breakeven/No Trade: 2 Win % (winning trades / triggered trades): 70% Average Risk per Trade: 0.45% Average Winning Trade in %: +0.23% Average Losing Trade in %: -0.32% Largest Drawdown: -0.71% Q3 Total Realized Profit / Loss in %: +0.45%

According to my high win percentage, it looks like I was pretty in tune with a pretty choppy market, snagging profits in 7 out of 10 trades. But unfortunately, I didn’t really get to maximize that aspect of my performance since I had so little risk per trade on and because I wasn’t able to ride out any strong moves because of the choppiness in the currency crosses. I only had one trade where I was able to achieve a 1.00 R:R, while the rest were an average 0.43 R:R. Even with a 70% win rate, it’s tough to really run away from the losses that averaged a -0.81 R:R average per trade.

Also, I could have managed my open trades a little bit better, especially my AUD/JPY short play that was a winner going into a major economic event, but I let turn into a loser. Lesson learned there is to close down trades ahead of major events like employment data.

With that quarter in the books, I’m down a small -1.65% year-to-date through the third quarter, and I’m lagging my benchmarks: the Barclay Hedge Currency Traders Index (+2.95% YTD thru the end of September) and the Barclay Hedge Discretionary Traders Index (-0.39% YTD thru end of September). Double ouch, but I guess I can take some solace that my third quarter could have been worse .

Overall, I’ve gotta do a better job of holding onto winners and cutting losers, but a big part of that is up to the data and how it may shift sentiment in the short-term. For a while, there was quite a bit of choppiness, so cutting winners early was unavoidable. Still it’s something to keep reminding myself about and improving on as I try to close out 2017 in the positive.

That’s all I got for now forex friends…How did you do in Q3 2017? Please share your thoughts in the comment box below. Thanks for stopping by and good luck in Q4 2017!

¿Como lo que has leído?

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Cuentas Administradas de Forex

The vast majority of retail traders lose capital in their first 3 years of trading. ¿Por qué? Many will tell you it is because of rogue brokers, others will say it is due to highly unpredictable and volatile markets. Though this is true to a degree, the one single indisputable fact is that everyone experiences loss in the pursuit of knowledge.

Most traders lose money traversing the learning curve from novice to experienced trader and, in learning from or repeating their mistakes. More still from a lack of understanding of the industry and how some brokerages can work against you. For this reason our forex managed accounts are the fastest growing sector of the market. With a managed account you have a highly experienced trader driving your profits for you.

Cuentas Administradas de Forex

GRAM 360⁰ is a comprehensive forex managed account that covers the needs of every individual investor. Some clients just want us to manage every aspect of their investment. Others would like us to help develop their trading skills alongside their capital investment. Our objective is to listen to your needs and provide a solution that meets your overall objectives. To this end all investors meeting the minimum requirements have complete access to the following:

FREE initial risk and financial objective assessment

Full “hands-free” forex managed accounts

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Forex Managed Accounts - Plans & precio


Regular training sessions through Skype and over the phone on MT4, and all binary options platforms.

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Trading psychology and risk management are a HUGE part of the regular training sessions and support.

We need to make sure you are not making mistakes.

If we are going to profit, we need you to profit too.

¿Porque nosotros?

Golden Ratio Asset Management offer independent financial solutions for the forex and binary options trader.

We provide independent forex and binary options services to retail, corporate and institutional level investors.

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We also provide support to clients through our FREE educational programmes, trading signals and general updates on market conditions and where we think ‘the smart money is’.

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Broker Preview

RISK DISCLOSURE: Binary options and forex trading carries a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your investment. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stock, forex, binary options or futures markets. No negocie con dinero que no puede permitirse perder. No se ha hecho ninguna representación de que cualquier cuenta tenga o sea probable obtener ganancias o pérdidas similares a las discutidas en este sitio web. El desempeño pasado de cualquier sistema o metodología comercial no es necesariamente indicativo de resultados futuros. Trading in the products and services of binary options & forex may, even if made in accordance with a recommendation, result in losses as well as profits which may fluctuate both violently and rapidly.


U. S. GOVERNMENT REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: "Stocks, Options, Binary options, Forex and Future trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the stock, binary options or futures markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose especially with leveraged instruments such as binary options trading, futures trading or forex trading. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell stocks, futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. You could lose all of your money fast due too: poor market trading conditions, mechanical error, emotional induced errors, news surprises and earnings releases."

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: Every effort has been made to accurately represent this service and its potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the signals, techniques, managed services and ideas provided with this website. Examples shown are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using the information included on this page, the ideas, the signals and the techniques. We do not claim our services to be a get rich quick scheme. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed on this website depends on the time you devote to the ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Los materiales en esta página pueden contener información que incluye declaraciones prospectivas que dan nuestras expectativas o pronósticos de eventos futuros. Puede identificar estas afirmaciones por el hecho de que no se relacionan estrictamente con hechos históricos o actuales. Ellos usan palabras tales como anticipar, estimar, esperar, proyectar, planear, planificar, creer y otras palabras y términos de significado similar en relación con una descripción de ingresos potenciales o rendimiento financiero. Todas y cada una de las declaraciones a futuro aquí o en cualquiera de nuestro material de ventas tienen la intención de expresar nuestra opinión sobre el potencial de ganancias. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from this service.

As a dynamic financial services provider, the mission of IBF Trader is to offer equal chances for traders to access trading in forex, commodities and CFDs (oil, gold, silver) in a flexible way. And we do this by combining financial know-how, latest technologies, and a pro-active approach to traders' needs. "The client's success is our success" - this is the spirit in which IBF Trader operates.

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Forex Forum – Introducción. Forex market is high-yield and risky mean of taking profit by operations with the currency rates. Instruments of work at Forex market in many ways determine the result of currency trading made by Forex market participants – brokers’ clients. Every Forex broker offers its own terminal, however the most part of brokers and traders concur in choosing MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 terminals. This forum is created for those who prefer the terminal of MetaTrader series in trading on Forex.

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We appreciate your choice of Forex forum as a platform for communication.

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Forex Success System

It's coming from my insider source and it's all a little hazy still but.

Apparently there's a software coming out that makes Risk-FREE Gains up to 70% on single trades every day.

You know me - I'm a forex geek and I couldn't care less about sports.

However, when I see RISK-FREE profits that are made by an automated software, I listen up!

I hear it works by identifying arbitrage solutions (so called "unlosable bets") and exploitng different odds given by different bookmakers.

After all, it's sort of investing, isn't it, if you can't lose? "Sportsvesting", if you will!

And I couldn't care less what I'm investing in as long as my bank account fills itself up on autopilot.

Rumor has it that this thing is making up to 30% (!!) a day! Pretty incredible, if you ask me.

grabbing data via spiders from all the bookies on the net in seconds, crunching numbers and spitting out sure bets with 30% (!!) gains. Yes - single bets!

Here's a picture I was able to obtain. thought I'd share it with you :)

Those red numbers are the profits you're guaranteed to pocket when you click the 'place bet' button.

Plus, I happen to know that the developers come from the forex market. Ever hear of a little product, called FAP Turbo?!

Yep, that's right - the same guys who developed the legendary FAP Turbo are the same guys behind this product. Seems that they've set out to write history again!

When I first saw the picture above, I thought it might be a bug, but word on the street is that it's completely real. If it is, then we might be in for a real treat!

I'll stay on the case and let you know more as soon as I speak with the developers!

In the meanwhile, check out this crazy video:

Best Forex Robot Of 2017 Selling Out 300%+ Gains In 3 Months The Justin Bieber Of Forex Bots

Yesterday forexsensation opened the doors after an extensive 3 month wait. the worlds arguably best forex robot "Forex Cash Printer" is on sale. bundled with the runner up "Y-Combination" both responsible for over 500% gains on 2 10,000 usd real money accounts!

Go and see for yourself!

The performance is insane. I already got my copy and the members area is set up well and organized. I will be up and running with both bots in no time and I cannot wait the profits these 2 babies will make me!

Did you secure your robots yet?

If not head over to

and act now because I believe they will be sold out soon..

don`t be left out on the best forex robots that will trade this year and 2017!

We will make a fortune together!

Broker & # 8211; TitanTrade

TitanTrade Review

One of the finest binary options trading services providers, TitanTrade is a web-based trading platform. Traders who are looking for a comfortable trading platform would prefer TitanTrade as it was created by industry veterans aiming to create a more down to earth and diverse binary options trading experience.

Broker Information:

Nombre . TitanTrade Website . www. titantrade. com Founded in . Sede 2017. Nicosia, Cyprus The Owner . NRG Capital Limited Phone . +44 203608 0111 Email . Online form Minimum Deposit . Monto mínimo de comercio de $ 250. $5 Maximum PerTrade . $1500 Languages available . English Bonus . Up to 100%

Plataforma de negociación

Sophisticated yet user-friendly trading platforms from TitanTrade help traders enjoy an enhanced trading experience. Their website is uncluttered and provides perfect finishing with the graphics that are bright and colorful for a better user-experience. Additionally, traders get to see the live price chart that helps them while trading. Best part with TitanTrade is that here traders can do round the clock trading which is not available with so many other brokers. 60 second expiry – TitanTrade offers a 60 Seconds trading platform that gives investors an attractive opportunity wherein they can profit from the swift changes in the Forex market. Here traders can make unlimited trades that expire in just one minute. Traders do not need to do much; rather, they need to predict whether the prices will go up or will fall. Available from Monday through Friday, 60 Second Expiry is a 24/5 services provider with the minimum trade amount of $5. Traders get a trading account manager who provide comprehensive consultancy on the strategies and trading styles and ensure that traders get up to 70% returns on their investment. One Touch – This trading platform ensures traders up to 500% returns on their investments. It is a trading platform where traders experience an all-or-nothing trading experience i. e. you either win all the amount or you end up losing all of it. However, as it brings returns up to 500%, traders prefer it a lot. Here to traders get Monday through Friday trading wherein the trade expires every day at 5 PM GMT. Traders can also access One Touch on Saturday and Sunday with the expiration date for the following Friday. Although there are a range of benefits opting for the One Touch trading platform . a major advantage is that traders do not need to wait for the expiry time as the asset’s rate just needs to reach the target price or fall below it as soon as they make a trade i. e. they get payout instantly. Trading Pairs – This is one of the safest trading platforms for traders on offer from TitanTrade . as instead of deciding whether the price of an asset will go above or below the current rate by your expiry time, traders are allowed to make their trade based on whether one asset will outperform another within a specific time frame. Thus, if traders have selected the asset that finishes at an expiry rate higher than the competing asset they will receive their payout percentage. However, if the other asset outperforms a trader’s chosen asset then they do not receive any payout.

Principales características

Traders may find a range of attractive features with TitanTrade ; for instance, it brings several trading accounts e. g. Micro/Test Account which provide complete access to traders for their trading platform and a 20% bonus on the first deposit is one of the most preferred ones. Similarly, there is the ‘ Classic Account ’ wherein investing $1,000-2,500, traders get up to 30% bonus. Also on offer are the Premium Account, a Platinum Account and a VIP Account with a welcome bonus of 75%.

Atención al cliente

TitanTrade has an excellent customer service team with the help of trained staff. They can be contacted through chat and email. The broker can also be contacted by phone wherein traders can get quality services from the well trained staff.

Ultimate Review

This unique brokers offers traders a wide range of trading assets that may include inter alia stocks, indices, commodities and currencies. TitanTrade is a one-stop brokerage firm for binary options traders.

Comercio Forex Trading

How to Generate Forex Signals With Trading Systems

The only method of trading currencies is through Forex signals, It is is best to learn how to generate these for yourself, this way you do not have to rely on others to generate them for you.

Generating Forex signals is not easy and requires you to have a lot of technical analysis knowledge and experience, but the earlier you start practicing how to generate these trading signals for yourself the better it is for you.

A good method of how to practice generating Forex trading signals with Forex trading systems is to open a free practice Forex demo account and test your trading signals on this practice account risk free without risking your money, then once you have tested your trading strategies and they are profitable you can the use them on a live Forex account .

The method of how to to practice generating these trading signals as well as how to back test them on the demo account using the MetaTrader 4 platform is discussed below:

So, How Can a Trader Generate Forex Trade Signals?

The best method of generating currency trading signals is through Forex trading systems. You can Learn how to come up with Forex systems from the lesson Building FX Systems on the right navigation menu under the topics Key Concepts .

A Forex system is a combination of one or two or more technical indicators with written rules of how these indicators will generate these signals.

Take an example of the simplest system or trading strategy known as moving average crossover method. A buy or sell is generated when there is a crossover of the two moving averages; either a buy for an upward crossover or a sell for downward trend.

Example of Generating Currency Trading Signals Using Moving Average Crossover Method

The example below shows a Forex system using the above moving average strategy combined with the RSI and MACD indicators to generate buy and sell trades.

When it comes to generating buy and sell signals, investors should use simple systems to generate these.

Generating a Trading Signal - Buy and Sell Forex Signal

Sistemas de Trading

An example of a simple Forex system that works . and has a high win percent ratio is one that is a combination of:

Moving average crossover strategy



Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500.000 comerciantes, comienza a negociar con un broker de baja expansión: Más información sobre los spreads tan bajos como cero

The written rules are:

Generating Trading Signals Strategy

Buy Signal is Generated when:

Both Moving averages going up

RSI value above 50

MACD above center line

Sell Signal is Generated when:

Both Moving averages going down

RSI value below 50

MACD below center-line

Exit is generated when MA, RSI and MACD give a signal in the opposite direction.

The time-frame to use is 1 hour time-frame or 15 minutes chart time-frame depending on what type of trader you are.

For a beginner the above written rules will give very good buy and sell signals, the only thing that a one needs to do is to have the discipline to follow the written rules the exact way they are, and wait for a buy or sell transaction to be indicated by your strategy and trade after the signals have been generated, not before they are generated.

Back Testing

Generating Trading Signals with a system is one of the easiest method to trade currency, it is the best way that a beginner can attempt to determine the direction of the market trend with a good level of accuracy, and with a little back testing on demo practice account so as to gradually increase the level of accuracy of this Forex trading signals strategy

The best way to back test a strategy is by following these two steps:

Paper Trading - This method involves placing your system on the currency charts, then take the chart back to a particular date, 3 months back for example, and then using this chart history to determine where your strategy would have given buy, sell and exit signals. Write down these points and the profit per transaction on a piece of paper and then calculate the total profit after you have recorded a good number of trades such as 50 paper transactions and determine if your method is overall profitable, the win ratio, the loss ratio and the risk:reward .

