Monday 27 November 2017

Oficial De Forex

Director de Operaciones


Informando al CEO, el COO tendrá responsabilidades tanto internas como externas que van desde administración de clientes y proyectos hasta administración y capital humano para la compañía. El COO cooperará estrechamente con los Directores Ejecutivos para planificar el crecimiento futuro de Forextime y la reacción estratégica ante una demanda cada vez mayor de los servicios de la Firma.


Un historial probado en un papel similar

Fuertes habilidades de liderazgo

Experiencia demostrada en el desarrollo y ejecución de estrategias operativas exitosas

Habilidades de pensamiento estratégico fuertes y demostradas

Capacidad de pensar creativamente y desarrollar soluciones no tradicionales a desafíos comerciales complejos

Fuerte capacidad de negociación y análisis

Capacidad de ser práctico y estratégico

Excelente conocimiento de las leyes y reglamentos de Chipre, especialmente CySEC

Responsabilidades y deberes

Supervisar el trabajo de los departamentos bajo la responsabilidad del COO y el desempeño de funciones relacionadas en las Oficinas de Relaciones Exteriores;

Desarrollar y mantener sólidos equipos de front office y asegurar un enfoque orientado al cliente;

Participar activamente en las reuniones de la junta directiva y cooperar con los Directores Ejecutivos para las actividades esenciales de liderazgo con la firma

Evaluar, revisar y aprobar la situación fiscal / financiera de las operaciones de la compañía y hacer ajustes en consecuencia;

Ser responsable de mantener buenas relaciones con el público y los organismos afines;

Asistir en negociaciones contractuales y relaciones gubernamentales;

Asegurar que el personal asignado esté completamente informado de las políticas de la compañía, procedimientos locales y otra información pertinente a sus trabajos;

Promover una cultura de logro, excelencia, respeto mutuo y colaboración en toda la organización


El candidato seleccionado recibirá un paquete de remuneración competitiva, incluyendo un seguro médico privado y un fondo de previsión para toda la empresa.

FT Global Limited está regulada por el IFSC con los números de licencia IFSC / 60/345 / TS e IFSC / 60/345 / APM.

Las transacciones de tarjetas se procesan a través de FT Global Services Ltd, Reg. No. HE 335426 y domicilio registrado en Tassou Papadopoulou 6, Flat / office 22, Ag. Dometios, 2373, Nicosia, Chipre, una filial de FT Global Ltd.

Trading Forex y CFDs implica un riesgo significativo y puede resultar en la pérdida de su capital invertido. Usted no debe invertir más de lo que puede permitirse perder y debe asegurarse de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados. Los productos de apalancamiento comercial pueden no ser adecuados para todos los inversores. Antes de operar, tenga en cuenta su nivel de experiencia, objetivos de inversión y busque asesoramiento financiero independiente si es necesario. Es responsabilidad del Cliente comprobar si está autorizado a utilizar los servicios de FT Global Limited en base a los requisitos legales en su país de residencia. Por favor lea la información completa de riesgo de FXTM.

FT Global Limited no presta servicios a residentes de los Estados Unidos, Belice, Japón, Columbia Británica, Quebec, Saskatchewan y los países del Espacio Económico Europeo.

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Forex Officers - Banco de la Corporación

El Banco de la Corporación, un Banco del Sector Público líder, fue establecido en 1906. El banco fue nacionalizado en 1980. El banco satisface las necesidades bancarias de clientes que van desde individuos a clientes corporativos. El banco trabaja duro con el objetivo de llegar a las masas rurales a través de la banca sin sucursales de bajo costo - modelo de Business Correspondent. Excelente conveniencia en el servicio bancario es la principal razón para atraer a más clientes a este banco. Además, son servicios avanzados como Cash Management Services, & # 8220; Online & # 8221; Aprobaciones para préstamos educativos, Gold Banking, m-Commerce y 100% CBS Compliance impresiona a los clientes.

Corporación Banco invita a solicitudes de candidatos elegibles para el puesto de Oficiales de Forex (MMGS II y MMGS III).

Número de puestos - Oficiales de divisas (MMGS II) - 22; Oficiales de divisas (MMGS III) - 8

Escala de la paga - para los oficiales de la divisa (MMGS II), la escala de la paga es Rs. 19400-700 / 1-20100 - 800/10 - 28100 (CTC Rs.5,25 lk); Y para los oficiales de divisas (MMGS III), la escala de sueldos es RS. 25700-800 / 5-29700-900 / 2-31500 (CTC Rs. 6,75 lk).

Edad Criterios - Límite de edad mínima es de 25 años y límite de edad máximo es de 35 años para ambos grados.

Calificación - Los candidatos deben poseer la calificación requerida prescrita por el Banco de la Corporación. Los detalles completos sobre la calificación y la experiencia educativas se pueden obtener en el enlace del Web site del banco http://www. corpbank. com/uploadedfiles/custom/5_01_470_3504297.pdf.

Modo de selección para el puesto es a través de la discusión en grupo y la entrevista. Sólo los candidatos elegibles serán llamados para la discusión en grupo y la entrevista.

El formulario de solicitud también puede descargarse de http://www. corpbank. in/. Los candidatos elegibles que tengan un ID personal de correo electrónico válido deben solicitarlo en línea únicamente a través del sitio web del banco. Solo se aceptará la solicitud en línea.

El honorario de la aplicación es Rs. 300 (OBC / ex-militares) y Rs 50 (candidatos SC / ST / VH / HI / OH). El costo de la solicitud debe ser pagado en efectivo en cualquier sucursal del Banco de la Corporación al A / c No. 0377 / CA / 01/714. No se recomienda ninguna otra forma de pago de tarifas.

Mangaladevi Temple Road,

Mangalore - 575 001

Última fecha para aplicar: 30.11.2010

Para obtener más información, visite http://www. corpbank. in/

¿Cuál es el rol de los oficiales de Forex?

Certificado por ACSM Especialista en salud física

Ya es una herramienta común en el mundo de la fisioterapia, el rodillo de espuma se ha convertido en un activo para los corredores que buscan permanecer en la parte superior de su juego. Un rodillo de espuma es un cilindro de v & hellip; Arious tamaños; Comúnmente 12 pulgadas de largo, 6 pulgadas de diámetro, hechas de varias densidades de espuma. Se utiliza para facilitar la técnica de liberación auto-miofascial al tumbarse sobre el rodillo, y moviéndose sobre varias partes del cuerpo. En otras palabras, el corredor utiliza su propio peso corporal contra el rodillo de espuma para crear presión y masaje. Los beneficios de la laminación de espuma son similares a los de un masaje deportivo costoso, pero sin el coste asociado. Un rodillo de espuma le permite alargar los músculos, tendones y ligamentos apretados. Los músculos específicos, como los flexores de la cadera y los ligamentos, como la banda iliotibial, no sólo son cada vez más propensos a apretarse en los corredores, sino que también son muy difíciles de estirar. La laminación de espuma permite que un corredor utilice una combinación de auto-masaje profundo y terapia de liberación de punto de activación para ayudar a alargar los músculos, tendones y ligamentos, promoviendo así una mayor flexibilidad. El laminado de la piel mejora la circulación sanguínea a través de los músculos, el tejido conectivo que cubre los músculos Conoce como la fascia, los tendones y los ligamentos. Esta circulación mejorada acelera el proceso de curación de esas áreas mediante la promoción de un intercambio más eficiente de oxígeno y nutrientes, así como la eliminación de los productos de desecho celular. Como se mencionó anteriormente, el rodamiento de espuma ayuda a alargar el exceso de tensión, los músculos apretados. Esto ayuda a aumentar la flexibilidad y la amplitud de movimiento, ya su vez ayuda a prevenir los desequilibrios físicos que pueden predisponer a un corredor a la lesión. Los músculos a un lado, muchas personas optan por ver a un terapeuta de masaje para aliviar el estrés. El rodillo de la espuma puede proporcionar resultados similares, en eso ayuda a disminuir el dolor del músculo, que puede ayudar a un corredor relajar no sólo físicamente, pero mentalmente. Un rodillo de la espuma no está simplemente para los propósitos de la recuperación; También puede ser utilizado como una herramienta para ayudar a construir la fuerza. El artículo [Espuma que ruge para la fuerza] () de la revista del mundo del corredor, demuestra varios ejercicios de la consolidación que se pueden hacer con un rodillo de la espuma. Como con cualquier nuevo ejercicio o estiramiento de la rutina, comience lento. Y como siempre, es importante distinguir el dolor normal de los músculos asociado con la actividad regular de una posible lesión aguda o crónica. No se recomienda que la espuma ruede un músculo desgarrado u otra parte del cuerpo gravemente dañada. En caso de duda, siempre consulte a su médico en primer lugar. Independientemente de su estado de ejecución, una élite esperanzada, un principiante, o cualquier persona en el medio, espuma de rodadura puede ser un activo vital para su rutina de entrenamiento. Para empezar, por favor visite [Cinco ejercicios de laminación de espuma para corredores] (http://running. answers. com/prevent-injuries/five-foam-rolling-exercises-for-runners). (MÁS)

Avid Blogger y su Genealogy's Star es uno de los mejores blogs de genealogía.