This is an ancient method that was used by traditional investors when there was no online currency exchange markets or computers for that matter, the trader would use something like the A3 or A2 paper, graph format paper and plot the charts manually (Imagine plotting the charts on your currency platform by hand every day or every hour, would you be ready to do that? I doubt) Those investors were hardworking than most, some were so used that they still continue to paper trade and plot the charts on paper, anyway for our paper method, just a sample data of 50 transactions is all we need.

A good tool to use to back test your FX system is known as the MT4 Step by Step Tool . Found on the charts toolbar of MT4 platform. If you want to find the charts toolbar on the MT4 it is at the top of the MT4 platform. If it is not: Click View (next to file, top left corner of MT4)>> Toolbar >> Gráficos Then click the Customize button >> Select Step by Step >> Click Insert >> Cerca.

MT4 Platform Chart Tool Bars

Chart Tool Bars - Step by Step Button for Back Testing

Once you get this tool you can move your chart backwards, and use this tool to move the charts step by step while at the same time testing when your system would have generated either a buy or sell transaction, and where you would have exited the transaction, then write down the amount of profit/loss per transaction and out of a sample number of transactions you would then calculate the overall profits/losses generated .

If your strategy is profitable on the paper then, its time to demo trade and testing if the it is profitable on the real market as it is on paper method. This is the process of testing or back testing.

Maintain a Forex Journal to keep track of profitable trades, and determine why these trades were profitable. and also keep a log of all losing trades, determine why these trades made a loss and the avoid making these same mistakes the next time.

Tweak your currency trading system until you get a good risk:reward ratio, with the trading signals that you generate. Aim for a good risk:reward of 3:1 and a win ratio of above 70% is a good ratio, with good money management even strategy with a win ratio of even 30% i. e less than half of your transactions make profit you can still make a profit. You might want to read this topic to know what the table below is all about: Risk:Reward Ratio .

Risk To Reward Ratio Chart of Money Management Strategy

A manual trading system is still the best way to generate signals compared to automated ones, a manual strategy is a better method and is also much simpler to implement.

You can also view our extensive list of currency trading strategies topics that provides you with various methods of buy and sell technical analysis using a number of diverse technical methods, navigate to the Strategies Section .

Toma de 4 a 6 semanas para abrir una cuenta, abrir temprano o vía rápida: Lea el artículo "Procedimiento de apertura de cuenta"

Únete a 500,000 Comerciantes, Comercio con un Agente Regulado con Spreads tan Bajo como Cero: Lea el Artículo "Regulated Broker"

CGS 13: +8.54% Gain on Strong Trading this Week

CGS 13: +8.54% Gain on Strong Trading this Week

Billionaire trader Paul Tudor Jones said that a funds yearly return should be 3x it’s largest drawdown. That is the minimum goal for CGS. Managing less than Paul Tudor Jones and having the advantage of being liquid at all times, meaning being able to get in and out of the market at will without causing a ripple the actual yearly goal of CGS is ten times that or 30x the largest drawdown.

This week CGS had a strong gain of +8.54% on 50 trades with a win rate of 33%.

I found this week’s stats from a very strong week compared to the system’s overall stats very interesting. I was really surprised what I saw. You have to take a look. I expected this week’s stats to outshine the rest and I was surprised to learn that it almost matched past stats exactly. What was the difference?

First, here is are the stats of the past performance with certain areas of interest circled in blue. You can also click the images to enlarge them.

And here are the stats from last week which you will notice are very similar with a strong +8.54% return.

I sincerely thought the win rate of last week would be higher than 33% and instead it matched the system’s average since inception. This tells me that CGS is trading exactly as it should and will take some big gains as the current market volatility continues from the current currency wars.

With a 70 pip gain for the week and a 33% win rate it shows that frequent small losses are taken and winning trades are pushed for profit. Gains are more than twice as great as losses.

Often traders can focus on having a high win/loss rate rather than cutting losing trades quickly.

There was chances Thursday and Friday to take CGS to new account highs which did not but came close. Just like this past week trades will continue executing well. Like I said last week this is a good market to be trading and I expect 30-50% gains within the next two to three months.

What is “Signals In Forex”?

If you are reading this, it means you have newly started to learn forex. I can very well understand all your confusion when it comes to opening your charts and making a head and tail of it. It’s not easy to study the markets and find what to do to make profits but not to worry, we are going to learn now what ‘Signals In Forex’ are.

You see, when it comes to trading, you are required to make decisions whether to buy or to sell. These decisions are based on studies of the market movement on certain indicators and parameters. Since the market moves all the time, it becomes important to keep studying it time and again and put your indicators on all the possibilities, all the time. Not everybody has that kind of time or is capable of handling this highly demanding Job. This is where ‘Signals In Forex’ come into picture.

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These signals mean an advice to the trader on what to do in the given market conditions. These signals are created by experienced and proven professionals who follow markets movements full time and make conclusions about future, expected happenings in the markets and on where the market will most likely move in the given period of time. Since these people usually have a strong history of making correct conclusions and predictions, they are hired by companies under the assumption that their success with their predictions will continue. These predictions are called signals or trade recommendations, sometimes retained by the companies for internal use only and sometimes released to public traders either as a social service or after charging them a professional fee. These conclusions or ‘Signals In Forex’ tell the trader what to buy or sell with clearly defined profit targets (TP). They also have an inbuilt Stop-loss advice where the trader should close his position in case the prediction goes wrong. It does go wrong sometimes but not to worry because simple mathematics can help you ascertain profitability of a signal provider.

To generate profitability of an analyst’s ‘Signals In Forex’, you just need to take his performance history and find out his win: loss ratio out of a sample of ten consecutive signals. If you can find a larger data, nothing like it but this example will give you a fair idea. Make sure that the fellow or the company maintains an average of 70:30 win ratio and the largest loss taken on any of the positions is smaller than the largest win. There are also other factors like Sharpe ratio or Profit factor or risk adjusted rate of returns which you will learn as you grow in forex. They all are highly effective and must be deployed if you plan to ever run a business around trading. All investment companies do while selecting their signals providers.

However, I will suggest that instead of buying somebody else’s signals, you should try to understand some indicator and learn to apply it under all market conditions. This way, you can generate trading signals on your own, use them and may be, also give them to other budding traders who can’t analyze the markets but need ‘Signals In Forex’ to continue with their ambitious plans in trading. You may charge them for your signals but even if you give it free, it feels good.

Tips For Choosing Good Signals Provider

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There are already released on March 31st of 2009. The product of question is what allows users from and then hit the marketing. It should still be separated from the beginners for $4000 from somewhere. So you have done the cheat sheets from conception that the FX markets.

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Let’s said that there are many different ways. As an example taken from forex we would head to the regular lots or a position that with a forex brokers have an exit strategies and deductions. All in all the next causes scale and time. It suggest an overall performance fees might find how well programs are

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PipHut University

Lesson #1 - Forex Basics

Welcome to our first official "course" from PipHut University! This first learning module is meant to be a general, "getting started" course for traders - if you have been trading for awhile then a lot of this will be review, but you NEED to skim through and then take the QUIZ to test your knowledge! We also recommend taking the quiz BEFORE you start so you can test your knowledge before you start - don't worry - you can take it multiple times!

¿Qué es Forex?

Forex is short for "foreign exchange", and is also known as "currency exchange", "currency trading", "forex trading" and, for short, "fx".

Generally speaking, forex trading is a speculative form of trading where traders look to get "long" or "buy" a currency pair (if they expect the exchange rate to go up), or to get "short" or "sell" a currency pair (if they expect the exchange rate to go down). These are the basics.

Is Trading Forex Risky?

Yes, and you need to understand what those risks are before you even get started. Like any form of trading, forex is as risky as you make it. For example, you can trade a free demo account to “get your feet wet” which carries no risk except time. Too often, though, new traders start off trading with a very high amount of leverage, trade with real money right away, and very quickly wipe out their equity before they have any clue what they are doing.

If you approach forex as a "get rich quick" scheme, you will get poor quick. Very quick. Never trade with money you can't afford to lose, especially when you are starting out.

What is “leverage”?

Leverage is the amount of borrowed capitol that your broker lends you for each trade. In Forex trading the exchange rate changes are so small, for example the EURUSD might move from 1.3010 to 1.3015. That is a change of 0.005 or 5 pips. Without leverage then that difference is less than half a cent – hardly a big win or loss. With leverage that 0.005 exchange rate change can be turned into 5 cents, 50 cents, 5 dollars, 50 dollars, depending on the amount of leverage you use.

How much leverage should I use?

If you are asking this question then the answer is “none” – you should be trading on a demo account where you can’t hurt yourself or your equity. In general, the more leverage you use the riskier your trades are as you stand to lose more.

New traders who want to “get rich quick” often start with way too much leverage and get poor even quicker.

Ok, I understand trading forex is risky. ¿Cómo empiezo?

You should get started with a demo account first. On a demo account you can get the feel for buying and selling currencies without actually risking any of your hard-earned money. To find a demo account you need to find a broker.

What is a broker?

A broker is the middle-man between you and the banks that you are buying and selling the currencies from. The broker is also who provides your leverage, so choosing a reputable broker who you can trust is important.

We don't have any connections with brokers, but in general a broker that is heavily regulated (US or UK based-brokers are generally heavily regulated) is your best bet as they are required to adhere to certain transparency rules and to have certain levels of cash reserves. Also a broker with a “no trading desk” policy is favored by us so that we have a reasonable amount of confidence that our broker isn't actively trading against us.

How do I find a broker?

Head to Google and start doing your research. Make sure to read the actual broker’s site and to check their regulatory status – don’t just trust some random third party site (even us) to do your broker research for you. There are too many websites out there that just recommend brokers based on how much that particular broker is paying them to recommend them, if that makes sense.

Also make sure to use the demo accounts for several brokers to see which trading platform you like the best.

What is a “trading platform”?

A trading platform is the software that you use to do the actual buying and selling of the currencies. If you think about buying a new car, then the trading platform would be the actual car you are buying, the dealership where you bought the car is the broker and the manufacturer of the car would be the banks.

To find out which trading platform you like the best just get a demo account for each one. A broker that doesn’t offer you a demo account is probably not that great of a broker, as a blanket rule. Common trading platforms are Trading Station, MetaTrader, and Ninja Trader but there are a lot more than just those three. Again, do your homework and decide for yourself.

Also, just like buying a new car, in every step of that process there is a markup along the way for each middle man. In forex, the markup is called the “spread” or the “commission”. Spreads can range from a few pips for the major pairs (where beginners should be starting) to a lot larger spreads for “exotic” pairs (relatively low volume pairs that as a beginner you should ignore for now).

Ok, I have a broker. ¿Ahora que?

Demo, demo, demo! Now you need to keep trading a demo account until you are consistently profitable on that demo account. There is no rush here, no need to start risking all of your hard-earned equity trading live money right away. Hope is not a strategy.

How do I get a consistently profitable strategy?

Whoa, you are jumping the gun here. Can you tell me what the best timeframe to trade is? When the best time of day to trade is, for each pair? How to identify trends? The correlation between different currencies and commodities?

Remember: you are now swimming with sharks. The markets want your money, and they know a lot more than you. You wouldn’t show up to a pool hall with a wad of cash and just start wagering you could beat everyone there would you? Of course not – you’d be out of money before your drinks arrived. Don’t be fooled just because you can’t see your competition, they are out there and waiting for you, and they don’t care if you are rich oil tycoon or a single mother of three.

Ok then, how can I educate myself to become a better trader?

Now you are asking the right questions. The goal of this tutorial was to get you up and going and then to scare you into only trading with fake money for now. Your goal for the learning process is simple: survive.

What is a successful trading system?

A successful system is one that allows you to make and retain profit, consistently over time.

Every trader’s goals and situation is different, and this means you must define “success” based on upon your situation. Some traders are able to sit in front of their computer and trade all day. Some might only have a few hours a day. Some might have even less. Some traders need lots of sleep. Other traders don’t mind waking up every hour to check their trades. Some traders have a lot of starting money. Some have very little.

All of these factors will play into what kind of system works for you, and will define the range and scope of your goals. Too many new traders go into trading with the goal of getting rich quick. As we often say, getting rich quick is not a realistic strategy. The only thing you will achieve with that mindset is getting poor quick.

Your goals must be realistic, and a realistic goal for you before you start live trading is to be able to consistently make and retain profit. Only when you are able to successfully make and retain profit on a demo account should you move to a live account with small leverage. And then only when you make and retain profit on a small live account should you even consider increasing your leverage.

Here are some important tips to remember when you are developing a trading strategy that works for you:

Approach Strategy Creation like a Scientist

Scientists come up with a hypothesis and then they test, test, test. After they are done testing they review the results. They try their best to identify the flaws in their own experiments. And then they test some more.

You need to do the same thing. You start with a hypothesis. Lets keep this first one simple, and say that you believe the EURUSD will go down if the RSI is above 70 on the 4h charts. That is your hypothesis. Now you need to test that. You have two options: backtesting and forward testing. Backtesting involves looking backward over the past times that the RSI was over 70 and see what happened. It is not enough to simply look back and say “oh yeah, I could have entered here.” Imagine if scientists just looked at some old data and said “oh yeah, this hypothesis probably would have worked.”

No, you must set specific guidelines for your trades: for example, when RSI goes above 70 I will enter short with a TP of 100 and a SL of 50. Now test every single time this trade would have been triggered, stick to your rules and tabulate your results without bias.

Start with Backtesting

The fastest way to do this is programmatically, in a trading platform like MetaTrader or Ninja Trader. You will have to learn some programming (C language, mostly), which does involve a learning curve, but once you are able to quickly code and backtest your own strategies that programming knowledge will pay for itself in spades. There are sites out there, such as eLance, where you can hire a trading programmer. The upside to doing that is that you don’t have to learn a programming language. The BIG downside is you have to pay a programmer upfront and then for every little change you make.

My recommendation: take the time, do it right, and learn a programming language such as MetaQuotes (which is what MetaTrader uses).

After you have found a strategy that performs well in backtesting, it is time to forward test the strategy in your demo account.

Then Test Some More

Just because a strategy performs well in backtesting does not mean that it will perform well in forward testing. In fact, past results are never indicative of future results, but that is a discussion for another time.

Begin testing your strategy in real time, in your demo account, and follow the exact same rules you followed in your backtesting. If the strategy performed well in backtesting and performed well in forward testing then that is about as good as it is going to get.

These are some basic forex terms you need to be familiar with before we discuss specific strategies. They will be on the quiz!