En la búsqueda de la genealogía de los nativos americanos, hay registros importantes que pueden aplicarse a sus antepasados ​​dependiendo de su tribu. Las Cinco Tribus Civilizadas fueron consideradas civilizacion y hellip; Ed por los colonos en la época colonial y Federal, posteriormente, registros genealógicos pueden estar disponibles para su investigación. (MÁS)

Ir de trabajo en india

Union Bank of India Reclutamiento para el oficial de Forex & # 038; Economista

Union Bank of India Reclutamiento para el oficial de Forex & amp; Economista

1) Oficial de Forex III - 11 Puestos

Escala de pago - Rs. 19400-28100

Calificación - Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones de una universidad reconocida.

Experiencia - mínimo 2 años de experiencia en el departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco del Sector Público / Banco del Sector Privado / Institución Financiera / Listado Corporativo.

Edad: de 20 a 35 años.

2) Oficial de Forex I - 36 Puestos

Cualificaciones - Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de notas de una universidad

Edad - 20-30 años

Experiencia - 1 año de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco Comercial Programado / Institución Financiera / Empresa Listada es preferible.

3) Economista I - 02 Puestos

Calificación - Licenciatura con un mínimo de 55% de las calificaciones y el solicitante debe haber estudiado Economía como uno de los temas principales en la graduación de una institución de la institución Consejo reconocido por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Edad - 20 a 30 años

Para Gen & amp; OBC - Rs.600 / -

Para candidatos de SC / ST / PWD - Rs.100 / -

Los candidatos interesados ​​pueden solicitar en línea en www. unionbankofindia. co. in entre el 13-02-2017 al 28-02-2017.

Union Bank Of India 49 Contratación de Oficial de Forex 2017

Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Diploma de Postgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

MBA con especialización en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Oficial de Forex (JMGS-I)

Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Organismos Reguladores. Posted Diploma de Posgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. O

Diploma de Postgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

MBA con especialización en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Licenciatura con un mínimo de 55% de las notas y el solicitante debe haber estudiado Economía como uno de los temas principales en la graduación de una Universidad / Institución / Consejo reconocido por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Rs.100 / - (cargos de intimation)

Modo de pago . El pago de las tasas de solicitud por cualquier otro modo, excepto en línea, no será aceptado. Los instrumentos, como el Borrador de demanda / Cheque bancario / Las órdenes postales indias recibidas para el pago de las tasas de solicitud / cargos de intimación no serán aceptados bajo ninguna circunstancia. Las tasas de solicitud / Intimation Cargos no son reembolsables y una vez pagados no se reembolsará en ninguna cuenta ni se puede mantener en reserva para cualquier otro examen o selección.

Cómo aplicar . Los candidatos dispuestos y interesados ​​pueden solicitar en línea para el post otro modo no serán aceptados. Los candidatos pueden solicitarse solamente en línea desde el 13/02/2017 al 28/02/2017. Antes de aplicar los candidatos en línea puede leer todas las instrucciones dadas en el sitio web los candidatos llenar el formulario de solicitud correctamente y cuidadosamente los candidatos pueden cargar fotos escaneadas y la firma en el formulario de solicitud y presentar el formulario de solicitud en línea.

Oficinista de Oficinas FOREX Limassol

Oficinista de Oficinas FOREX Limassol

Nuestro cliente es uno de los mayores proveedores regulados por CySEC de servicios de intercambio de divisas en Chipre, con oficinas en todo el mundo. Estamos buscando contratar una empresa dinámica & amp; Personal experimentado en el Departamento de

Nuestro cliente está tratando de contratar a un individuo con alguna experiencia previa en el Back Office de una reconocida empresa de Forex

Oficial de Back Office

Procesar aplicaciones para la apertura de cuentas de nuevos clientes en el software de la compañía

Modificar las cuentas de cliente existentes (es decir, documentos válidos, información actualizada)

Modificar las cuentas del cliente (por ejemplo, apalancamiento, perfil, etc.) en el software de la Compañía

Proceso Poder enviado por clientes

Proporcionar información a los clientes y prospectos en relación con la empresa

Responder a todos los correos electrónicos recibidos de clientes en relación con las consultas en proceso de apertura de cuenta como

Así como la modificación de las cuentas existentes,

Implementar un sólido procedimiento Know Your Client para todos los clientes potenciales y existentes,

Valide la documentación proporcionada con un proveedor independiente de verificación electrónica de terceros (por ejemplo, Check World, etc.)

Asegúrese de que toda la documentación necesaria sea recolectada y actualice el software de la Compañía sobre la colección de estos documentos,

Mantenga los registros de clientes (es decir, acuerdos, documentos de identificación, cuestionario para inversionistas, información de Know Your Client) en forma electrónica,

Asuntos financieros a plazo y solicitudes al Departamento de Contabilidad,

Ponerse en contacto con el Jefe de Backoffice para cualquier duda,

Además de estas funciones, el Empleado puede, de vez en cuando, ser requerido para asumir otras obligaciones adicionales dentro de su capacidad, según sea necesario para satisfacer las necesidades de los negocios del Empleador.

Oferta es un excelente salario para incluir el 13º salario y el paquete de beneficios

Búsqueda de trabajo

Banco de la unión de la India - reclutamiento del oficial de la divisa 2017

17 de febrero de 2017

Union Bank of India ha publicado la notificación para el reclutamiento de Forex Officer & Economist. Se pide a los candidatos que lean la notificación detallada cuidadosamente antes de solicitar los puestos.

1. Oficial de Forex - Escala - II - 11 mensajes

2. Oficial de Forex - Escala - I - 36 puestos

3. Economista - Escala - I - 02 puestos

Límite de edad: 20 años a 35 años

1. Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

2. Diploma de Posgrado en Banca Internacional o MBA de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Govt. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

3. Alfabetización en operaciones informáticas y procesamiento de textos / habilidades de computación con el apoyo de un certificado de una institución reconocida.

Post Qualification Experiencia laboral: Para Forex officer Scale - II

Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco del Sector Público / Banco del Sector Privado / Institución Financiera / empresas listadas.

Post Qualification Experiencia laboral: Para Forex officer Scale - I

Un año de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco Comercial Programado / Institución Financiera / empresas listadas es preferible.

Para una notificación detallada:

Solicitud en línea puede solicitar de - 13 a 28: Feb: 2017

Union Bank of India Oficial de Forex 2017 Reclutamiento

El Banco de la Unión de la India (UBI) declaró una notificación de reclutamiento en el sitio web oficial para un puesto de Oficiales Especialistas. Recrutamiento es para llenar los 49 puestos de Oficiales Especialistas. Es un sector público, su sede se encuentra en Mumbai. Union Bank De la India está invitando a todos los candidatos que están interesados ​​y elegibles para los puestos de Oficial de Forex y Economista en Segmento Especializado puede comenzar a solicitar los puestos de 13 de febrero de 2017, que ya ha comenzado y terminará el 28 de febrero de 2017.