Fundamentos de la divisa

Complete this sentence: “Never trade with money ______.”

that you can't afford to lose.

unless you want to get super rich, super quick.

Forex is a leveraged, speculative form of investment, meaning you can make lots of money OR lose lots of money. Most new traders unknowingly start off with the riskiest strategies they can find because they show the biggest rewards, but those ultra-risky strategies are just as likely to lose as win. So if you need your money for something (your health, your family, etc.) then you should be using it for any investment like forex. Talk to a financial advisor and determine what the best course of investment is for you.

Forex is a leveraged, speculative form of investment, meaning you can make lots of money OR lose lots of money. Most new traders unknowingly start off with the riskiest strategies they can find because they show the biggest rewards, but those ultra-risky strategies are just as likely to lose as win. So if you need your money for something (your health, your family, etc.) then you should be using it for any investment like forex. Talk to a financial advisor and determine what the best course of investment is for you.

Question 4 of 15


Foreign currency exchange trading is highly speculative and is suitable only for those who (a) understand and are willing to assume the risks involved, and (b) are financially able to assume significant economic losses. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Trading on margin can amplify both gains and losses in your account. Before deciding to trade foreign currencies, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. You should be aware of all the risks associated with foreign currency exchange trading and seek advice from an independent financial advisor if you have any doubts.

All contents or information displayed or contained on Piphut. com are based on a number of assumptions which may not be fully disclosed or explained. Hypothetical trading or performance has many inherent limitations, including the benefit of hindsight and the fact hypothetical trading or performance involves no economic risk. Variables such as the ability to adhere to a particular trading program despite trading losses and maintaining adequate liquidity are material considerations that can adversely affect actual trading results. No representation or warranty is being made or given that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those displayed on Piphut. com. There are frequently substantial differences between hypothetical performance and the actual performance subsequently achieved by a trading program. You must exercise independent judgment when making investment or trading decisions. Los resultados anteriores no son indicativos de resultados futuros. Please read the User Agreement and Risk Disclosure Statement for more information.

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EUR USD Plus FX Trade Signal

EURUSD Plus is the signal with high monthly win rate and high monthly profits. Moderate levels of Stop Loss (36-42 pips) and moderate levels of Take Profit (64-90). Efficient trading and low drawdown level with good risk-reward ratio. Moderate number of trades a month provides both required market involvement and low risk trading. Signals are delivered via SMS and Email alerts. For your convenience all signals may be fully automated with any metatrader broker account.

EURUSD Plus Detailed Results

The sum of all trades made. Total Profit = Profitable Trades Results + Loss Trades Results. Higher values are better.

Total profit 895 pips

The ratio between profitable and all trades. Win Ratio = Profitable Trades / All Trades. Higher values are better.

Winning ratio 44% (?)

Indicates the average monthly profit. Average Profit a Month = Total Profit / Total Months. Higher values are better.

Monthly profit 92 pips / 6% (?)

The ratio between an expected level of TP and an expected level of SL. Risk Reward Ratio = TP Level / SL Level. Higher values are better.

Risk reward ratio 2 (?)

The total number of months traded. Months Traded = Total Number of Trades Basically the longer a signal is traded the more stable it is.

Months traded 10 months (?)

The recommended level of deposit to allocate for 0.1 lot trading. If you trade 0.1 lot, on average 1 pip = $1

Deposit $ 1500 / 0.1 lot each

Indicates the average monthly profit. Average Profit a Month = Total Profit / Total Months. Higher values are better.

Profit a month 92 pips / 6%

All trades made and average number of trades a month. Average Number of Trades a Month = Total Trades / Total Months .

Trades total / a month 90 / 9 trades (?)

Represents a net profit to total gains ratio. Net Ratio = Net Profit / Total Gains Higher values are better.

Net profit ratio 37% (?)

The number of trades closed by TP and the ratio to all trades. TP Ratio = TP Trades Number / All Trades Higher values are better

TP number / ratio to total 14 / 16% (?)

The range of a common level of Take Profit (TP) used

TP level 64-90 pips (?)

The range of a common level of Stop Loss (SL) used

SL level 36-42 pips

The ratio between profitable months and all traded months. Monthly Win = Profitable Months / Total Months Higher values are better.

Monthly Win ratio 60%

The total amount of gains. Total Gains = Sum of All Profitable Trades Results

Total profit received 2,423 pips (?)

The total number of profitable trades.

Profit trades total 40 trades (?)

The average profitable trade value. Average Profitable Trade = Total Gains / Total Number of Profitable Trades

Average profit trade 61 pips (?)

The number of profitable months.

Profit months 6 months (?)

The most profitable month.

Best month 360 pips

The maximum reduction of an equity.

Drawdown -240 pips / -16%

The total amount of losses. Total Losses = Sum of All Loss Trades Results

Loss received -1,528 pips (?)

The total number of loss trades.

Loss trades total 50 trades (?)

The average loss trade value. Average Loss Trade = Total Losses / Total Number of Loss Trades

Average loss trade -31 pips (?)

The number of loss months.

Loss months 4 months (?)

The worst month

Worst month -128 pips

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Fed Rate Hike Discounted as a Non-Event for the Forex Market


Time to start making money instead of losing it. Let me introduce you to a new way to invest that can change in your life! Let me show you how to get back on a path to profits using my time-tested . and flexible Forex trading strategies course.

The Forex is Where The Action Is These Days My Friend.

I’ve created a no-nonsense trading course focusing on the best-of-the-best practices and step-by-step training based on my personal ten years of hands-on trading experience, research and refinement with the Forex.

My No-nonsense Video Course Will Show You Where The MONEY Is In The Forex. You’ll Master The Following Must-Have Skills:

Where the money and profits are in the Forex. I’ll show you where and when to trade the forex profitably without the need to spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer. Plus, learn which currency pair is most profitable to trade and the best times of day to trade the Forex.

11 reasons why you should be trading the Forex. Simply stated, the Forex is where the money is - over $3.2 trillion dollars are traded every day. In these days of stock market collapse and stagnation this liquidity has attracted the attention of fund managers seeking to generate significant returns for their clients and can do the same for you.

The importance of market opens and closes. Not all times of the day are equal. Boost your profits by knowing where you should be spending your time looking for trading opportunities.

The Simple Power of Pivot Points. Using these powerful time and price reference lines will help you clearly predict price trends.

The secrets of the “Big Dogs". The "Big Dogs" are the large commercial traders who control millions of dollars in trades. Learn how to tailor your trades to take advantage of their leverage.

My course is like no other and it has been proven highly effect to take money from the Forex currency trading market every day. It’s easy to learn and execute and yields extremely successful results.

Right now, I have I have a special offer for you which includes the nuts and bolts of where the money is in the Forex. I’ve even thrown in my dirty little secrets that the Big Dogs don’t want you to know. It’ll get your Forex trading mojo going in short order, and you’ll never look back! Order your copy of my Money Makers course now!

Peter R. Bain, Founder, Forexmentor. com


Introduction to basics I provide the basics of trading so that beginners can understand the important concepts in forex trading and explain where the biggest dangers lie in forex trading.

Where the money and profits are in the Forex To simplify your trading education I describe where and when to trade the forex profitably without the need to spend 8 hours a day in front of a computer. Highlights include which currency pair is most profitable pair to trade and the best times of day to trade the forex.

11 reasons why you should be trading the Forex Simply stated, the forex is where the money is - over $3.2 trillion dollars are traded every day. In these days of stock market collapse and stagnation this liquidity has attracted the attention of fund managers seeking to generate significant returns for their clients and can do the same for you.

The secrets of the “Big Dogs” The "Big Dogs" are the large commercial traders who control millions of dollars in trades. I explain how they approach forex trading so that you can tailor your trading to take best advantage of their leverage.

Day trading, Position trading and scalping explained I help you determine which type of forex trading is best for you and then explain how to trade each of these particular styles.

A simple five step trading system Based on my years of trading and teaching, I describe my five step system for identifying profitable trades and then explain how to trade these opportunities.

The importance of market opens and closes Not all times of the day are equal. I explain which times of day are most likely to generate trading opportunities. If you have limited time then these openings and closings are where you should be spending your time looking for trading opportunities.

The #1 trading indicator in Forex The 200 EMA has been voted the most important technical indicator of all time. It is crucial in determining trends. Identifying trends and then responding to them appropriately is the key to successful forex trading. I explain how it can be used for determining trends and identifying trading opportunities.

The Simple Power of Pivot Points By providing a framework for analyzing price action during the trading day Pivot Points allow you to anticipate confirm trends and trend reversals when assessing trading opportunities. I explain how to calculate pivot points and the importance of incorporating them in your trading.

Trading the News The announcement of important economic events has a dramatic effect on price action and unless understood news can be devastating to an inexperienced trade. I explain what the news is and how to best profit from its effect on price action. You will never be caught out again because you didn’t understand how the news would affect your trades.

The Carry Trade I explain how the interest rate differential between two currencies known as the Carry Trade can be used to significantly augment your position trading profits.

My Trading Secrets For the first time I reveal four of my favorite trading secrets. Once you mastered my forex fundamentals, these special trading techniques can be used to augment your trading style and identify still more trading opportunities. Learn how to use the hourly chart to establish trends; what the Guppy System is and how it can help you identify trades; how the Wolfe Wave can help you with price projections and the importance of Tom Demark trend lines in confirming trend breaks.


People who are new to the Forex market but have trading or investing experience in other markets and but wish to know what sets Forex apart.

Those completely new to the field of trading in general who are looking for a practical, well presented introductory overview.

Newcomers who are curious but perhaps not sure if it’s the right opportunity for them and want to know more before making the commitment to proceed with demo and live trading.

Traders frustrated by other introductory courses that failed to address all-important aspects of personal development such as trade readiness and what you need to succeed in this exciting market.


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"I spent approx $1,500 on training and I have already learned more in your mentoring area then I did from any of those materials." - Wendy Gibbons, Minnesota

“Following the H & S pattern I showed you a couple of days ago, I rode the euro up for over a 100+ pips gain. But then it stalled and last night I saw a negative divergence of MACD on the 1hr chart and shorted it at 1.2266 and so far I am up about 60+ pips. Your course is amazing and so much simpler than the so called 4xmade****. Can't thank you enough Peter. Keep up the good work. ” - Max O. Phoenix, AZ

“1st I have to thank you for the training. I know for me it's still early days, but so far you Pivot Points have been deadly accurate (3 days in a row). Your system has paved & lighted my forex trading path & turned my dumb money into smart money. Thank you. ” - Andre. Sudáfrica

"Your course is awesome, I've learned more in 2 weeks than in the last 4 years. Thank you all so very much for your hard, hard work. Please thank Peter also for what he is doing for all of us. You just can't put a price on how much you all are helping me. I now KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that I CAN NOW trade profitably, what a relief. Thank you again & God Bless you all. " - Jeff A. Riverside, Missouri

"I read your system twice and I get it! I see it so clearly now. I traded the Forex for 2 years and tried everything (automated systems, books, different trading methods). When I read your system I revised it with 1 year history on GBP. I got mad becuase I did not start with your system the result was more than great, OMG! I wasted so much time on stupid books and stupid payable fancy indicators that some companies offer. YOU CHANGE MY LIFE!!" - Feras S. of Amman, Jordan

"I am quite literally astounded at your accuracy of predictions day after day of receiving your daily news letter. I almost feel I should be paying you for it. I have already done well this month simply because I had the guts to listen to you and know your predictions are usually right on. I have a tiny little account I play with that is only $200.00 but it is fun and hopefully will grow over time. I am in no hurry. Down the road a bit I think I will open up a larger account and trade with you full-time. After all you can't knock success and proof is in my trading. I don't know where you get your info on the commercial traders (big dogs) but do keep up the good work." - Marc Abramsk

"I must say that I am very, very pleased with this, It's just brilliant. For a long time I've been looking for a publication or training of sorts where the teacher says "This is what you do" First you do this, then this, then that etc, as well as showing you all the indicators and how they work. This video/seminar is just brilliant, I am very pleased with this Peter. Last April I went to a two day options seminar here in London, and after the seminar was over, I had a lot of printed information but still didn't have any idea on how to read charts or indicators or how they worked, but this one of yours Peter is just fantastic, I am now getting proper education which I couldn't find before." - Richard, UK

"Howdy from Texas! Just to let you know got your course and it is AWESOME. Did I say AWESOME. Yes i did! -- It gave me such confidence. Still only 2/3 of it and been watching hammers and spinning tops at the pivots. Knowing that when price for example enters above the pivot thinking sell (although knowing about shades of gray). Anyway thought i would tell you first night after watching video on Sept 10th saw price enter around M3 and saw double top, thinking sell watched it got down to 1188 and then retrace to 1208. Then saw quadruple top along with a spinning top (I think it was a almost perfect cross). Saw where in the news the Swedes said no the Euro and I'm in at 1203 for a sell. I put my stop in above the double top at M3 at 1235. AS expected saw price move down and touch just above the pivot at 1181 - took my $180 and said goodbye for the day. I figured price still heading towards M2 at 1152 but going to take baby steps and not get greedy! Just wanted to say thanks. Will have lots of questions in future. You are right on Peter. I'm listening." - Mike Clements

"I just wanted to tell you how pleased I am after finding your course and AM Review. I have been trading the Forex market for almost two years. After foolishly spending thousands in my first year trying to learn how to trade currencies. I found your material, and now my trading has improved ten fold since ordering your material and listening to the AM Review on a daily basis. Your system has changed my trading from consistently loosing to consistently winning in a short period of time. Your program is an exceptional value and learning experience. Please keep up the good work. Thanks" - Tom Schwartz from Scottsdale, AZ

"First, I have to thank you for the training. I know for me it's still early days, but I'm averaging 30pips a day since studying Pivot Points (67% trade win ratio and improving). I trade the GBP/USD pair and so far you Pivot Points have been deadly accurate (3days in a row). It only missed M1 once by about 15pips I think, but what's 15pips! Your system has paved & lighted my forex trading path & turned my dumb money into smart money. Thank you." - Andre, South Africa

"It is absolutely profound/uncanny how your Pivots Program works when the prices reach a particular pivot number. Well, I have got to the point of talking to my computer now (you might laugh, but it is true) as to the accuracy of your program. I personally think your program is great and very unique. Anyone who trades the currency markets (day trading or position trading) will benefit from your program. I do not believe what I am about to say to you is unique only to myself. I believed that the more indicators I used, coupled with graphical tools such as bollinger bands, moving averages and trend lines made me a better trader. In fact, by the time I had switched off my computer, my eyes were sore with so much nonsense on my screen, and I had LOST MONEY. Now, you come along, and WITHOUT any indicators (MACD and Moving Averages, if you wish to use them), and blow technical trading out the water with a +70% accuracy rate. I must THANK YOU for introducing me to your Pivots Program, as this is one of the GREATEST EDGES any trader will ever see, yet it is so simple to apply and to follow. ” - Mark van Greunen, South Africa