Publicar detalles de Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017

Nombre del puesto. Oficial de Forex

No. De vacantes. 11

Limite de edad. 20 años a 35 años

Escala de pago. Escala II 19400-700 / 1- 20100-800 / 10-28100 / - por mes

Calificación Educativa. Debe tener un grado en el patrón 10 + 2 + 3 o Post Graduación en Banca Internacional o MBA con Especialización de Banca Internacional de la Universidad bien conocida y el conocimiento en operaciones de computadora y procesamiento de textos

Nombre del puesto. Oficial de Forex

No. De vacantes. 36

Limite de edad. 20 años a 36 años

Escala de pago. Escala-I Rs.14500-600 / 7-18700-700 / 2-20100-800 / 7-25700 por mes

Calificación Educativa (Oficial de Forex (JMGS-I)). Debe tener título en el patrón 10 + 2 + 3 o Post Graduación en Banca Internacional o MBA con Especialización de Banca Internacional de la Universidad reconocida.

Nombre del puesto. Economista

No. De vacantes. 2

Limite de edad. 20 años a 30 años

Escala de pago: Escala-I Rs.14500-600 / 7-18700-700 / 2-20100-800 / 7-25700 por mes

Calificación Educativa: Debe tener licenciatura en Economía como materia principal y con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones

Modo de pago debe ser sólo el método en línea, cualquier otro método como DD / Banker Cheque / India órdenes postales serán rechazados por el Banco. Y el pago una vez hecho no será reembolsado

Los solicitantes pueden comenzar a aplicar para los puestos como fecha de finalización del proceso de solicitud se acerca, por lo que antes de la fecha de finalización los candidatos tienen que presentar su solicitud llena a tiempo

Haga clic aquí para notificación oficial

Artículos Relacionados:

Mensaje de navegación

Una reflexión sobre & ldquo; Union Bank of India Oficial de Forex 2017 Recruitment & rdquo;

Sanjay kumar dice:

INDO ZAMBIA BANK desea contratar Especialistas que se ajusten a los perfiles como se describe a continuación. Como parte del reclutamiento para profesionales con experiencia, se invita a los candidatos que cumplan o coincidan con el perfil de trabajo a continuación:

Obligaciones y responsabilidades esenciales

Realizar cualquiera de las tres (3) funciones siguientes:

Negociación en Forex, Mercado Monetario / Bonos / Derivados.

Analizar los objetivos de Exchange Income.

Funcionamiento de las aplicaciones de Reuters y Bloomberg.

Manejo de remesas internacionales, Garantías de carta de crédito, Operaciones SWIFT, etc.

Alcanzar otras metas de ingresos establecidas por el Banco.

Forex Back Office:

Negociación en Forex, Mercado Monetario / Bonos / Derivados.

Independientemente verificando los movimientos de la tarifa de varias monedas contra el Kwacha zambiano.

Funcionamiento de las aplicaciones de Reuters y Bloomberg.

Listo para asumir la responsabilidad de alcanzar los objetivos fijados por la dirección.

Graduado / posgrado en la banca / finanzas / gestión financiera de un reputado Zambia / Instituto Internacional

Certificado de negociación de divisas - Licencia de la Oficina Front Office o Back Office o Certificado de Tramitación de Acciones.

Debe ser informático (Word, Excel, Power Point y el uso de otras aplicaciones de software de hoja de cálculo).

Debe tener menos de 35 años de edad.

Cualquiera de las siguientes combinaciones de experiencia y calificaciones:

Debe haber trabajado como divisa / mercado de dinero / bonos / distribuidor derivado en un banco reputable (distribuidor de ACI).

Debe tener un conocimiento profundo de los bonos y el mercado monetario / Forex Derivatives market in Zambia

ACI Front Office calificación con 5 años de experiencia en la oficina frontal / negociación de divisas en un banco de renombre preferentemente en Zambia.

Conocimiento y experiencia en el funcionamiento del software bancario central - Flex cube será una ventaja añadida.

Debe haber trabajado como Forex / Money Market / Bonos

Derivative Dealer en un banco de renombre.

ACI Back Office cualificación con 5 años de experiencia en Back Office / Forex en un reputado banco en Zambia.

Debe haber trabajado o gestionado un Back Office de un Banco de renombre.

Estrictamente mínimo 5 años de experiencia operacional en la banca de negocios extranjeros / gestión de tesorería / gestión de fondos de Forex / comercio internacional y servicios / remesas, etc.

A los candidatos interesados ​​se les solicita completar un formulario de solicitud prescrito que se puede descargar aquí

Los candidatos deben adjuntar cartas de solicitud mecanografiadas con currículos actualizados que muestren antecedentes académicos, árbitros rastreables, copias de certificados académicos y profesionales.

Todas las solicitudes deben dirigirse a:

Gerente General de Recursos Humanos Indo Zambia Banco Central Oficina PO Box 35411 Plot No. 6907 Cairo Road

Antes del 18 de marzo de 2017

Cada sobre de la solicitud debe estar claramente marcado con la vacante que se solicita en la esquina superior derecha y depositado en la casilla prescrita en la dirección anterior. Se ofrecerá un atractivo paquete de remuneración y beneficios proporcional al grado de gestión de la posición.

No te pierdas otra oportunidad de trabajo!

Únase a más de 5.000 personas que reciben notificaciones diarias. Ingrese su dirección de correo electrónico y suscríbase gratis.


Oficial de Forex & # 038; Economist Recruitment @ Banco de la Unión

Oficial de Forex & amp; Economist Recruitment @ Union Banco-

Banco Unión solicitud invitada para el puesto vacante de Forex Officer & amp; Economista. El candidato elegible puede solicitar el puesto.

Detalle de vacante - Oficial de Forex II - 11 Post Oficial de Forex I - 36 Post Economista I - 02 Post

Calificación de Educación Requerida - Vea el anuncio para información detallada.

Límite de Edad - Oficial de Forex II - Mínimo. 20 años máximo. 35 años de Oficial de Forex I - Mínimo. 20 años máximo. 30 Años Economista I - Mínimo. 20 años máximo. 30 años

Salario - Oficial de Forex - 19400-700 / 1-20100-800 / 10-28100 Oficial de Forex I - 14500-600 / 7-18700-700 / 2-20100-800 / 7-25700 Economista I - 14500-600 / 7 -18700-700 / 2-20100-800 / 7-25700

Fecha Importante - Última fecha de presentación del formulario de solicitud - 28.02.2017, 24:00 Hrs

Cómo postular - El candidato elegible puede solicitar en línea a través del sitio web oficial de la empresa.

Otros Detalles - Para más detalles visite el sitio web oficial de la empresa o haga clic a continuación en el enlace dado-

Min 20 años y máximo 35 años

19400 - 700/1 - 20100 - 800/10 - 28100

Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores .

Diploma de Postgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. O MBA con especialización en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Alfabetización en Operaciones de Computadoras y procesamiento de textos / Habilidades informáticas apoyadas por Certificado de una institución reconocida.

Experiencia - Experiencia de Trabajo de Postabilidad: Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco del Sector Público / Banco del Sector Privado / Institución Financiera / empresas listadas.

Oficial de Forex (Grado I)

Min 20 años y máximo 30 años

14500 - 600/7 - 18700 - 700/2 - 20100 - 800/7 - 25700

Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Diploma de Postgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. O MBA con especialización en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Alfabetización en Operaciones de Computadoras y procesamiento de textos / Habilidades informáticas apoyadas por Certificado de una institución reconocida.

Experiencia - Un año de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco Comercial Programado / Institución Financiera / listados Corporativos es preferible.

Min 20 años y máximo 30 años

14500 - 600/7 - 18700 - 700/2 - 20100 - 800/7 - 25700

Calificación. - Licenciatura con un mínimo de 55% de las notas y el solicitante debe haber estudiado Economía como uno de los temas principales en la graduación de una Universidad / Institución / Consejo reconocido por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Los candidatos deben leer las instrucciones y asegurar la exactitud de los datos antes de aplicar.

Los candidatos elegibles tienen que aplicar a través del sistema de registro en línea

Para solicitar visita: http://www. unionbankofindia. co. in con su ID de correo electrónico válido y datos de contacto.

No se aceptarán otros medios / modo de aplicación.