“I just don’t say anything locally in my small town, as everyone would think I had lost my marbles. I even know a stock broker friend, and asked him about the forex; he said stay away from forex. Funny how it has such a reputation amongst those who don’t know what to do, and how to use the PIVOTS and the buy and sell signals the way you have taught me. I was first introduced to forex by a guy that wanted me to pay him US$50,000 to teach me how to trade forex. You can make 20 percent per month on forex standing on your head with your pivot system. Many thanks, and thanks a MILLION for showing me the pivots. Like I said, a man from Toronto got me into the FOREX, but only on Fibonacci and, as you know, they don’t work anywhere near like the pivots. He charged me five grand for a three-day course, and I thought I had the world by the tail, until I found your pivot program on the Internet. The pivots are like science, and Friday was a perfect example of that as well, with that beautiful turnaround at 19:15. Like you said, it’s like taking candy from a baby. ” - Adil Mogeem from Saudi Arabia

"I would like to personally thank you and your very talented team for all that you provide. В I have been a student for a couple months and I am currently trading successfully in a demo account 'soon to go live'.В I have taken several trading courses for Futures and Options paid multiple times your course price and have been sadly disappointed partially the incomplete material but also my lack of taking the necessary time to devote to the study and practice required. В This time with your course I decided to read and follow your recommendations on studying the material, paper trade and demo trade before going live, to really think of this as a business and the effort someone needs to put into any new business. В I have been sitting back quietly watching and listening to your am-reviews, following up on previous or missed AM Reviews. В I have also been studying, practicing the strategies that are discussed to determine what works best for me personally based on my tolerance level. В I am absolutely amazed at the amount of coaching and attention that you provide your students. В I am also excited and impressed with many of your students (Rick & Cheryl Kraai, Duncan Cooper) and their willingness to share strategies and prepare the supporting documentation. В The level of detail that they provide is quite time consuming and I am convinced that your openness and true mentoring fosters that type of community environment. I am very happy to be part of this family and I feel that I have new friends from all over the World. Thank you and God bless you!!" - Pam Hansen Atlanta, GA

"Peter, I thank God for you every day. В You have taught me how to fish. I will never be hungry again. " - Bernadette Addison of Dover, NJ

"Peter, My trading partner Andrew and I purchased your course a short time ago. Having been exposed to forex for the past year through another pricey course, I didn't really need the beginner training but I did need to know how to capture pips consistently and did not feel I had gained proper training to do so. After many (hundreds) of hours on the charts I found that I was more confused than ever. I didn't know where, when, or even how to spot a winning trade. THEN. I my trading partner found your course and online training. I have to admit, I was skeptical at first. After taking the advice from several "pros" and my losses getting worse I began to wonder if I could even do this so believing you could help was somewhat doubtful. I immediately started watching the online tutorials and am reviews. I was hooked. You explained this market in a way I have never seen and it all made sense. I had been trading real money for a while and had stopped due to the losses. After viewing probably 100 tutorials in less than a week I decided to venture into the live arena again. Well the results speak for themselves. Before your course I was lucky to win 3 out of 10 trades. Since learning your way of trading I have made 15 trades and had 0 losses. All I can say is your training and mentorship is the answer to my prayer. I sincerely thank you for being my mentor." - Dan Shortridge, NC

"First I want to thank you for your course. About 6 months ago a friend introduced me to FOREX trading using the news, MACD, Stochastics and EMA lines. Even though I could tell market direction from these things I could not tell when price would move, or where and how far. I either stayed in a trade too long or not long enough and I often got whipsawed badly. I invested small, ($1700) but when I had only $300 left I quit. I did not trade again until I bought your course. I spent all my free time studying your course and saw all the mistakes I was making. I restarted trading May 1 using only 1 mini-lot at a time. In the first week I had 23 trades with 19 winners and 4 losers. I will take those odds any day and your course was my guide all the way. I now have 571.54 in my account and I hope to increase it again this next week. I am sure your big traders are laughing at these small potatoes, but to almost double my money in one week is one of the most exciting things I have ever experienced. I can now look at a chart and know 75% of the time where it will go and when to get in and not get in, no more no man's land for me. Thank you, and I will write again next week and let you know how I did. God bless." - Robert Villmow, Nanning, China

"I wanted to write and tell you how much I appreciate your course. В You are a man of integrity and very professional. В I was skeptical at first but have grown to trust and admire your word and work. В Thank you very much. В Sincerely, В Andy" - Andy Rosko from Renton, WA

"Hi Peter, Even though I have been trading for almost 4 years, I have found your information to be extremely helpful. В This is definitely the best $400 I have ever spent for trading purposes. And I have recommended your course to every trader that I know. After taking your course, I find myself drawing more and more pencil lines in my trading. В Drawing lines from one support to the next and from one resistance to the next. I have been amazed how actuate the Pivot Points have been. В I am also amazed, how many times these same pencil lines can be used to help predict how far a price will move in one direction or another. I recommend that all traders practice drawing pencil lines. В Draw your lines from one support point to the next support point and from one resistance point to the next resistance point. В I like to go back and extend the lines out. В Many times a pencil line that was used as support will later become resistance or vice versa. Thanks you again for your efforts. Your new friend, Alan" - Alan R. of Brandon, FL

"Dear Peter. Wow! В Thank you soВ much for being such a great teacher and such a giving individual. В And thanks to all the members who write in too. " - Mindy & Evelyn of Santa Barbara, CA

"Peter, I've had your course for 1 month yesterday. It all clicked today! Trendlines, RR tracks, Price Projections, and let's not forget making those pips! В I'm having such a hard time excercising restraint. В My plan is to go live on June 1.В I'm making all this money on paper. It's hard not to go wild. В Price projections work, trendlines work, pivots work! Thank you." - Brad Carter, West Palm Beach, FL

"Peter and Forexmentor Team: Today I concluded a position trade on the GBP/USD and made a several hundred tick profit (modesty prevents me from reavealing the actual number). However the money that I made is somewhat immaterial becauseВ what I want to put over, is the the confidence that you have given me [together with outstanding contributions from Rick, Cheryl, Duncan and other members]to trade the forex using logical, powerful, robust and well presented methodology. From us all out here in "ForexMentor Land",thanks guy's."

"I simply kept things. simple and applied your methods. В I tell you I felt like I had stolen the money or something!!В ;-)В Your methods work because they are tried and true." - Afam Uzoka of London, UK

"Hi Peter - First, your course it the best I've seen insofar as value and benefit to the student. В I know because I started in the futures market after college in 1977 and I've seen all the others who bloviate, fell victim to the preditors early in my youth, and learned the only way to succeed is to become self sufficient in my own analysis of the market. В When I made the jump to Forex, I consider myself fortunate to have found you because the two markets require a different set of skills and I had to learn a new trick or two. В I've never met you personally, but you present your work in a manner on behalf of your students that is indicative of a caring person of faith, principles, ethics and morals. В How refreshing in this business. В I hope to meet you one of these days to personally thank you for being a part of my continued succcess." - Gary Whidby of Conyers, GE

"Hi Peter, I just wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for the time and effort you put into the am review. В For someone like me(just learning to trade), they have really been teaching me valuable lessons. В As a new trader it really helps when you go through the currencies and show us your perspective on what you think is going to happen. В I have made $850 in demo money the last two days tracking a couple of position trades. В I don't know of any other currencyВ course that is as hands on as yours. В Keep up the good work! God Bless" - Dan O. of Delano, MN

"Hello Peter, This is a long over due THANK YOU! I purchased your course back in March of this year and I was totally blown away with the content. It is all straight forward, no fluff, non-esoteric or off-beatВ information. I love your AM review, which keeps getting better, I look forward to it everyday. I feel like you are in my house coaching me personally everyday! В I like the idea that it is not someone on some "ivory tower", it's a very open and down to earth community for everyone to learn and help others. В I continue to improve with my trading week after week, I am currently at 67% win/loss ratio. I went live with my account in the begining of June which to date is up 69% hmmm. beats the .125% per/mo. interest rate banks pay" - Michael O'Neill of Greenfield, Massachusetts

How “Losers” Win at Forex

How “Losers” Win at Forex

Hi Folks. I’m baaaaaaaccckk. I hope everyone had a FANTASTIC week trading last week. I’m SOO RELIEVED my weekly analysis and update didn’t lead us into a bunch of losing trades (just a few), because it’s tough to put yourself out there and make “predictions” when the market can very well do whatever it wants at any time. But that doesn’t mean for a second we just throw our hands up and take positions at random with good trade management (although with great trade management, one traders loss could be another traders win).

Sooooo……….how right do you have to be??

Traders that have a very high win percentage make more than those with a low one right.

Easy answer. Of course the trader that wins a bigger % of the trades they take makes more $$$. THINK AGAIN!

Back to the two traders with the win % question. Let’s say Trader #1 wins 90% of his trades. Bravo trader #1!!

What a sharp chap right? And trader #2 by comparison only wins 30% of his trades. What a loser. Which one would you invest in. If you can answer right away and say #1, please pay VERY CLOSE attention to the rest of this post.

For those of you who answered “you can’t tell”. Bravo! The question I posed was actually very much a trick question. It’s like asking “if someone jumps off a ledge will they die?”. Right away you know there is a BIG piece of information missing: HOW BIG IS THE LEDGE. In our two trader’s case, there was some important data we would need before making the decision. Most importantly is average win vs. average loss SIZE, aka R/R (reward/risk ratio). Let’s see how that might work:

Trader #1 (our smart guy) wins 90% of his trades, BUT his losses are 100 pips and his wins are 5 pips . Trader #2 “don’t quit your day job” only wins 30% of his trades, BUT his losses are only 5 pips whilst his wins are 100 pips …………See where I’m going with this??

Trader #1 after 100 trades . (95 wins X 5 pips)= +475 pips PLUS (5 losses X -100 pips)= -500 pips for a grand total of —- NEGATIVE 25 PIPS!! (huh. He won most of the time!!) Trader #2 after 100 trades: (30 wins x 100 pips)= +3000 pips PLUS (70 losses x -5 pips)= -350 pips for a grand total of —— POSITIVE 2650 PIPS!! (yes, A HUGE gain!!)

Same number of trades, GIGANTIC DIFFERENCE IN GAIN/LOSS. So the guy that barely ever won laughed all the way to the bank with his “losing” strategy and the guy who bragged about how accurate he was almost all the time, had to find a day job outside of trading to support his “habit” of losing money in forex.

So you see, win % is only important in regards to how big the gains and losses are along the way. When I started trading, I used to believe that my whole goal was to be right all the time and never lose. The longer I trade, I care less about the wins and more about the “structure” of the trades. Because even someone who is wrong most of the time can gain very large $$$ in their account as long as they are going after bigger trades pipwise than they are risking.

And that new EA/system that promises you a 95% win rate just might not be the system you think it is when you see what the big losses are like compared to the tiny wins (we have all seen plenty of these). In our own trading we must think about the quality of trades we are going after and what the potential for gains versus losses there are. The closer your entry is to a major area that has a lot of protection behind it, will usually allow a smaller stop than entries based on momentum that may take place in between areas of protection. The M2 system in particular many times offers you a great R/R as long as we look for trades that fit the bill. A couple tips to better R/R:

Look for trades that have MULTIPLE areas of “protection” close to the entry point, rather than spread out a ways behind it. Sure it takes longer to find a trade that fits this model, but the smaller stop makes it much easier to grab a win that is double or triple the size of that stop.

Look for trades without much in the way of the trade. Trying to “squeeze” a trade into the face of a major s/r can restrict gain sizes. Try to look for trades with “open space” in the direction you want to trade (no major EMAs, Fibs, S/R etc. close to entry in the direction of trade)

Overall, having a bigger positive R/R will do well for you psychologically too. It takes the pressure off of having to win all the time to be profitable. By keeping this in mind when you find a setup, you can not only make your trading less stressful, but more profitable too!

Author Omar Eltoukhy

Details Published on Wednesday, 17 October 2012 19:04

Trading systems can be separated into two main components – market entry/exit signals and money management. Most traders spend the majority of their time researching trading signals when starting to build a trading system.

Unfortunately, many traders pay little attention to the money management component, which can be just as important. Money management (also known as risk management), can be broken down into four topics – position size, risk of ruin, optimal leverage and individual trade risk.

This article provides formulas for all four components of a money management system. Using the statistics from a simple trading system, we will optimize position size using the Kelly Betting System. From there, we will calculate the amount of capitalization necessary to avoid risk of ruin. Based on the same statistics, we will calculate the optimal leverage for the system. Finally, an experiment using a random long/short entry signal with a 2.5% trailing stop loss will be analyzed on the EUR/USD pair.

Position size refers to the amount of money to place on each trade. Increasing position size increases the risk of each trade and the probability of reaching the point of ruin or the point where there is no longer enough capital in the account to continue trading. In Perry Kaufman’s, New Trading Systems and Methods . there is a section dedicated to finding the optimal position size based on the Kelly Betting System. Introduced by John L. Kelly, Jr. in the Bell System Technical Journal of 1956, the system was developed to help minimize long distance telephone signal noise issues for AT&T. The formulas developed by Kelly were eventually discovered by the trading community and are a part of many trading systems.

The goal of the following formulas is to find the optimal fraction of the portfolio to invest on any given trade, or optimal f . Optimal f is the fixed fraction position size that is small enough to avoid risk of ruin, yet large enough to make the most efficient use of capital. The first step is finding the required percentage gain necessary to recuperate a percentage loss.

For example, it takes a 25% gain to recuperate a 20% loss. A more complete picture is shown in Table 1.

Investment gains are clearly not equal to investment losses, which is why money management is vital to the success of any trading system.

The Kelly Betting System states the optimum fixed fraction position size is found by maximizing the growth function G( f ).

Where: f = the optimal fixed fraction

P = the probability of a winning bet or trade

B = the ratio of the average wining return to the average losing return

ln = the natural log function

Solving for f . we find the optimal fixed fraction position size.

for f = .01 to 1.0

Where: max = the function that returns the maximum value

= the product function

R i = the series of individual trade returns

N = the number of trades

An alternate, simpler expression for optimal f is

Where: PLR = the ratio of average profit to average loss

P = the probability of a winning trade

To give an actual example, we tested a dual simple moving average crossover system on the EUR/USD pair with a short moving average length of 27 days and long moving average length of 36 days. The system has a 54.37% probability of a winning trade, $4,932.33 average winning trade and –($3,055.26) average losing trade, yielding a 1.61 average profit to average loss ratio.

Using the simplified expression for optimal f, . the system’s optimal fixed fraction position size per trade is 26.11% of the available capital. We tested a position size of 100% of available capital versus the optimal f position size. Using the optimal f position sizeincreased the profit factor from 1.92 to 2.06, decreased maximum drawdown from 14.67% to 4.10%, and decreased net profit from $132,613 to $26,129 with a starting capital of $100,000.

Before trading any system, it is important to calculate the risk of ruin. Acceptable levels for risk of ruin are based on an individual’s risk tolerance, though most traders would not trade a system if the risk was greater than 50%. Similar to optimal f . system or discretionary trader statistics are used to find the risk of ruin. To calculate the probability, we use Kaufman’s modified version of Ralph Vince’s risk of ruin formula:

Where: = Probability of a winning trade

= Probability of a losing trade

= Absolute value of average winning trade to initial capital ratio (e. g. $4,932.33 / $100,000)

= Absolute value of average losing trade to initial capital ratio (e. g. $3,055.26 / $100,000)

Max Risk = Maximum part of investment that can be lost, in percent

Using the previous system as an example with maximum risk set at 50% of initial capital, the risk of ruin is:

With initial capital of $100,000 and no leverage, the probability of losing 25% of the account is 2.23%, 50% of the account is 0.05%, and 90% of the account is virtually 0%. Varying the amount of initial capital and keeping the trade size constant reveals the logarithmic relationship between initial capital and risk of ruin. Simply, lowering the amount of initial capital increases the risk of ruin.

This is an excerpt from Aug 2011 issue of Forex Journal.

Forex Trading 1HR Chart Strategies

Forex Trading 1HR Chart Strategies

Forex Trading 1HR Chart Strategies – Hello friend of traders, on this occasion forextradingwin. com want to share with you about the 1HR Chart Forex Trading Strategies .

This 1 Human resources Foreign exchange Trading Strategy With MACD is a pattern trading system and also as the name says, the timeframe you could utilize to trade this system in the 1hr.

This forex exchange technique could take a while to understand yet have a close look at the graphes listed below as well as you will understand that it is straightforward.

What currency pairs are suitable for the 1hr foreign exchange trading method with Macd?

Preferably the majors however you can likewise use this on others.

Foreign exchange Indicators You Need For The 1hr Forex Trading Technique With MACD

You need the complying with signs for this forex approach:

50 exponential moving standard which you need to apply to HIGH

50 exponential moving typical put on LOW

15 rapid relocating typical applied to CLOSE

personalized indication Macd-with-EMA, click to download and install (levels 35, 70, 1, 12), see listed below:

Forex Trading 1HR Chart Strategies


MACD pie chart have to be in right color, red for drop (or whatever different colors you selected on the customized MACD indicator).

MACD Moving Ordinary must be “within” the tinted location of the MACD histogram.

When rate increases and hits the 15ema as well as recuperates down or increases via the 15ema as well as reverses back it is a sell profession signal as long as the following problems are satisfied: the reduced of the candle holder is not more than 50 pips away from the 15 EMA and also 15 EMA need to not be “within” the 50 EMA networks.

The trade setup candle holder is the candle that touches the 15 ema OR passes through it yet makes a reduced low, which indicates, it damages the reduced of the previous candlestick. On this candlestick, you set a sell quit order 2-5 pips (enable spread) here its reduced to catch the downward breakout of price move.

Area you stop loss at 100 pips.

Take earnings target at 100 pips.

Move trailing stop to recover cost at 50 pips.

This graph discusses what it indicates to have the MA of MACD “within” the pie chart (read lines etc), this is for a sell configuration:.

Forex Trading 1HR Chart Strategies

Here’s an example of a sell trading configuration:.

Forex Trading 1HR Chart Strategies


For purchasing, you do the exact opposite of just what you carry out in sell setup, however here are the trading guidelines:.

MACD pie chart need to be in appropriate different colors, eco-friendly for uptrend.

MACD Relocating Ordinary have to be “within” the colored eco-friendly area of the MACD pie chart.

When rate goes down and hits the 15ema and recuperates up or drops through the 15ema and also reverses back it is a buy trade signal as long as the following problems are fulfilled: the high of the candlestick not more than 50 pips away from the 15 EMA as well as 15 EMA must not be “within” the 50 EMA stations.

The trade setup candlestick is the candle light that touches the 15 ema OR goes through it yet makes a greater high, which indicates, it breaks the high of the previous candlestick. On this candlestick, you set a buy stop order 2-5 pips (enable spread) above its high to catch the upward breakout if it occurs.

Place you stop loss at 100 pips.

Take revenue target at 100 pips.

Relocate trailing stop to recover cost at 50 pips.

Drawbacks of the 1hr Forex Trading Technique With MACD.

MACD as well as Moving Typical are all delayed indicators, so there always the late entrance factor right there. the system will certainly not perform well in a ranging market.

Benefits of the 1hr Forex Trading Method With MACD.

in a strong trending market, anticipate to makes some great profitable pips with this trading system. using rate action for taking buy or sell trades boosts your entry. For example, try to find favorable turnaround candlesticks when cost begins to strike the 15 ema line in an uptrend and look for bearish turnaround candlesticks when price begins to strike the 15 ema line in a drop.

That’s the 1HR Chart Forex Trading Strategies . if this article useful please share with your friends.

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Cotizaciones Forex

Reading forex quotes correctly is essential to forex trading but it can be quite confusing for the new comer. Actually, they are quite simple to read and understand. Here is a guideline to reading forex quotes correctly.

Let us look at an example of how a forex rate quote looks like:

The above looks simple enough, right? This is an example of a foreign exchange rate between the Euro and the US Dollar.

If you want to make money trading on the Forex it is essential that you understand the information given in Forex quotes.

Forex quotes are different in format to the more familiar stock exchange quotes and they can be a little bit difficult to understand when you are first getting started trading on the foreign exchange markets. So the first step in your Forex trading career is to learn how to read the quotes provided by the exchange. The quote is broken down into different parts and it is important to understand each part and the information that it gives.

Currency exchange rates or Forex quotes are always quoted in pairs. For example, GBP/USD = 1.9714. The currency on the left is the base currency, and the currency on the right is the quote or counter currency. The base currency is so called because it is the basis of the trade.

The quoted value of the pair is the amount of the quote currency equal to 1 unit of the base currency. In the example above, one GBP (UK pound) = 1.9714 USD (U. S. dollars). If you expect the value of the base currency to increase against the value of the quote currency then you buy the base currency and sell the quote currency.

For example, for the currency pair EUR/USD = 1.4722, suppose you expect the value of the EUR to increase against the value of the USD. Then you would purchase Euros (EUR), and simultaneously sell U. S. dollars (USD). (This is also known as going long.)

Now, take the example of the Forex quote CHF/USD = 0.8944, where you expect the CHF (Swiss franc) to fall against the value of the U. S. dollar (USD). In this case you would sell USD, and simultaneously buy CHF. (This is known as going long.)

Forex exchange rate quotes are actually quoted at two slightly different prices. For example the Euro vs. the U. S. dollar might be quoted as EUR/USD = 1.7420/1.7425. The quote on the left is the Bid price, while the quote on the right is the Ask price. The difference between the two quotes is known as the Bid/Ask Spread (or just the Spread).

The bid price is the price at which the dealer is prepared to buy the currency from you. And the Ask price is the price at which the dealer will sell you the currency.

So if you purchased a lot of currency, and immediately sold it again before the relative values had changed, you would lose on the deal, but the dealer would gain. Forex dealers earn their commission from the Spread between the Ask and the Bid prices. Brokers are therefore in a win/win situation, because it makes no difference whether you profit or lose from your trade (or even if the relative values stay the same) the dealer always profits.

Forex quotes are usually quoted to four decimal places, for example:

The one exception to this among the major currencies, is where the Japanese Yen (JPY) is the quoted currency. Then the Forex quotes are usually quoted to just two decimal places, as in the following examples:

(This is because the value of the Japanese Yen, is about one hundredth of one U. S. dollar.)

A change of 1 in the last decimal place is called a Pip. A Pip is the smallest amount by which the relative values of two currencies can change. Forex broker commissions, (the Ask/Bid Spread) is typically around 2 to 5 Pips.

During an average day's trading, a pair of currencies will typically move by between 20 and 50 Pips. However, if the Forex market is volatile much larger changes can occur during a day's trading. An example of this was the GBP/USD pair, which changed by as much as 100 - 200 Pips on some days in November 2007.

Because daily currency changes in the Forex market, are normally so small, you need to trade with substantial amounts of currency to make a decent profit.

For example suppose you expect the Euro (EUR) to increase against the USD (U. S. dollar). So you decide to purchase 100 Euros when the quote for the EUR/USD = 1.4720/1.4725. 100 EUR will cost you $147.25. Now suppose the EUR increases by 50 Pips against the USD, and later in the day the Forex quote is EUR/USD = 1.4770/1.4775.

So you sell your 100 Euros, and simultaneously buy U. S. dollars. You sell your EUR for 100 x 1.4770 = $147.70. So your profit on the day's trading is $147.70 - $147.25 = $0.45. Even if you had purchased 1,000 Euros instead, you would still only have made a measly $4.50, on the day's trading.

Confused? Find it difficult, but still want to get in on Forex and make money? Then let a computer software package do _ALL the trading for you!

Stalemate a Win for USD Bulls

Nov 10, 2017 23:23

Moves on the day were modest but there were some positive signs for the US dollar. The loonie was tops on the day while the Swiss franc lagged but total moves in the majors were less than 30 pips against the US dollar. Chinese retail sales and industrial production data are due later.

Click To Enlarge

There were no significant directional moves on Tuesday but one thing stood out: iIn US trading alone, AUD/USD, USD/CAD and USD/JPY all hit daily session highs and session lows. Yet none of them extended on breaks.

The lack of follow-through speaks to a lack of conviction at the moment and that's not a big surprise given the magnitude of recent US dollar moves. Most impressive is that dollar retracements failed to gather any momentum. Cable made a quick 35-pip spike to 1.5140 at the start of US trading but was quickly beaten back down even though that's only a tiny retracement in relation to last week's decline. GBP & FTSE traders await Wednesday's UK jobs and earnings figures, covered in detail in Ashraf's Premium Video yesterday.

The Australian dollar also touched a one-month low on falling copper while EUR/USD hit the worst level since April.

Overall, the stability of the greenback is a positive sign for the dollar bulls as the refuel for another run. If there is a spot to watch in case of a retracement, it's the bond market. The dollar came under some pressure after a slightly lower-than-expected yield at a Treasury auction for the second consecutive day. Yields managed to rebound to unchanged after declining early but it's an area we'll watch closely.

The economic data we're watching in the hours ahead is from China. Retail sales and industrial production are due at 0530 GMT. Sales are expected up 10.9% y/y in what's a bright spot in the economy as China moves towards a consumer-driven model. Industrial production is expected up 5.8% y/y.

Forex Blog

November 30, 2011 (Last updated on July 26, 2017) by Andriy Moraru

“Cut your losses short and let your profits run.” & Mdash; Proverb


When a Forex traders decides to open a position, usually he has some profit target in mind. Often such target is set as a take-profit order for the position. Sometimes, traders set multiple profit targets for one position and close it partially with every profit target reached. It’s called partial profit taking or half profit targets and is widely used by traders.

Here’s a simple example of a trade with partial profit taking. A trader buys 1 lot of EUR/USD at 1.3330 and sets stop-loss to 1.3300, and take-profit to 1.3400. Additionally, he intends to close a half of the position when the rate reaches 1.3365 and move the stop-loss up to break-even at 1.3330. This way, when EUR/USD reaches 1.3365 rate, the trader books 35 pips on 0.5 lot ( $17.50 ) and is now in a risk-less trade with a chance to win $35.00 more. If the price then retraces to 1.3330, the new stop-loss is triggered and the trader’s total profit is $17.50 ; if the price goes all the way to 1.3400, the take-profit on the remaining 0.5 lot is triggered and the overall gain for this position becomes $52.50 . If partial profit taking wouldn’t be used in this case, there would be only two possible outcomes for this position: either $30.00 loss or $70.00 profit. That’s just an example — in reality partial profit taking can be more complex with more than one intermediate target level.

So is the partial profit taking a viable Forex trading technique? Does it improve the overall trading record? Does it provide any other advantages to the trader? You’ll find different opinions on this matter in trading related sources. Some successful traders promote this method. while others call it dangerous (Van K. Tharp does so in his Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom on p. 265, Chapter 10 — How to Take Profits — What to Avoid). In this article I will try to demonstrate the actual difference in the impact on the account’s end balance when using partial profit taking compared to conventional profit taking .

Random Walk Market

For our first model let’s look at the random walk market, i. e. the one where the price changes are completely random and there’s an equal probability for going up and down at any given moment. That means that our trading strategy doesn’t have an edge — it can’t have an edge in a completely random market. The trading scenario for conventional profit taking and for half profit targets with an edge-less trading system is demonstrated below:

Position is open at entry level and, obviously, has 0 profit at that level. If our trading system has no edge, there’s the same chance for going up as for going down. That means that if we use simple profit taking (with one target), we have 0.5 probability of reaching point B (20 pips profit) and 0.5 probability of reaching point D (20 pips loss), resulting in the trade expectancy of $0.00 ( 20 × 0.5 + (-20) × 0.5 = 0 ). Now, if we use the partial profit taking with one half profit target, we have the following probabilities at play:

The chance to reach level A is twice as high as to the one to reach level D — 0.66 vs. 0.33, because it’s located twice closer. That results in the intermediate trade expectancy of -$3.33 ( 5 × 0.66 + (-20) × 0.33 = -3.33 ). Remember that we close only half of our position at level A, so we book only 5 pips of profit instead of 10.

If we reach level A, we now have to calculate the probabilities of reaching level B or going back down to zero level (we also move our stop-loss up to break-even level). Probability to reach level B from level A is the same as of reaching zero level — 0.5. The trade expectancy then is $3.33 ( (10 × 0.5 + 0 × 0.5) × 0.66 = 3.33 )

The resulting trade expectancy of the partial profit taking method is -$3.33 + $3.33 = $0.00 — the same as with the one-target method.