Cargo por solicitud: (Incluyendo Cargos por Correo / Intimación) (No Reembolsable):

Rs. 100 / - (cargos de intimation)

Union Bank Forex Officer / Economist Resultado 2017 Declarado

Union Bank Forex Officer Resultado 2017 Union Bank Economist Resultado 2017 Cheque Union Bank Economista / Forex Officer examen escrito Resultado 2017 Union Bank 29 Marzo Oficial de Forex Resultado 2017 Check Interview Schedule Ultimas Actualizaciones

Union Bank Economist Oficial Resultado 2017

ÚLTIMA ACTUALIZACIÓN: Union Bank ha anunciado el resultado de Forex Officer & amp; Economista bajo el Examen de Marco Especialista de Oficial 2017. Los candidatos pueden consultar su Resultado del enlace disponible debajo de & # 8230; & # 8230; & # 8230; & # 8230;

RESULTADO NOTA: - Union Bank Of India había organizado un examen escrito para el reclutamiento de 49 puestos de Oficiales Especialistas (Oficial de Forex y Economista). Los candidatos que soñaban con trabajar con Union Bank ahora están esperando el resultado con entusiasmo. Las noticias para los candidatos son que Union Bank ha declarado el resultado para el examen en el sitio web de Union Bank http://www. unionbankofindia. co. in/. Los candidatos por favor visite el sitio web regularmente para las últimas actualizaciones.

ACERCA DE UBI-Union Bank de la India ha estado desempeñando un papel muy proactivo en el crecimiento económico de la India y se extiende crédito para las necesidades de los diferentes sectores de la economía. Las industrias, las exportaciones, el comercio, la agricultura, la infraestructura y los segmentos individuales son sectores en los que el banco ha desplegado crédito para estimular el crecimiento económico y ganar de una cartera bien diversificada de activos.

UBI EXAMEN 2017: - Unión Bank Of India ha llevado a cabo examen de oficial de especialista el 29 de marzo de 2017 para 49 vacantes en varios centros en la India. Muchos candidatos de toda India participan en este examen.

NOTA: - Los candidatos que califiquen el examen escrito serán llamados para Discusión en Grupo / Entrevista Personal. La selección final se basará en el mérito de las calificaciones en el examen escrito & amp; Entrevista personal.

LAS ÚLTIMAS PALABRAS: - Los candidatos que están a la espera de Resultado tendrá paciencia & amp; Se centran en la discusión en grupo sobre temas actuales en India, Banca & amp; Sector económico porque el examen escrito es el primer obstáculo otro obstáculo a cruzar en GD / PI. Se recomienda a los candidatos que se pongan en contacto con el sitio web de Union Bank para obtener las últimas actualizaciones sobre el resultado.

Para más detalles visite: http://www. unionbankofindia. co. in/Home. aspx

Los candidatos pueden dejar sus comentarios en el cuadro de comentarios. Si tiene alguna consulta sobre este artículo, por favor comparta con nosotros.

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Union Bank of India Reclutamiento 2017 Para 49 Oficial de Forex, Economista

Detalles del trabajo

Número de posiciones: 49

Banco de la Unión de la India invita a las solicitudes de contratación de Forex Officer, Economista en Union Bank of India, Mumbai, Maharashtra de los candidatos elegibles. La fecha límite para la solicitud es el 28 de febrero de 2017

Oficial de Forex - 11

Calificación educativa: El candidato debe haber aprobado 1. Licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de las calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. 2. Diploma de Posgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Govt. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. O MBA con especialización en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. 3. Alfabetización en operaciones informáticas y procesamiento de textos / habilidades de computación con el apoyo de un certificado de una institución reconocida.

Experiencia: Mínimo 2 años de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco del Sector Público / Banco del Sector Privado / Institución Financiera / empresas listadas.

Escala de Pago: INR 19400-28100 / - Por Mes

Límite de edad: 20-35 años

Oficial de Forex - 36

Calificación educativa: El candidato debe haber aprobado la licenciatura en cualquier disciplina con un mínimo de 55% de las calificaciones de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. 2. Diploma de Posgrado en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por Gbno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. O MBA con especialización en Banca Internacional de una Universidad / Institución / Junta reconocida por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores. 3. Alfabetización en operaciones informáticas y procesamiento de textos / habilidades de computación con el apoyo de un certificado de una institución reconocida.

Experiencia: Un año de experiencia en el Departamento de Forex / Departamento de Finanzas Comerciales en un Banco Comercial Programado / Institución Financiera / listados Corporates es preferible.

Escala de pago: INR 14500-25700 / - Por mes

Límite de edad: 20-30 años

Economista - 02

Calificación educativa: El candidato debe haber aprobado la Licenciatura con un mínimo de 55% de calificaciones y el solicitante debe haber estudiado Economía como una de las materias principales en la graduación de una universidad / institución / Junta reconocida por el Gobierno. De India / aprobado por Gbno. Cuerpos reguladores.

Escala de pago: INR 14500-25700 / - Por mes

Límite de edad: 20-30 años

Fechas importantes:

Fecha de inicio para la presentación de la solicitud ON-LINE y el pago de cargos / cargas de intimación. 13.02.2017, 00:00 Hrs Ultima Fecha para la presentación de la solicitud ON-LINE y el pago de honorarios / cargos de intimation. 28.02.2017, 24:00 Hrs

Categoría: Empleo

Cómo aplicar:

Las solicitudes para este trabajo deben ser llenadas en línea. Siga el siguiente enlace para aplicar (o visite la página de detalles del trabajo original)

Descargar notificación oficial:

Un Oficial de Divisas o un Distribuidor de Forex invierte los fondos de una corporación en mercados de divisas con un motivo de lucro o como parte de una estrategia de gestión de riesgos (hedging). No se requiere educación formal para operar en los mercados de divisas. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las empresas, especialmente las instituciones financieras, como bancos, compañías de seguros y fondos de cobertura, requieren un título universitario de cuatro años para una posición de comerciante de divisas junior. Un mayor comerciante de Forex por lo general tiene un título de maestría en un campo relacionado con las finanzas.

Actualmente algunas de las funciones son las siguientes:

Directrices y reglas para el negocio de divisas.

Capacitación del Personal del Banco en las áreas de Negocios de Divisas.

Acreditación de Corredores de Forex

Asesoramiento / Asistencia a los bancos miembros en la solución de asuntos / asuntos en sus tratos.

Representar a los bancos miembros en el Gobierno / Banco de la Reserva de la India / Otros órganos.

Anuncio de tarifas diarias y periódicas a los bancos miembros.

Con la importación y la actividad de exportación cada vez más importante para la economía de la India, divisas es una parte importante de la actividad bancaria. Oficiales de divisas y los puestos de trabajo del distribuidor de divisas sólo va a crecer.

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Descripción del puesto de oficial de Forex

Png "Rating: 4. Análisis del término para los EEUU los zapatos verdes únicos por la fórmula binaria Descripción de trabajo del funcionario de la divisa - 16 de noviembre Desarrollador mayor - mesa de negociación cuantitativa y equidad intercambia el negocio Evantage LLC - Jersey City, Swaps business El candidato seleccionado será un lsquohands onrsquo JavaJ2EE, Perl Http: precio: los mejores corredores binarios: binario comenzó Otros servicios excelentes incluyen Saxo Capital Markets, índice de la ciudad, los mercados de Selftrade, UFX.

Trabajos para obtener la descripción de trabajo de oficial de forex de habitación ricos. Toda la información disponible en la actualidad se encuentra en la lista de países que se encuentran en la lista. En la Academia FX, se hace hincapié en la enseñanza de estrategias básicas para analizar eficientemente el movimiento anticipado de los mejores pares de corredores de opciones de fx en línea y cuándo colocar correctamente la forma en que los creadores de mercado de divisas trabajan para salir rentable.

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Forex Bureau Principal Officer Job 2017

Forex Bureau Vacancy

A vacancy for a principal officer is vacant. The principle office will report to the Managing Director and will be based in Nairobi.

The main purpose of this job will be to provide strategic support and management of the Forex Bureau, maximize profitable growth and shareholders value of the company.

Prepare, maintain and submit central bank of Kenya reports on a daily weekly and monthly basis.

Follows international financial economic and social trends and assess that possible effect on foreign currency exchange.

Managing the day to day trading of the forex bureau and ensure its profitability.

Establish the most competitive market rates to sell foreign currencies and maximizing returns.

Overseeing the overall operational administrative and financial functions of the bureau.

Customers relationship management ensuring customers get good services from bureau.