So does it has any advantages or disadvantages with the edge-less trading systems? Only the minor ones. Partial profit taking helps to smooth the account balance curve volatility. It also has higher execution risks because it involves more trades per position. Additionally, it’s providing a sense of psychological comfort to a trader, who is now making more profitable trades, albeit at a cost of decreasing their average size.

Trading Strategy with Edge

Now, let’s get back to the real world, where traders assume that their Forex trading systems have some sort of an edge compared to entering the market blindly. For our second model to be more demonstrative, let’s assume that our system has a really nice edge over the market — the price at our entry point has a double chance of going in our direction compared to that of going in the opposite direction. So how does our trade expectancies fare with two different profit taking methods? Considering the same chart as above, we have the following trade expectancy for a single profit target method: $6.66 ( 20 × 0.66 + (-20) × 0.33 = 6.66 ). As for the partial profit taking technique, we have the following probabilities:

The chance to reach level A is now four times higher than to reach level D — 0.8 vs. 0.2, because we have an edge and also because it’s located twice closer. Our intermediate trade expectancy then is $0.00 ( 5 × 0.8 + (-20) × 0.2 = 0 ).

Now, at level A, we have probability of 0.66 to reach level B and probability of 0.33 to reach zero level. The resulting trade expectancy then is approximately $5.33 ( (10 × 0.66 + 0 × 0.33) × 0.8 = 5.33 ).

Calculating the resulting trade expectancy of the partial profit taking method gives us $0.00 + $5.33 = $5.33 — result, which is $1.33 worse than the one attained with a single take-profit level.

It turns out that when we use this method of profit taking with a better-than-random entry system, the minor differences are accompanied by a huge disadvantage for a trader — decreased trade expectancy.


According to the above calculations, the bigger is the edge of your Forex trading system, the bigger is the advantage of the conventional single profit target method over the partial profit taking method. That means that the former should be used only if you don’t believe that your market entry system can fare better than if you’d be trading completely randomly. Even then, the partial profit taking system offers no significant advantage compared with the common single take-profit method.

If you have your own opinion on this topic or would like to ask a question about partial profit taking in Forex, feel free to reply using the form below.

Dollar gains on Fed confidence, rate rise seen sooner

NEW YORK The U. S. dollar surged higher on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve signaled confidence the U. S. economic recovery remained on track while investors started to bet on an interest rate increase sooner than previously expected.

Language in the Fed's statement largely dismissed recent financial market volatility and focused on gradually improving labor markets. The Fed however did not change its benchmark interest rate but did end its monthly bond purchase program, known as quantitative easing, that was put in place to help keep market interest rates low in order to spur lending and investment.

"The dollar-positive move you are seeing right now is relative to where the market was. This came in as a more optimistic and more hawkish statement in the fact that it didn't discuss greater risks to the U. S. overall. It didn't seem to imply there was any real delay from what the Fed has communicated before," said Richard Cochinos, head of Americas G10 FX strategy at Citi in New York.

"The market pricing was for October of 2017 for the first Fed hike. FOMC language, and Fed present language has been for June 2017. So the market is now going to be taking some of its certainty off October and placing it more back towards June and that is ultimately going to be a dollar-positive currency move," he said.

The dollar index. DXY, which measures the currency against a basket of major U. S. trading partners, spiked to a three-week high in the wake of the statement. It traded up 0.75 percent at the high of the day around 86.041.

Investors sold the euro to a one-week low, dropping it to $1.2631 for a loss of 0.76 percent on the day after it had gyrated above and below the unchanged mark much of the session.

The dollar hit a three-week high of 108.96 yen before dipping back to 108.88 yen, up 0.67 percent on the day.

A more hawkish Fed stance further illustrated the divergence in central bank monetary policies globally, with the United States looking to raise interest rates while others, particularly in Europe, are looking to lower them or loosen policy to spur moribund growth.

This contrast was starkest against the Norwegian crown as the dollar climbed 1.38 percent to 6.70 crowns, its strongest since June 2010.

Data earlier on Wednesday showed unemployment in oil-rich Norway surged and consumption fell, fueling bets its central bank would cut rates.

"We'll never really know how much good QE has done the U. S. economy because we can't say where we would be without it. But the contrast between the U. S. recovery and Europe's listless economy is stark. You have to wonder how much of that recovery would have taken place without QE," said Luke Bartholomew, investment manager at Aberdeen Asset Management in London.

(Additional reporting by Jemima Kelly in London; Editing by David Gregorio and James Dalgleish)

Prince of PIPS - Forex Live Trading Contest

Introducing "Prince of Pips" - a Live Trading Forex Contest the most exciting live contest for FCM Forex Clients and Forex traders yet. Register and you will have the chance to put your expertise and trading skills against other traders with one goal in mind; to win the incredible cash prizes.

FCM Forex is thrilled announce the launch of Prince of Pips, an electrifying live trading competition for all traders. In this wonderful game, you need to implement your best trading skills. The fight is not just against other skillful traders but against time and market challenges. Competitors will trade to win the top prize of $10,000 CASH, 2nd prize of $5,000 CASH and 3rd prize of $2,000 CASH in their STP/ECN live trading account. Perfect timing and ability to sense the danger ahead are the main keys to experience a triumphant win over your competitors. So, act smarter and overcome your competitors with an ease.

Live Trading Contest Details

Registration Begins: Ended

Contest Start/end dates: Ended

Live Trading Contest - Terms & Conditions

The contest starts on the October 26th, 2017 and ends on November 27th, 2017.

Registration for the Contest begins on September 28th, 2017 and shall remain open until the end of the contest.

Registration for this Contest / and/ or entry in the Contest constitutes your agreement to these Rules and you will not be eligible for the prize unless you agree to these Rules.

Every entrant must be at least 18 years of age.

Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) reserves the right to refuse any person as an entrant.

Each entrant is allowed to have one Contest account ONLY. More than one Contest account is grounds for disqualification.

For anytime assistance please feel free to write to us at contest@fcmforex. com

Scalping, News Trading and use of robot trading is allowed.

Fix Leverage for all contest accounts at 200:1.

Contest participants can withdraw or deposit funds at any point in time during the contest as per the company’s deposit & withdrawal policy & procedure.

Initial minimum deposit must be equal to $500

Participants can continue trading after the contest ends. Any Profit and Loss achieved after the contest period will not be used for the purpose of defining the contest winners.

Participation to the contest means that contest participants consent to publishing their trading history and/or activity. Fidelis will not publish any personal information of the participants.

To activate your Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) live contest account, your account application will undergo the normal account opening procedure with compliance in place.

The Client's (participant) account is not eligible for any other Promotion or Bonus Scheme during the Registration period.

Existing clients can request to open a new account, make an internal transfer or deposit fresh funds and request participation in the contest.

Any kind of arbitrage trading or any other abuse with pricing and / or quotes will be subject to disqualification from the Contest.

Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) has the sole discretion to disqualify any participant or winner found in violation of the Contest Rules.

Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to amend these Rules. If the participant does not accept any amendment to these Rules they can withdraw from Contest.

The winners of the Live Trading Contest will be the traders who have the highest Time Weighted Return (TWR) including any floating P/L. Time Weighted Return Formula

Floating Profit and Loss at the end of the Contest will be used in the TWR formula for the purpose of defining the winners of the Contest and the standing in the leader board.

US residents are not allowed to participate in the live contest

A participant has made several deposits amounting to $1000 and its current P/L is $500. He or She did 5 trades with Profit $100 each time. Starting Balance is $900. Balance was at trade A) $900, B) $1000, C) 1200, D) 1300 and E) 1400, ending to a total balance of $1500. Between the trades B and C has been another deposit of $100. Using the TWR formula we have the following result.

If a participant trader has $400 floating P/L at the end of the contest period. Deposits of $1000, withdrawal of $400 and booked P/L $-150. He or She did 2 trades, Trade A) Balance at open $1000, P/L $-80, Withdrawal $400, Trade B Balance at open $520 P/L $-70, Trade C Balance at open $450 Floating P/L $400.

The total prize fund of the contest are as follows: A) 1st Prize equals to 10,000 USD B) 2nd Prize equals to 5,000 USD C) 3rd Prize equals to 2,000 USD

The 3 Contest winners are those participants with the highest Time Weighted Return (TWR)

In the case of two or more contest winners having equal Time Weighted Return at the end of the Contest, they will share the prize equally.

By winning the Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) contest prize, you accept to participate in various promotional events that will be publicly announced in various websites, including the Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) website and its other Social media sites.

Prize Notification: Prize winners will be notified by e-mail. In the event that the selected winner (s) of any prize is/are ineligible, cannot be traced or does not respond within ten (10) calendar days, rejects the prize, or does not, within twenty (20) calendar days of prize notification and in Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex)’ sole discretion, qualify for a live trading account with Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) or any of its subsidiaries, the prize will be forfeited and Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex), in its sole discretion, may choose whether to award the prize to another participant.

Granting the Prizes Policy

Funds deposited by Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) as a Prize can be withdrawn at any time.

In the event of a dispute, all decisions made by Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) will prevail and be final.

Conditions and Limitation of Liability

Jurisdiction: Entrants agree that this Contest is subject to and governed by the Laws of the Republic of Cyprus.

Right to Terminate Contest-Fidelis Capital Markets (FCM Forex) reserves the right to delay, suspend or terminate this Contest at any time, without prior notice and without liability to the participants.

Fidelis Capital Markets is a Cyprus investment firm regulated by CySEC under licence 208/13 and based in Cyprus.

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Expert Advisors Reviews

Vergil Day Trader EA: Guiding You Safely towards Forex Success

Today we'll explore an expert advisor bearing the exotic name “Vergil” - when I hear this name, I personally start thinking of Dante's Divine Comedy and Vergil - the companion of the author, who takes him around the purgatory and hell. And Vergil Day Trader appears to be a nice companion for your trades, as it's rather profitable.

By the way, do not mistake the Vergil Day Trader automated strategy with the Vergil Bot – the latter is a very aggressive and risky automated strategy, based on arbitrage. Vergil Day Trader is way calmer, it reminds us of the Thinker (another character from the Divine Comedy ), who spends eternity in pondering.

The marketing policy of the author of this EA is unclear to me – he is selling a limited number of copies and you may get in touch with him via e-mail (vergil. bot@gmail. com).

To gauge of the qualities of this EA, we'll rely on a demo account with RoboForex active since January 10, 2017 – so, we have some six months of data. There is a real account. but it's owned by a client and I cannot be sure whether he he has or hasn't tweaked the settings of the bot; moreover, although the account is formally active since january 10, 2017, it actually started trading in April – hence, some discrepancies between demo and live performance will be obvious. In addition, trading privileges are not verified, and track record is not verified either, so this should be enough to make us at least a bit sceptical of the data we see.

But, without further ado, let's kick off with review.

Strategy: Going against the Trend

The robot trades with three currency pairs: the EURUSD, the GBPUSD and the USDJPY. As we've already mentioned, it's not very aggressive, in fact there are periods of a week to 10 days during which the EA opens no positions. The average trade duration is about five hours – as you see, nothing conspicuous in here.

The Vergil Day Trader seeks trends on the market and trades against them by opening numerous positions using a grid-like style: the trades are open in intervals of 2-5 minutes, then they are closed simultaneously in groups of two-three trades.

Smashing Gains

Well, this EA delivers one of the highest win rates we have seen so far – for both the demo and the real accounts this rate exceeds 95%, and the size of the average win is way above that of the average loss.

The gain (for some three months) on the real account is 179%, while on demo (for a period of about six months) the gain is 294%, which is an example of stunning performance.

The balance chart of the real account is hidden, but the balance chart of the demo account shows a gracefully rising curve:

Photo credit: Myfxbook.

There are no months of losses for both the real and demo accounts. The drawdown on both accounts is within acceptable levels: for the real account it's at 10%, while for the demo it's at 18.5%. There are some discrepancies between the periods during which the drawdown was the highest – for the real account, drawdown reached its peak in the end of April, while on the demo there was no such a problem – the drawdown at the end of April was meagre 2%. Unfortunately, because the history of trades for the real account is hidden, we cannot say on what was this difference in performance due.

The return-to-drawdown ratios for both accounts are very high: 17.9 for the real one and 15.5 for the demo account, showing a rather robust relation between risk and gain.

Resilient System

If you've read some of our previous reviews, you'd perhaps know that it's useful to evaluate the resilience of a system to steep market movements and trading specifications like spreads and slippage by calculating the average pips per trade. The higher the ratio is, the better and the level that we recommend is 5 or higher. And the Vergil Day Trader delivers a solid reading of 9.8 on the real account and 9.3 on the demo account, hence we can be calm about the stability of the trading system.

Do not Abandon all Hope

In Dante's Inferno . the inscription on the gates of hell says that the “visitors” should abandon all hope, but the Vergil Day Trader does not leave us in such a gloomy mood. By contrast, it appears to be a very robust, profitable machine. My recommendations to the author are for a clearer marketing policy and a real account of his own, instead using that of a mysterious “client”.

PD I'd like to thank Andrei Serikov for the suggestion to make a review of this EA.

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FOREX-Dollar pressured as US rate hikes views cool, Fed-speak awaited

* Dollar nurses losses after falling nearly 2 pct vs yen, euro

* Focus shifts to other Fed officials' policy views later in day

* Aussie, loonie hit multi-week highs on crude oil bounce (Adds details, quotes)

By Shinichi Saoshiro

TOKYO, Feb 4 The dollar nursed hefty losses against the yen and euro on Thursday after tumbling overnight when a top Federal Reserve official tempered expectations on the timing of future U. S. interest rate increases.

The U. S. currency took a beating on Wednesday after New York Fed President William Dudley said financial conditions were considerably tighter and a weakening outlook for the global economy would have to be taken into account.

The dollar was also weighed down by a survey from the Institute of Supply Management (ISM) showing activity in the vast U. S. services sector slowed to a near two-year low in January, adding another layer of uncertainty on the Fed's near-term policy path.

The dollar was almost flat at 118.01 yen after dropping 1.7 percent overnight. The greenback handed back all the gains made against the yen after the Bank of Japan (BOJ) adopted negative interest rates late last week, pushing the dollar to a 6-week high of 121.70.

The BOJ's shock decision was seen by many as an attempt to prevent the yen from appreciating, as the safe-haven currency had soared to a one-year peak against the dollar last month in the face of widespread risk aversion.

"The BOJ might have tried to do something by opting for negative rates, but in reality the initiative belongs elsewhere. Dollar/yen is dictated by global risk sentiment, which also decides the trend in the currency market as a whole," said Junichi Ishikawa, market analyst at IG Securities in Tokyo.