Provide daily verification of talks transactions, balance accounts and liaise with the management accounts for preparation of financial report.

A formal training with a minimum diploma in banking, CPA, ACCA OR equivalent – university business degrees will be added advantage.

Solid understanding of treasury account and operational treasury issues

Having some basic knowledge of currency devaluation and revaluation.

Knows how FX deals are administrated, guaranteed and settled.

Applicants must demonstrate strong leadership and communication skills.

Don't Keep Share!:

   How to Apply

Law Officers & Treasury/Forex Officers @ Bank of Maharashtra

Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2017 Law Officers & Treasury/Forex Officers

Bank of Maharashtra Law Officers & Treasury/Forex Officers Recruitment 2017 notification has been released for talented professionals with winning attitude to be partners in the growth journey of the Bank through shouldering the responsibility, for filling up 55 Specialists Officers. Candidates who are interested and satisfy eligibility criteria can apply online before last date 11-02-2017. Candidates who are applying have to check complete details on online application form, challan form, selection process, personal interview, Call letters for interview, how to apply, Qualification, eligibility criteria and other details on Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2017 Law Officers & Treasury/Forex Officers

Commencement of date of ON LINE application 28th JAN. 2017

Last Date of application 11th FEB. 2017

Last Date for Making Payment of application / intimation fees 11th FEB. 2017


Total number of posts in Bank of Maharashtra Law Officers & Treasury/Forex Officers Recruitment 2017. The details of break up in vacancies are given below.:

An amount of Rs.50/- For SC/ ST/ Persons with Disability (PWD) and Rs. 300/- For GEN/ OBC

Candidates are required to apply online form from – 28th JAN. 2017 to 11th FEB. 2017.

(i) Candidates are required to go to the Bank’s website ‘www. bankofmaharashtra. in’ and click on the link Recruitment – open the Notification titled “BANK OF MAHARASHTRA LAW & Treasury / FOREX OFFICERS RECRUITMENT PROJECT – 2012-13”. Read the notification, eligible candidates may take out a printout of notification.

(ii) Candidates should then pay the requisite application fees/ intimation charges through any of the Bank’s branches OR through any NEFT enabled Bank.’

(iii) Obtain the Candidate’s Counterfoil Copy of the Application Fee Payment Challan/ NEFT Receipt duly authenticated by the Bank with (a) Branch Name & BIC No, (b) Transaction id/Scroll number (in case of payment through CBS) / NEFT UTR No. (in case of payment through NEFT) (c) Date of Deposit & amount filled by the Branch Official.

(iv)Candidates are now ready to Apply Online by re-visiting the Recruitment Link on the Bank’s website and going to the sub link titled “ONLINE APPLICATION FOR RECRUITMENT OF Law and Treasury / FOREX Officers PROJECT 2012-13” to open up the appropriate Online Application Format. Candidates should have a valid email ID. It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project. Bank may send call letters for interview through the registered e-mail ID. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention email ID to /of any other person.

(i) In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line.

(ii) Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete. Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of interview may lead to disqualification

(iii) Candidates are required to click on the link for “Apply Online for the post of Law and Treasury / FOREX Officers” fill in all the fields in the online Application format carefully and submit the application online.

(iv) Candidates should retain the Registration number and password generated by the system for future reference safely. After applying on-line, the registered candidates must retain the print out of application form for further reference.

(v) Candidates can modify their Online Application Form and are requested to make use of this facility to correct the details in online application, if any. This Modification facility shall be available two days after registration and up to 13th FEB. 2017. Modification will be allowed only 3 times. After the above date, no modification will be permitted. Candidates should take utmost care to furnish the correct details while filling in the online application.

(vi) Original fee payment challan/ NEFT Receipt, copy of on line application will have to be submitted with the Call Letter at the time of Interview as the case may be. Without original fee payment challan/ NEFT receipt the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the Interview. Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan

1. Depending on the number of vacancies, candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria shall be called for a personal interview in the ratio of 1:3 or as decided by the Bank. The Bank reserves its right to call for the Interview, candidates otherwise than in the above ratio at its sole discretion.

2. A personal interview of 100 marks shall be conducted to assess the candidate’s personality, level of communication, clarity & problem solving innovativeness, level of efficiency, willingness to work in any part of the country, suitability for the post etc. The minimum qualifying marks in personal interview would be 40% for General Category and 35% for Reserved Category. Candidates not clearing the personal interview will not be considered for final selection.

3. Subject to the vacancies available under the respective category, only those candidates who pass the personal interview will be shortlisted for selection.

4. Final merit list of candidates who have cleared and qualified in the personal interview will be prepared in order of merit.

5. The Bank reserves the absolute right to alter, modify or change the eligibility criteria and / or any of the other terms and conditions in this advertisement, including criteria for passing/ method and procedure for selection, if necessary.

The interviews are likely to be held at select centres. Bank reserves right to select Interview Centres depending upon response and administrative convenience. The list of shortlisted candidates to be called for interview will be displayed on the Bank’s website well in advance mentioning date, time and venue of interview.

Call Letters for Interview

Call letters for the purpose of interview will be sent to the shortlisted/ eligible candidates only through e-mail at the e-mail address given by them in the application form. A list of all such candidates along with details such as date, time and venue of the interview will also be hosted on the bank’s website www. bankofmaharashtra. in Candidates are requested to regularly visit the Bank’s website and keep track of the status of their candidature, from time to time. Kindly note that no other mode of communication pertaining to the interview process other than mentioned above, will be followed.

Click here for Bank of Maharashtra Recruitment 2017 Law Officers & Treasury/Forex Officers

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Union Bank of India Recruitment of Forex Officers – 49 Vacancy

1. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with minimum 55% marks from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. 2. Post Graduate Diploma in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / pproved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. or MBA with specialization in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. 3. Literacy in Computer Operations and word processing / Computer skills supported by Certificate from a recognized institution.

Post Qualification Work Experience: Minimum 2 years experience in Forex Department / Trade Finance Department

Mínimo. 20 Years Maximum. 35 Years

Educational Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with minimum 55% marks from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.2. Post zraduate Diploma in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. or MBA with specialization in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. 3. Literacy in Computer Operations and word processing / Computer skills supported by Certificate from a recognized institution.

Post Qualification Work Experience: One year experience in Forex Department / Trade Finance Department in a Scheduled Commercial Bank / Financial Institution / listed Corporates is preferable.

Mínimo. 20 Years Maximum. 30 Years

Educational Qualifications: Bachelor‟s Degree with minimum 55% marks and the applicant should have studied Economics as one of the major subjects in graduation from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.

Mínimo. 20 Years Maximum. 30 Years

Procedure for applying online :

The applicants are required to go to the Bank’s website “www. unionbankofindia. co. in” and click on the link “Recruitment” under “Careers” page to access the link available at the end of the Recruitment Notification titled “UNION BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2017-16 (Specialist Officer) – RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION” for applying online. Before filling the online application, the candidate should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria given in the notification.

The applicants should completely fill up the online application form and upload their photograph and signature, as per the specifications given in the notification under ‘Guidelines for Scanning‟.

The applicants should very carefully fill in the details in the On-Line Application at appropriate places and click on the “FINAL SUBMIT” button at the end of the Online Application format. Before pressing the “FINAL SUBMIT” button, candidates are advised to verify every field filled in the application.

The application form is integrated with the payment gateway. The payment can be made by using Debit Cards (RuPay / Visa / Master Card / Maestro), Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards / Mobile Wallets.

If the online transaction has been successfully completed, an e-receipt, Registration Number & Password will be generated. The applicants should note their Registration Numbers and Password for future reference.

If the online transaction has not been successfully completed then the candidates are advised to login again with their provisional registration number and password and pay the Application Fees / Intimation Charges online.

The applicants are required to take a printout of the e-receipt and the submitted online application form.


The call letters for Online Examination and / or Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview, can be downloaded by the eligible applicants from the Bank’s website „www. unionbankofindia. co. in‟ under “Careers” link. The list of the applicants shortlistedfor Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview will be published on Bank‟s website.

The use of calculator, telephone and mobile phone of any kind, pagers or any other such instruments are not permitted during the Online Examination and / or Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview. The applicants are advised not to bring such gadgets as these will not be allowed inside the venue.