"The BOJ can only do so much. The markets see through the fact that the central bank's efforts would not be effective in the absence of domestic demand, which is up to the government to create through its policies."

The euro traded at $1.1084, hovering near a 3-1/2-month high of $1.1145 scaled overnight. The single currency rallied 1.7 percent against the dollar after U. S. Treasury yields slipped to 10-month lows in the wake of the Dudley comments and downbeat data.

The dollar index struggled at 97.335 after dropping to a 3-month trough of 96.885 on Wednesday.

The market focus will now shift to U. S. factory orders data, and comments by Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester and Boston Fed President Eric Rosengren later in the session.

"The dollar may rebound as it could have overreacted to the ISM non-manufacturing numbers. But it could still fall below 117 yen on fresh dovish comments from Fed officials," said Masafumi Yamamoto, chief FX strategist at Mizuho Securities in Tokyo.

"Of the Fed officials due to speak today, focus will be on whether Mester turns dovish."

Mester had told Reuters in an interview early last month that she would prefer rates to be raised a little more quickly.

Commodity-linked currencies held to Wednesday's gains on a sharp rebound in crude oil prices and the dollar's broad retreat.

The Canadian dollar rose to a 7-week high of C$1.3720 to the dollar. The advance helped reverse weakness seen earlier in the year, when the loonie slumped to a 13-year trough of C$1.4689 amid a tumble in crude oil.

The Australian dollar nudged up to a 1-month high of $0.7191. (Editing by Shri Navaratnam and Eric Meijer)

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The crisis is forcing the US Traders not only work harder, but to look for additional options for augmenting their capital. How to become a private investor, which must take into account the risks and how to learn how to wisely invest – in our material.

This year the number of private investors, according to estimates of analysts Forex Market, has increased by a quarter. Unconditional reason – currency jumps, which pushed the stock market crowd of Russians who set out to make a lot of money. On the one hand, the inflow of private investment into the economy – a positive trend that the state encourages. On the other hand, currency speculation a priori not the best tool for the novice investor, because the risks are not comparable with revenue opportunities. On the market are many different tools that can be used successfully in the initial stage.

The main obstacle to investing its own funds in investment resources, in my opinion, is the financial and legal illiteracy of the population, as well as the complexity and inconsistency of the legal framework, which requires a specific set of skills and knowledge. Another obstacle for investors is the volatility of the market as a whole that only reinforces the risks of losses (impairment) of funds invested in the deal. Another reason for the weak investment activity of the population, according to him, is a distrust of market participants (brokers control), as indicated by the increased value of the index of distrust. The limiting factor in the growth of private investment can be called a lack of thought and action as the tax regulation of investment activity. The lack of tax preferences is not conducive to promotion of the state of private investment in the country, the expert believes. Meanwhile, the economy is pretty much in need of private investment.

Who can become an investor?

By definition, a private investor – a private individual to invest in a variety of tools for profit. Become an investor could any US Citizen who has attained the age of 18, no matter what his education and work experience. “But in practice, as a rule, private investors – is placed by citizens with higher education and carry out their activities in their spare time. A private investor must have a propensity to take risks with the concomitant ability to deeply analyze its degree, to be able to think critically and make the right decisions, being in the intricate conditions, have an inner intuition and know how to diversify their risks.

The main activity in almost any private investor is the presence of another (alternative) earnings, in addition to a basic income at the place of work. Such people fail to meet the current level of income from conservative instruments, and they are willing to risk part of the capital for more earnings potential. Start investing is possible at any moment. The main thing is to realize that investing – is the risk. Therefore it is better to start with the tools that are not afraid to lose. We need to understand that the money that you invest, should be free, that is, it is money that will not need a long time. You cannot invest in money for current expenses.

Usually the first time people come to the amounts of 30 to 100 thousand dollars. However, in order to make visible the money – they take on unnecessary risks. From my own experience I can say that generally, the larger the capital, the more cautious investor sells and gets smaller (as a percentage), but more stable income.

Where to begin?

The most common way to invest money in US are bank deposits. This type of investment considered the easiest. Invest in securities, and more specifically in the high-yield and highly liquid stocks and corporate bonds. Buying at the stage of reduction of quotations, are sold at the stage of growth of their market value. The most conservative – it is government bonds, followed by bonds of large companies. Somewhat less safe investment is the purchase of bonds of smaller companies and ordinary shares of major issuers. It recommends that novice investors with a capital of 100 thousand, buy bonds (at any time) or large investors buy stocks after their significant reduction.

Bonds, as well as promissory notes and deposits in banks are debt assets. As a rule, they have a higher reliability and lower profitability. Debt assets may have a different liquidity – the rate of conversion back to the money. For example, a bank deposit has absolute liquidity, while the promissory note has a precise date and place of repayment.

On the second place in popularity among individual investors – investing in real estate. Most money is invested in the initial (zero) during the construction phase, and the sale of real estate is carried out when the construction is over.

The most famous assets include equity shares. As the ownership of the shares – a direct ownership another’s business, they are the most profitable tool in the investor’s portfolio. They are also the most risky instruments. Their price can change dramatically in a very short period of time. The most liquid and reliable commodity asset is gold, he said. It almost does not increase in value during the financial boom, but not cheaper in the crisis. This is such an anchor – the stabilizer of your portfolio. What part of the portfolio to allocate to this asset, each investor decides on their own, usually gold is less than 15% of total investment capital. The exception here is the Middle East, where gold is one of the main investment instruments due to national traditions.

Another way of investing money from private investors are transactions lending to citizens at higher interest rates, and for a short time. All other private investments, including investments in various projects and programs in the country have not received proper distribution. They account for between 8 and 12% of total private investment.

The next step on the way to increase the risk of low liquidity is the acquisition of shares and futures trading. And finally, the most risky is trading options. When immersed in the world of investments is necessary to consider the possibility that the situation will develop adversely. For example, bought the stock suddenly start to decrease in the price or traded futures / options to rise suddenly, causing unnecessarily large losses.

In the operation of the stock market related to obtaining foreign exchange income, experts recommend investing no more than 3-5% of the available funds and never play “shoulder” & # 8211; that is, not to make transactions exceeding the amount of funds in the investment account with a broker. There comes to mind a saying popular in the 90s among brokers in the US Commodity Exchange, do you want to lose money – speculating, you want to play fast – speculating on the futures. Home we must remember that the game in the stock market is a “zero sum ​​game” & # 8211; that is to win something, it is necessary that someone is lost. And also the fact that the decisions have to be made ​​”at the hard right edge of the chart,” and that in the situation of the real risk of people do less deals than during training sessions when they are not at risk.

Risks still has not been canceled

The main risk for the private investor – ignorance of the sphere in which it is embedded. It is better to invest in a single instrument. For example, you have chosen startups. To study how the investments, which yield figures are considered normal, advice from experienced investors see projects in the market.

Whichever tool a private investor does not choose – they all carry risks. The risks may or may depend on the investor and do not have relation to him. For example, the risk of loss of income on the bill is entirely dependent on the investor, that the investor determines that the borrower to give or not to give money. At the same time, the government bonds of the USA and remained outstanding, is the risk does not depend on the investor under the global policy, the expert explains, adding that the most reliable way to protect against the risks is to diversify – asset allocation: the currencies of the countries. by industry, depending on the instrument.

It is not necessary to write off as best recent political and country risks – sanctions and restrictions, risks of unstable economic situation in the country, confusion and variability of the legislative framework, as well as the risks associated with rising interest rates on loans.

First investment – En educación

Private investor runs the risk of the overall size of their investment, so the first attachment novice investor should be in their own education. The world of investments – is, on the one hand, a large and complex machine that requires a common vision for the whole of mechanics, coupled with an understanding of market mechanisms. On the other hand, is having its own vision and “the gift of prediction”, which allows to anticipate the trend and invest in its tendency. It recommends that in the first place to learn business English and start learning courses in Western Desirable type of investment, as well as read the world news on Bloomberg, Yahoo Finance, in order to understand the movement of markets.

The current crisis can seriously increase the number of people playing on the Market of Forex. The number of its active customers (traders), exceeds 400 thousand and the average monthly turnover of 350 billion dollars. New players seemingly attracted international nature of trade, giving monetary transactions “solid” and “objectivity.

The Forex market never sleeps, it is international, and it is rare to find the poor here are not traded in the past. Our national perceptions of the term Forex is quite narrow and specific, to him usually is the market of speculative currency trading with leverage, which leads not only to an increase in profitability of operations, the growth rate of capital increase, but a proportional repeated increase in the risk of losses and an increase in the rate of loss.

Fees for transactions in the market of speculative trading lower than for direct conversion, because of scale and short-term transactions need to conclude contracts for the delivery of real currency is unlikely. Very often it takes the form of a commission of spread – fixed difference between the purchase price and sale price of currency at the same time. In most cases between Forex and speculator built a chain of several intermediaries, each of which takes a commission.

The debt – not money in bundles – sin pan

Leverage 1: 100 – a loan of 100 units while providing a single unit. Everyone agrees: “Do not trade against the trend!” However, if the market moves against your position occupied by 1 percent, you lose everything invested in the maintenance of your money transactions. On fluctuation of exchange rates simultaneously affects a huge number of controversial and countervailing factors. Accidental temporary imbalance acting forces can lead to significant price movements, which are difficult to predict, but which can have a serious impact on the results of speculative trading, particularly at high leverage.

According to the Commission on the US Securities and Exchange (SEC), loss of customers FOREX firms are on average 70 per cent of investment – more than the casino regulars.

In addition to the risks associated with market price fluctuations, there are risks associated with the activity of a particular broker (if you are engaged in trade through the stock exchange). In particular, it can be fast considerable changes in prices with so fast return to the original state, which is not confirmed by independent sources of quotations. Thus, the problem, is formed fraudulent transactions, it is a mechanism of processing of orders for transactions of a predetermined price, which does not guarantee compulsion of execution of the order.

Due to the lack of reliable information and legislative settlement is easy to manipulate the money entrusted to the management. The main objects of fraud in Forex are conducting transactions on behalf of, but without the consent of the client; bogus quotes, technical “failures.” Putting into practice the trade of computer models (trading platforms have special toolkit for the owner of the capital possible external constant monitoring of the account, which is in the trust management of the trader) limits the scam, but does not remove the legal issues in dispute.

National legislation does not provide for freedom and limitlessness of operations for conversion. It turns out that dealing centers provide their services without having the legal right to their provision. And often operate on the basis of the betting license. If large brokers have a foreign registration, the small often do without such and do not bear any legal responsibility for their actions. Therefore, customers of such companies practically defenseless in the event of disputes and conflicts.

Binary Brain Trust Review Is Binary Brain Trust Scam Or Legit? What is Binary Brain Trust System Works? Discover The Truth AboutBinary Brain Trust Software APP in My Honest Binary Brain Trust Reviews Until Think To Invest in It

Product Name: Binary Brain Trust Binary Brain Trust Website: BinaryBrainTrust. com Binary Brain Trust CEO: Martin Clayton Binary Brain Trust Price: FREE

Binary Brain Trust Review

On the financial marketing platforms today binary options exercise has become well-known. The stunning truth is that so many people have turned to this business or sector to make a living. If your quest is for a binary trading broker, then Binary Brain Trust remains the right software to use. The software works great and can help you make money for a living. From Binary Brain Trust review . you will discover that the system has a gamut of choices available for beginner and veteran traders looking forward to maximize their experience. Reading through the software review will help you to understand the software effectively.

Is Binary Brain Trust System A Scam?

Users will discover several options or alternative for trading when you begin to use Binary Brain Trust Service. There is no negative or false details provided at the main web page of the broker when talking about the trustworthiness of the system. Nevertheless, all the details provided are legit and you can always depend on it. The system is not a scam, but users can always select a tested and an approved one to use.

How Does Binary Brain Trust Software Operate?

Starting any trade with the software remains easy and simple. The software operates on autopilot or automation and it displays sixty second trading. On your behalf the system automatically generate trades for you. There are no charts needed to analyze or follow. This is because users are linked directly with the market. For this reason, you can always make use of the live signals generated by the system for trade in the correct direction. This remains one of the comforts provided by the software. The live trading information is utilized by the system to lock or hold the trades that remains profitable for users. From the review, there is every possibility to minimize the level of your trading failure or loss. The winning trade percentage provided by the system is between 70 and 75. This is similar to exactly what other binary systems are offering. The truth is that users may not totally depend on the system 100 percent. On this note, users can begin trading by themselves to win good profits.

What Is The Cost Of Binary Brain Trust Software?

The system costs the same as compared to other binary robots. Two hundred and fifty dollars remain the amount of the original deposit to begin trading with a platform or broker. It is a one-time price and remains the only money users will pay for using the system. To start trading, you are expected to make this payment upfront. Users will be offered a trading account that can be linked to any available broker.

Binary Brain Trust Special Features:

There is live chat support

Users will get video tutorials when using the software

To help users get the best results live trading information or signals are provided

The system can be helpful for newbie traders and as well veterans. There is every possibility to find everything about the software amazing and attractive. It is a good idea to try out the system to understand the underlying benefits attached.

Get Started With Binary Brain Trust Software:

You will need to obey some simple steps to start using the software.

Sign Up. Download the system by visiting the main website of the manufacturer and insert your email address. Go ahead to sign up for an account. This will help your trading account to be connected with the broker for easy operation.

Trade: Leave all the operations on the software after creating a trading account. The system will trade on your behalf and produce profits. All you have to do is to check how constant and effective the software win profits.

Withdraw: You can always withdraw the money when the trading account has made the desired profits. This is how the withdraw system of the software works.

Binary Brain Trust Conclusion:

With the comprehensive details of Binary Brain Trust review . you will agree that the system is designed to help users make money. The features of the software remain great and come with several amazing features. If you are searching for an effective way to make real cash online and maximize your income, simply purchase the software today. You will discover the legitimacy of the product in making money, time and again.

Product Name: The Nautilus Method The Nautilus Method Website: TheNautilusMethod. Com The Nautilus Method CEO: David The Nautilus Method Cost: FREE

The Nautilus Method Review

On the financial marketing platforms today binary options exercise has become well-known. The stunning truth is that so many people have turned to this business or sector to make a living. If your quest is for a binary trading broker, then The Nautilus Method remains the right software to use. The software works great and can help you make money for a living. From The Nautilus Method review . you will discover that the system has a gamut of choices available for beginner and veteran traders looking forward to maximize their experience. Reading through the software review will help you to understand the software effectively.

Is The Nautilus Method System A Scam?

Users will discover several options or alternative for trading when you begin to use The Nautilus Method Service. There is no negative or false details provided at the main web page of the broker when talking about the trustworthiness of the system. Nevertheless, all the details provided are legit and you can always depend on it. The system is not a scam, but users can always select a tested and an approved one to use.

How Does The Nautilus Method Software Operate?

Starting any trade with the software remains easy and simple. The software operates on autopilot or automation and it displays sixty second trading. On your behalf the system automatically generate trades for you. There are no charts needed to analyze or follow. This is because users are linked directly with the market. For this reason, you can always make use of the live signals generated by the system for trade in the correct direction. This remains one of the comforts provided by the software. The live trading information is utilized by the system to lock or hold the trades that remains profitable for users. From the review, there is every possibility to minimize the level of your trading failure or loss. The winning trade percentage provided by the system is between 70 and 75. This is similar to exactly what other binary systems are offering. The truth is that users may not totally depend on the system 100 percent. On this note, users can begin trading by themselves to win good profits.

What Is The Cost Of The Nautilus Method Software?

The system costs the same as compared to other binary robots. Two hundred and fifty dollars remain the amount of the original deposit to begin trading with a platform or broker. It is a one-time price and remains the only money users will pay for using the system. To start trading, you are expected to make this payment upfront. Users will be offered a trading account that can be linked to any available broker.

The Nautilus Method Special Features:

There is live chat support

Users will get video tutorials when using the software

To help users get the best results live trading information or signals are provided

The system can be helpful for newbie traders and as well veterans. There is every possibility to find everything about the software amazing and attractive. It is a good idea to try out the system to understand the underlying benefits attached.

Get Started With The Nautilus Method Software:

You will need to obey some simple steps to start using the software.

Sign Up. Download the system by visiting the main website of the manufacturer and insert your email address. Go ahead to sign up for an account. This will help your trading account to be connected with the broker for easy operation.

Trade: Leave all the operations on the software after creating a trading account. The system will trade on your behalf and produce profits. All you have to do is to check how constant and effective the software win profits.

Withdraw: You can always withdraw the money when the trading account has made the desired profits. This is how the withdraw system of the software works.

The Nautilus Method Conclusion:

With the comprehensive details of The Nautilus Method review . you will agree that the system is designed to help users make money. The features of the software remain great and come with several amazing features. If you are searching for an effective way to make real cash online and maximize your income, simply purchase the software today. You will discover the legitimacy of the product in making money, time and again.

Binary Secret Review

On the financial marketing platforms today binary options exercise has become well-known. The stunning truth is that so many people have turned to this business or sector to make a living. If your quest is for a binary trading broker, then Binary Secret remains the right software to use. The software works great and can help you make money for a living. From the Binary Secret review . you will discover that the system has a gamut of choices available for beginner and veteran traders looking forward to maximize their experience. Reading through the software review will help you to understand the software effectively.

Is Binary Secret System A Scam?

Users will discover several options or alternative for trading when you begin to use the Binary Secret Service. There is no negative or false details provided at the main web page of the broker when talking about the trustworthiness of the system. Nevertheless, all the details provided are legit and you can always depend on it. The system is not a scam, but users can always select a tested and an approved one to use.

How Does Binary Secret Software Operate?

Starting any trade with the software remains easy and simple. The software operates on autopilot or automation and it displays sixty second trading. On your behalf the system automatically generate trades for you. There are no charts needed to analyze or follow. This is because users are linked directly with the market. For this reason, you can always make use of the live signals generated by the system for trade in the correct direction. This remains one of the comforts provided by the software. The live trading information is utilized by the system to lock or hold the trades that remains profitable for users. From the review, there is every possibility to minimize the level of your trading failure or loss. The winning trade percentage provided by the system is between 70 and 75. This is similar to exactly what other binary systems are offering. The truth is that users may not totally depend on the system 100 percent. On this note, users can begin trading by themselves to win good profits.

What Is The Cost Of Binary Secret Software?

The system costs the same as compared to other binary robots. Two hundred and fifty dollars remain the amount of the original deposit to begin trading with a platform or broker. It is a one-time price and remains the only money users will pay for using the system. To start trading, you are expected to make this payment upfront. Users will be offered a trading account that can be linked to any available broker.

Binary Secret Special Features:

There is live chat support

Users will get video tutorials when using the software

To help users get the best results live trading information or signals are provided

The system can be helpful for newbie traders and as well veterans. There is every possibility to find everything about the software amazing and attractive. It is a good idea to try out the system to understand the underlying benefits attached.

Get Started With Binary Secret Software:

You will need to obey some simple steps to start using the software.

Sign Up. Download the system by visiting the main website of the manufacturer and insert your email address. Go ahead to sign up for an account. This will help your trading account to be connected with the broker for easy operation.

Trade: Leave all the operations on the software after creating a trading account. The system will trade on your behalf and produce profits. All you have to do is to check how constant and effective the software win profits.

Withdraw: You can always withdraw the money when the trading account has made the desired profits. This is how the withdraw system of the software works.

Binary Secret Conclusion:

With the comprehensive details of the Binary Secret review . you will agree that the system is designed to help users make money. The features of the software remain great and come with several amazing features. If you are searching for an effective way to make real cash online and maximize your income, simply purchase the software today. You will discover the legitimacy of the product in making money, time and again.

The Comprehensive Details Of The Your Legacy Club Review written by: Beth Megan

Product Name: Your Legacy Club Your Legacy Club Website: YourLegacy. Club Your Legacy Club CEO: Bill O’Doherty

Your Legacy Club Review

On the financial marketing platforms today binary options exercise has become well-known. The stunning truth is that so many people have turned to this business or sector to make a living. If your quest is for a binary trading broker, then Your Legacy Club remains the right software to use. The software works great and can help you make money for a living. From the Your Legacy Club review . you will discover that the system has a gamut of choices available for beginner and veteran traders looking forward to maximize their experience. Reading through the software review will help you to understand the software effectively.

Is Your Legacy Club System A Scam?

Users will discover several options or alternative for trading when you begin to use the Your Legacy Club Service. There is no negative or false details provided at the main web page of the broker when talking about the trustworthiness of the system. Nevertheless, all the details provided are legit and you can always depend on it. The system is not a scam, but users can always select a tested and an approved one to use.

How Does Your Legacy Club Software Operate?

Starting any trade with the software remains easy and simple. The software operates on autopilot or automation and it displays sixty second trading. On your behalf the system automatically generate trades for you. There are no charts needed to analyze or follow. This is because users are linked directly with the market. For this reason, you can always make use of the live signals generated by the system for trade in the correct direction. This remains one of the comforts provided by the software. The live trading information is utilized by the system to lock or hold the trades that remains profitable for users. From the review, there is every possibility to minimize the level of your trading failure or loss. The winning trade percentage provided by the system is between 70 and 75. This is similar to exactly what other binary systems are offering. The truth is that users may not totally depend on the system 100 percent. On this note, users can begin trading by themselves to win good profits.

What Is The Cost Of Your Legacy Club Software?

The system costs the same as compared to other binary robots. Two hundred and fifty dollars remain the amount of the original deposit to begin trading with a platform or broker. It is a one-time price and remains the only money users will pay for using the system. To start trading, you are expected to make this payment upfront. Users will be offered a trading account that can be linked to any available broker.

Your Legacy Club Special Features:

There is live chat support

Users will get video tutorials when using the software

To help users get the best results live trading information or signals are provided

The system can be helpful for newbie traders and as well veterans. There is every possibility to find everything about the software amazing and attractive. It is a good idea to try out the system to understand the underlying benefits attached.

Get Started With Your Legacy Club Software:

You will need to obey some simple steps to start using the software.

Sign Up. Download the system by visiting the main website of the manufacturer and insert your email address. Go ahead to sign up for an account. This will help your trading account to be connected with the broker for easy operation.

Trade: Leave all the operations on the software after creating a trading account. The system will trade on your behalf and produce profits. All you have to do is to check how constant and effective the software win profits.

Withdraw: You can always withdraw the money when the trading account has made the desired profits. This is how the withdraw system of the software works.

Your Legacy Club Conclusion:

With the comprehensive details of the Your Legacy Club review . you will agree that the system is designed to help users make money. The features of the software remain great and come with several amazing features. If you are searching for an effective way to make real cash online and maximize your income, simply purchase the software today. You will discover the legitimacy of the product in making money, time and again.

Is Your Legacy Club Scam

What is Your Legacy Club?

Your Legacy Club Benefits

Your Legacy Club Scam

Your Legacy Club Final Conclusion

Your Legacy Club Review Is Your Legacy Club Software A Scam Or Legit? Does Your Legacy Club Works? My Your Legacy Club Review Share With The Real Truth Abou Your Legacy Club System

Product Name: Your Legacy Club Your Legacy Club Website: YourLegacy. Club Your Legacy Club CEO: Bill O’Doherty Your Legacy Club Cost: FREE

Your Legacy Club Review

Fixed options in the Binary market is a great way to control the risk at the same time as the benefit from the advantages of the upward trend in the market. Options concept is extremely broad for this I in this article I intend to discuss only one term and then I will follow that other an article subjected to a second overlay strategy. One trading systems that we offer in Your Legacy Club used options overlay and you can follow the actual performance of this strategy in real-time from months to last. Two concepts which I will talk with them very common forms can also be carrying out with ease and without the need for periodic maintenance. These two things are what I search for them in the trading system and therefore I would not be this person who commits all the mistakes from the first time and then I can enjoy my life along with my business in Binary Options Trading. I will cover the situation warrants preventive in this report that I covered the summons in the report, which will be followed.

Preventive orders situation

The situation is a component option of three elements. The first is the contract. When you are buying mode option, this means that you buy the right to sell someone’s base currency according to pre-specified price during a predetermined period of time. You can buy the option of the situation today to sell a large amount of dollars the pound at a price of $ 2.0000 at any time between now and the date of your choice in the future. If the currency pair fell to 1.9900, you still have the ability to sell at 2.0000 and then make a profit. In fact, it does not matter how much currency’s slide. As long as within the time frame you have chosen you can sell the currency at 2.0000 at any time Your Legacy Club . Price situation (2.0000) of your choice to your contract, known as the exercise price. The second element is time. Options are available in the form of monthly periods. Which means that you can buy in favor of a contract until next month or the following month from 12 now. Choice up to you. Finally, options costs money. The price of the option is called the premium. The premium be greater the higher the value of the option. The choice in the long-term schedule and the price of high practice be more expensive than the option that is his trade in the short term with the price of a smaller practice. I think the best way to explain this is that we take an example of him.

Let’s assume that on January 22, 2007 Art purchase contract on a pair GBP USD. Suppose that the price at this time was 1.9750. Since you are a wise investor, you might want to get some protection from market risk for this Your Legacy Club Software buy protective mode allows you to sell the contract at 1.9750 at any time before the expiry of the validity of the contract option. In this case, this decade may end after a month from now, specifically in the third Friday of February or the sixteenth of it. This mode option will cost you the equivalent of 150 points per contract. If the pair fell in the time subsequent to the 1.9502 level. In this case, the situation is still the option is equal to 248 points, he was still able to sell at 1.9750 -. This amount is equal to the amount that completely lost in the purchase contract and therefore both Your Legacy Club other effect. In reality, the only thing that is lost 150 points, which is the amount you paid to buy the option in the first time. You do not need to put stop orders because you are fully protected. Even if the value of the contract fell sharply – more than 150 points planned, you still have the necessary hedge to protect your capital.

Trading in the next month, from February to March, there will be another loss, but trading from March to April will be the winner. For trading March to April, you may be purchased Your Legacy Club trading center pair at 1.9372. And thus may be covered by the trading center option situation at 1.9350 which will cost you 120 points and thus puts you in the position of exposure between 1.9350 and 1.9372. Nonetheless, if you add these two centers to some of you are going to have a level of total loss is similar to you during the trading period from January to February During the month, we assume that your Your Legacy Club position rose to 2.0027. This means that you have achieved 656 points. Now what about the mode option? Well, no doubt will want to sell this option at 1.9350 and therefore the situation will leave the option to expire without interest. This would mean a reduction of earnings by the same amount you paid for the option while the situation will be the new Total net earnings about 535 points.

This strategy may seem a bit complicated initial glance, but well worth learning more about them due to the large advantages. Copyright institutional traders with using overlay options, such as preventive mode options, at all times because they help them to control the risks and reduce the overall volatility in the financial wallets. Also we will mention here some of the additional benefits for both sides of the use of this strategy.

Interest # 1 – There are no stop orders

You will not need to place stop orders to buy the currency Center. How many times have you are correct in predicting the direction of the market, but stopped as a result of sharp fluctuations? I can say that this happens to most traders on a regular basis. But with preventive mode options remain constant in circulation even though the exchange rate fell to zero, if this is possible without the maximum loss exceeded. Also, this feature is available through the release of important news because you always remain in control of the situation.

Interest # 2 – the rise of unlimited

Unlike many of the hedging strategies, this technique will still allow to rise is limited. And although the gains are offset by the profits Mode option also remain significant.

Interest # 3 – lower volatility of the financial portfolio

The total portfolio in this situation is less than the level of volatility, because setbacks can fit. Here we will mention an additional example. Suppose that the pricing was reasonable and volatility on an ongoing basis, on average, during the last ten years and was your Your Legacy Club strategy is to buy the Long Center for the pound dollar with a mode using the leverage of the total portfolio of 20: 1 option. This helped to achieve a return of 10% per year during this time period. When you combine this feature with some wise analysis it will be possible to see much better than this returns.

Face # 1 – the cost mode option

Mode option will cost you 150 points if his legacy is valid until the expiration date, whether the market moves up or down each month. This price will be deducted from boarding gains and creates a specific decline in advance. Even if the market fell by less than 150 points, the maximum loss will remain as it is.

Face # 2 – the cost of trading

If you purchase mode option, you will pay a commission. It continued with the decline in exchange rates over time, this despite being nominally it but he adds another point to losses with each monthly trading.

The most difficult thing for most investors is to maintain their capital. Always you will hear from successful investors say that if the head of the owner was able to effectively protect the profits will take care of itself. I totally agree with this statement and use protectionist mode options in order to help myself in the hedge. Your Legacy Club offer in the financial model of the portfolio at the Department of deals which uses overlay options to clarify this concept in real time. Login real and then discovered it to learn that we are winners and permanently.

Is Your Legacy Club A Scam

Your Legacy Club Software is not A scam It’s legit and Safe Binary System. Your Legacy Club is Automated Binary Options Trading Signals Software.

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Is Push Money APP Scam

What is Push Money APP?

Push Money APP Benefits

Push Money APP Scam

Push Money APP Final Conclusion

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