The Bank will be free to reject any application at any stage of the process. The decision of the Bank in all matters regarding eligibility of the applicant, the stages at which such scrutiny of eligibility is undertaken, the documents to be produced for the purpose of the conduct of Group Discussion, interview, selection and any other matter relating to recruitment will be final and binding on the applicant. In case it is detected at any stage of the recruitment that a candidate does not fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he / she has furnished any incorrect / false / incomplete information or has concealed or suppressed any material fact(s), his / her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is / are detected even after appointment, his / her services shall be summarily terminated without notice.

The Email address / communication address indicated by the applicant in his / her application shall be deemed to be correct for sending communication to them. Every communication addressed to the applicants on this address / email shall be deemed to have been served upon them.11

The applicant should produce System Generated Application Form and all the documents in original along with one set of photocopies, in support of his / her eligibility as per this notification, if invited for the Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview. The applicants failing to produce the Original Documents for verification will not be permitted to participate in the process and their candidature shall stand cancelled.

The applicants claiming benefit of age relaxation under the category of Persons With Disabilities (i. e. Physically Challenged Persons) should submit a clear and legible copy of the Medical Certificate issued by Competent Authority as specified in “The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995” in support of their disability. The prescribed format is available on the Bank‟s website which if needed, may be printed and made use of. The applicants who fail to produce the certificate will not be allowed to participate in the process.

The applicants belonging to SC / ST Category should submit a copy of their Caste Certificate issued by the Competent Authority in the format prescribed by the Central Government of India, Dept. of Personnel and Training, Office Memo No.36012/6/88- Estt.(SCT), (SRD III), dated 24.04.1990 and No.36036/8/98-Estt. (Res.) dated 16.03.1999. The prescribed format of the SC / ST Caste Certificate is available with this notification, which, if needed, may be printed and made use of. The applicant who fails to produce the certificate will not be allowed to participate in the process. The Other Backward Class (OBC) Certificate to be submitted by OBC applicant should be on the Format prescribed by the Government of India vide Government of India, Dept. of Personnel and Training Office Memo. No. 36033/28/94-Estt.(Res.) dated 02.07.1997 entitled “FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT TO POSTS UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA” and should invariably contain the ‘CREAMY / NON-CREAMY LAYER’ CLAUSE. The certificate should be issued within one year prior to the last date of online submission of application in prescribed format. Caste Name mentioned in certificate should tally letter by letter with Central Government list / notification. The prescribed format of the OBC Certificate is available on the Bank‟s website which if needed, may be printed and made use of. The OBC certificates not on the prescribed format and / or without the creamy / non creamy layer clause will not be accepted and the applicant’s candidature will be cancelled and he / she will also not be permitted to participate under the General / Unreserved category.

The applicants serving in the Government / Public Sector Undertakings (including Banks and Financial Institutions) should submit a “No Objection Certificate” from the employer.

The applicants should retain sufficient copies of photographs uploaded by them in online application form. They are also advised not to alter their appearance, like by growing / shaving beard till the recruitment process is over.

The applicants will appear for the Online Examination and / or Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview, etc. at the allotted centers at their own cost and risk and the Bank will not be responsible for any injury / loss etc. of any nature. However, the eligible outstation SC / ST and Physically Challenged applicants attending the Personal Interview will be reimbursed to and fro Second Class Rail / Ordinary State Transport Bus fare by the shortest route on production of satisfactory evidence of travel along with an application in this regard.

The applicants are advised to keep track of status of their applications from the Bank‟s website. The personal and / or telephonic and / or e-mail and / or postal enquiries will not be entertained / responded to.

The selected applicants, who are presently in employment, will be required to produce an unconditional, clear and valid discharge certificate / relieving letter from their present employer before joining the service of the Bank.

The appointment of the short-listed / selected candidate is subject to his / her completing the prescribed pre-recruitment formalities, submission of notified documents, Execution of Service Indemnity Bond, Medical Examination and being declared medically fit by Bank‟s approved Doctor / Medical Centre.

The appointment will also be subject to receiving satisfactory references from respectable referees, police verification of antecedents, caste / class verification (all or any of which may be done even after the candidate provisionally joins the Bank) and compliance of the rules and regulations of the Bank.

Canvassing in any form by an applicant will lead to his / her disqualification in the selection process.

The applicant should ensure that the signatures appended by him / her at all the places, viz. in his / her application form, call letter, attendance sheet etc. are identical.

The Bank reserves the right to alter, modify or change the eligibility criteria and / or any of the other terms and conditions spelt out in this Notification.

The Bank also reserves the right to scrap the entire process or any / all of the notified vacancies at any stage.

In case of any dispute on account of interpretation in version other than English, the English version shall prevail.

Any dispute arising out of this Notification shall be subject to the sole jurisdiction of the Court situated in Mumbai.

Selection Procedure for Union Bank of India (UBI)- Forex Officer, Economist Post.

Candidates can apply on or before 28.02.2017.

The selection process may comprise of online Examination and / or Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview. The Bank reserves the absolute right to decide as to whether to use all or any of these modes for selection for the notified posts.

How to apply for Forex Officer, Economist Vacancy in Union Bank of India (UBI) :

The candidates can apply only for one post. The applications of candidates applying for more than one post and / or submitting Multiple Applications / Registrations for the same post will be summarily rejected and the application fee / intimation charges forfeited. The candidates can apply only online from 13.02.2017 to 28.02.2017 (both days inclusive) and no other mode of application will be accepted.

Important dates to remeber :

Last Date to Apply for this job 28.02.2017





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FreshersLive - No.1 Job site in India. Here you can find latest 2017 government as well as private job recruitment notifications for different posts vacancies in India. Get top company jobs for both fresher and experienced. Job Seekers can get useful interview tips, resume services & interview Question and answer. Practice online test free which is helpful for interview preparation. Register with us to get latest employment news/rojgar samachar notifications. Also get latest free govt and other sarkari naukri job alerts daily through E-mail.

Union Bank Recruitment 2017 for 49 Forex Officer - Economist

Union Bank Recruitment 2017 for 49 Forex Officer and Economist in India.11 vacancy 47 vacancies for forex officer and 2 vacancy for Economist is available. Application will be accepted online by 13/02/2017 to 28/02/2017.

Total vacancy. 49 vacancy

Puestos. Forex officers and economist

Eligibility. MBA (Banking) /PGDM (INTERNATIONAL BANKING)/BA (Economics)

Application fee. Rs. 600 for OBCUR and Rs. 100 for others.

Minimum Educational Qualification and Eligibility criteria for Forex officer and Economist post in Union Bank Recruitment 2017

(A) Forex Officer Grade 2

Number of posts. 11 posts (SC – 08,ST – 01,UR - 02)

Minimum Qualification . Bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum 55% and post graduate Diploma in International Banking. OR MBA in banking and should be well known of basic computer

Age limit. Applicant age must be between 20 to 35 years.

Experiencia. 02 years of experience in forex department.

(B) Forex Officer Grade 1

Number of vacancy. 36 posts (SC - 05. ST - 02, OBC – 04,UR – 25)

Minimum Qualification. Bachelor degree in any discipline with minimum 55% and post graduate Diploma in International Banking. OR MBA in banking and should be well known of basic computer

Age limit. 20 to 30 years

Experience . 01 year.

Number of posts. 02

Minimum Qualification. Applicants should be graduate with minimum 55% and should have economics as a subject in graduation or post graduation.

Age limit . 20 years to 30 years

Selection Procedure . Union Bank of India Reserves right to conduct joint examination/Group discussion/Personal interview.

Online Test paper format

Reasoning. 50 MCQ carrying 25 marks.

Quantitative aptitude. 50 MCQ carrying 50 marks

Professional knowledge. 50 MCQ carrying 100 marks

Inglés. 50 MCQ carrying 25 marks

How to Apply. Applicants can click on below link to download Notification or apply online. Online application will be accepted only before 28 February 2017.

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Former U. S. Marine and Law Enforcement Officer gives his inside story with Forex trading and reveals the trading strategy he now uses to take $7,000 -$15,000 per week.

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There have been many sources of information about Forex trading who are considered gurus and mentors, like Peter Baine of forexmentor, Market Traders Institute, Rob Booker, George Soros, Fx Academy, etc

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Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 Application Form for 49 Forex Officer, Economist Posts

Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 Application Form for 49 Forex Officer, Economist Posts ; Further Details Regarding Age Limit, Educational Qualification, Physical Test. General Information, Eligibility Conditions, Pay Scale, Selection Procedure, Syllabus and Scheme of Examination, Examination Center, Examination Fee, How to Apply. Important Dates, Online or Offline Application. Official Notification for Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 is given below.

Organization Name: Union Bank of India

Total No of Vacancy: 49

Name of the Post:

Forex Officer - 11

Forex Officer - 32

Economist - 2

Qualification: Candidate should be completed Bachelor's Degree in any discipline, Post Graduate Diploma in International Banking or MBA with specialization in International Banking or its Equivalent Qualification Form Recognized University/ Board

Age Limit: Candidates age limit Between Minimum: 20 Years, Maximum: 35 Years. Age Relaxation Applicable As per Norms

Forex Officer – Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100

Forex Officer – Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700

Economist – Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700

Application / and Processing Fee:

For GEN & OBC: Rs.600.00 (application fees)

For SC/ST/PWD candidates: Rs.100.00 (intimation charges)

Selection Procedure: Written Exam, Interview

How to Apply: The applicants are required to go to the Bank's website “www. unionbankofindia. co. in” and click on the link "Recruitment" under “Careers” page to access the link available at the end of the Recruitment Notification titled "UNION BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2017-16 (Specialist Officer) - RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION” for applying online.

Start Date for submitting the ON-LINE application and payment of fees/ intimation charges: 13.02.2017, 00:00 Hrs

Last Date for submitting the ON-LINE application and payment of fees/ intimation charges: 28.02.2017, 24:00 Hrs

Official Notification: Click Here

Online Application Form: ClickHere

Forex Officer Job Vacancy-Enercon Mumbai

February 17th, 2010 Posted by VFreshers

About Company : ENERCON has a global slogan “ENERGY FOR THE WORLD”. The company launched its operations in India in the year 1994 and has so far installed around 2000 MW capacity of Wind Turbines in India.

Enercon India Ltd. (EIL) is ISO-9001: 2000 certified for manufacturing, installation and services facilities. It is supported with the latest design and development from its Principals; Enercon GmbH. To have seamless growth of business operations SAP system has been implemented for all major business functions. The company has four manufacturing units at Daman for different parts of Wind Energy Converter and concrete tower segment manufacturing facilities at Gujarat & Karnataka.

Job Position. Forex-Officer / Executive

Experience : 1 – 2 Years

Qualification : CA, MBA/PGDM – Any Specialization

Forex MIS updation

Daily reporting requirements

Back office transactions for both forex and commodity traders / hedging.

Handling and managing foreign exchange risk management activities

CA / MBA / CFA with exposure of forex and market related activity.

Experience in commodity (metals) will be preffered.

Should be well versed with techniques like hedging, Forward booking.

Address : Enercon (India) Ltd . Enercon Tower, Plot No. A-9, Veera Industrial Estate, Andheri West. MUMBAI, Maharashtra, India 400058

Apply . If you have registered your CV with Naukri. com CLICK HERE to apply


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Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 – Apply Online for 49 Specialist Officer Posts: Union Bank of India has delivered notification for the recruitment of 49 Specialist Officer vacancies. Eligible candidates may apply online from 13-02-2017, 00:00 Hrs to 28-02-2017, 24:00 Hrs. For more details like age limit, qualification, selection process, application fee & how to apply are given below…

Union Bank of India Vacancy Details: Total No. of Posts: 49 Name of the Post: Specialist Officer Post Details: 1. Forex Officer Scale/ Grade: 11 posts 2. Forex Officer Scale/ Grade: 36 posts 3. Economist Scale/ Grade: 02 posts

Age Limit: Candidates minimum age should be 20 years & maximum age should be 35 years for S. No.1 & 35 years and 20-30 years for S. No.2 post as on 01-02-2017. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.

Educational Qualification: Candidates should possess Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with minimum 55% marks from a University/ Institution/ Board recognized by Govt. of India, Post Graduate Diploma in International Banking from a University & Literacy in Computer Operations and word processing/ Computer skills supported by Certificate from a recognized institution for S. No.1 & 2 posts, Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 55% marks and the applicant should have studied Economics as one of the major subjects in graduation from a University/ Institution/ Board recognized by Govt. of India/ approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies for S. No.3 post.

Selection Process: Selection will be made on the basis of online Examination and/ or Group Discussion and/ or Personal Interview.

Application Fee: Candidates should pay Rs.600/- for General & OBC candidates, Rs.100/- for SC/ ST/ PWD candidates through online mode.

How to Apply . Eligible candidates may apply online through the website www. unionbankofindia. co. in from 13-02-2017, 00:00 Hrs to 28-02-2017, 24:00 Hrs

Instructions to Apply Online: 1. Before applying online candidates have to scan the copies of photograph and signature. 2. Log on through the website www. unionbankofindia. co. in. 3. Click on the “Careers” —> “Recruitment”. 4. Click on the “UNION BANK RECRUITMENT PROJECT 2017-16 (Specialist Officer) – RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION” – Link for Notification & Online Application”. 5. Read the instructions care fully before applying online. 6. Click on the “Click Here To Apply online”. 7. Now fill the details and upload the photograph and signature. 8. Check the details and click on the “Submit” button. 9. Now pay the fee through online by using Master/ Visa Debit or Credit cards or Internet Banking. 10. A Registration Number & Password will be generated. 11. Note down their Registration Number and Password for future reference. 12. On successful completion of the transaction, an e-receipt will be generated. 13. Now take a printout of the e-receipt and the online application form.

Important Dates: Start Date for submitting the Online application and payment of Fee: 13-02-2017, 00:00 Hrs. Last Date for submitting the Online application and payment of Fee: 28-02-2017, 24:00 Hrs. Last Date for printing Candidate application: 15-03-2017, 24:00 Hrs.

For more details like pay scale, age limit, qualification, selection process, application fee & other information click on the link given below…

Click here to Apply Online

Candidates rarely move for money alone so the GRS team spend time to really understand a candidate’s motivation and drive when looking for their next career move in Cyprus or Malta.

El sector de divisas es particularmente floreciente y forex es el mayor sector de reclutamiento que la compañía está colocando candidatos en general, con el 30% de GRS & rsquo; Las vacantes de trabajo son & hellip ;.

17 de diciembre de 2017

What Is Temporary Worker Recruitment? Los Trabajadores Temporales ofrecen una solución rentable y rápida a las situaciones en las que la contratación de empleados permanentes se vuelve poco rentable o donde no se tiene.

Job Details


Location: Cyprus, Larnaca Reference: ST911964 Date Posted: 03/02/2017

MT4 Officer - Forex - Larnaca - Cyprus

Our client, an international CySEC Licenced Forex company with Offices in Larnaca are seeking to hire a MT4 Officer to join their company. This is a great Opportunity to work for a well Established and major recognized player in the Forex, Financial Services industry.


To conduct the configuration of the MT servers

Ensure and maintain full client access to MT services

Manage and maintain MT server stability

Ensure information security

Generate reports that can assist the management of the company

Meet business requirements by gathering information and providing detailed analysis

Provide the Client Support Department with assistance in technical questions and ensure all tickets are answered

Provide support in the maintenance for the stability of external services such as Web Trader, Trader, etc.

Provide necessary support to the Execution Department

Carries out any further duties assigned by their line manager

Contributes to a positive and dynamic working environment


BSc in Computer Science or relevant field

Experience in MT4 Manager and MT4 Plugin


Skills in Java and C++ will be considered an advantage

Fluency in English

Able to work in a fast paced environment

Experience in working with very senior and hands-on technical experts

Due to the high volume of applications we receive at GRS Recruitment, only shortlisted candidates will be responded to.

Limassol Office: The Hawk Building, 124 Gladstonos Street, 3rd Floor, Limassol CY-3032

Job details:

Finance Manager


The Finance Manager is responsible for the direction and coordination of OANDA Europe’s financial reporting, management reporting, cash management, internal control processes and coordination of the annual financial and regulatory audits. This role also ensures company accounting procedures conform to financial reporting standards.

Duties & Responsabilidades:

Prepare regulatory reporting for the Financial Conduct Authority.

Preparation of tax returns including VAT returns as well the annual corporate tax return with the assistance of corporate tax group.

Prepare, monitor, and analyze monthly operating results.

Assist with budgeting/forecasting and track actual results to budget.

Prepare presentations for management on financial results and key performance metrics.

Assist in the recommendation and implementation of benchmarks for measuring the financial and operating performance.

In collaboration with the central treasury function in Toronto, coordinate excess cash management.

Assist the treasury group with projecting operating and customer cash flows.

Assist the treasury group with capital management to ensure regulatory capital requirements are met most efficiently.

Manage the preparation and/or supervision of the annual audited financial statements

Act as primary liaison with auditors on financial audits and provide recommendations for procedural improvements.

Conduct research for FCA and international accounting requirements (IFRS) as required.

Manage intercompany transactions, cross-border transfer agreements and foreign exchange transactions.

Documentation of all tax and financial internal and regulatory reporting processes and procedures.

Management of OANDA Europe accounts payable function and review of invoices prior to their payment.

Qualifications & Experience Required:

7-10 years of experience in an Accounting and Senior Finance position

Accounting designation

Experience using Agresso ERP software

Comprehensive knowledge of finance, accounting, budgeting and cost control principles, and IFRS.

Strong knowledge of automated financial and accounting reporting systems

Ability to analyze financial data and prepare financial reports, statements and projections.

Sound, up-to-date knowledge of IFRS and FCA regulations.

Reasonable knowledge of local tax regulations

Mature, effective, written and verbal communication and interpersonal skills

Advanced analytical and problem-solving skills.

Strong negotiating and organizational skill, including demonstrated ability to manage multiple complex projects concurrently.

Excellent knowledge of the financial services industry, regulations and related matters

The ability to stay current with the business and economic realities of the market place.

Cyprus Employment

MT4 Officer - Forex - Larnaca - Cyprus ST911964

MT4 Officer - Forex - Larnaca - Cyprus

Our client, an international CySEC Licenced Forex company with Offices in Larnaca are seeking to hire a MT4 Officer to join their company. This is a great Opportunity to work for a well Established and major recognized player in the Forex, Financial Services industry.


To conduct the configuration of the MT servers

Ensure and maintain full client access to MT services

Manage and maintain MT server stability

Ensure information security

Generate reports that can assist the management of the company

Meet business requirements by gathering information and providing detailed analysis

Provide the Client Support Department with assistance in technical questions and ensure all tickets are answered

Provide support in the maintenance for the stability of external services such as Web Trader, Trader, etc.

Provide necessary support to the Execution Department

Carries out any further duties assigned by their line manager

Contributes to a positive and dynamic working environment

BSc in Computer Science or relevant field

Experience in MT4 Manager and MT4 Plugin

Skills in Java and C++ will be considered an advantage

Fluency in English

Able to work in a fast paced environment

Experience in working with very senior and hands-on technical experts

Due to the high volume of applications we receive at GRS Recruitment, only shortlisted candidates will be responded to.

Nicosia Office: Clarion House, 25 Aphrodite Street, Nicosia CY-1060

To apply for this position, please email your CV to Caroline Rafferty at Caroline@grsrecruitment. com quoting the above job reference or call +357 22 769369 for further information.

Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 for 49 Officer, Economist Jobs

Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 for 49 Officer, Economist Jobs. Union Bank of India Recruitment for 49 Forex Officer, Economist Vacancies. Union Bank of India has been released a notification for 49 jobs or Vacancies. Interested and eligible candidates may apply online from 13th February 2017 to 28th February 2017. Please read the below provided information such as educational qualification, application fees, selection procedure etc. carefully before applying for this job.

Union Bank of India Recruitment 2017 Details:

Starting date for online application . 13-02-2017 Last date for online application . 28-02-2017

Total Number of Vacancies . 49 Posts

1. Forex Officer – II . 11 Posts 2. Forex Officer - I . 36 Posts 3. Economist – I . 02 Posts

A. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with minimum 55% marks from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.

B. Post Graduate Diploma in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. or MBA with specialization in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.

C. Literacy in Computer Operations and word processing / Computer skills supported by Certificate from a recognized institution.

1. Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline with minimum 55% marks from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.

2. Post Graduate Diploma in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies. or MBA with specialization in International Banking from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.

3. Literacy in Computer Operations and word processing / Computer skills supported by Certificate from a recognized institution.

Bachelor‟s Degree with minimum 55% marks and the applicant should have studied Economics as one of the major subjects in graduation from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies

Forex Officer – II . The candidate age should be between 20-35 years Forex Officer - I . The candidate age should be between 20-30 years Economist – I . The candidate age should be between 20-30 years

Forex Officer – II . The pay scale of Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100 Forex Officer - I . The pay scale of Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/220100-800/7-25700 Economist – I . The pay scale of Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/220100-800/7-25700

The application fee for Gen/ OBC – Rs.600/- and SC/ST/PWD – Rs.100/-. The Payment of application fees by any other mode except online will not be accepted. Instruments, like Demand Draft / Banker‟s Cheque / Indian postal orders received towards payment of application fees / intimation charges will not be accepted under any circumstance

Selection Procedure . The selection procedure will be made on the performance in Written test. Group Discussion and interview

Interested and eligible candidate may apply online through the website of www. unionbankofindia. co. in on or before 28-02-2017

Click Here for Notification

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© Finanzas Magnates 2017 Todos los Derechos Reservados

FXDD Compliance Officer Fined $75,000 By NFA For Irregularities In AML Procedure

3 Forex Capital Markets Senior Compliance Officer Salaries

Forex Capital Markets Senior Compliance Officers earn $117,000 annually . or $56 per hour, which is 36% higher than the national average for all Senior Compliance Officers at $81,000 annually and 63% higher than the national salary average for ​all working Americans. The highest paid Senior Compliance Officers work for Forex Capital Markets at $117,000 annually and the lowest paid Senior Compliance Officers work for HSBC at $58,000 annually.

$110K Forex Capital Markets Senior Compliance Officer without location (3 salaries)

+$29K (30%) more than national average Senior Compliance Officer salary ( $81K )

+$59K (73%) more than average Forex Capital Markets salary ( $51K )

Union Bank of India Recruitment For Forex Officer and Economist Posts

Union Bank of India has released employment notification and looking for eligible candidates for the posts of Forex Officer and Economist.

The details of Vacancies are given below…

Name of the Posts, Age Limit:

Forex Officer Grade I: 36 Posts; Age Limit: Minimum 20 years and maximum 30 years

Forex Officer Grade II: 11 Posts; Age Limit: Minimum 20 years and maximum 35 years

Economist: 02 Posts; Age Limit: Minimum 20 years and maximum 30 years

Applicants belong to General/ OBC category will have to pay Rs.600 and SC/ST/PWD candidates pay Rs.100.

Forex Officer Grade I & Forex Officer Grade II: Bachelor’s Degree in any discipline; Post Graduate Diploma in International Banking or MBA with specialization in International Banking.

Economist: Bachelor’s Degree with minimum 55% marks and the applicant should have studied Economics as one of the major subjects in graduation from a University / Institution / Board recognized by Govt. of India / approved by Govt. Regulatory Bodies.

Forex Officer Grade I: Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700

Forex Officer Grade II: Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100

Economist: Rs. 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700

Selection Process: Applicants would be selected through online Examination and / or Group Discussion and / or Personal Interview.

How to Apply: Applicants may apply online mode only by using the Bank’s website www. unionbankofindia. co. in.

Important Date to Apply:

Starting date for online submission of application: 13-February-2017

Last Date For online submission of application: 28-February-2017

Last Date for payment of fees/ intimation charges: 28-February-2017

For more important information and for other guidelines, please click on official recruitment advertisement http://www. unionbankofindia. co. in/pdf/UBRP201716EnglishNotificationwebsite. pdf

Other Sarkari Naukri:

About UBI Specialist Forex Officer Scale II

Status: Online Registrations from 13th Feb, 2017 to 28th Feb, 2017

Date of Examination: To be announced

Mode: Online Objective Test + Group Discussion + Personal Interview

Name of post: Forex Officer – Scale II

Number of Vacancies: 11

Pattern: Objective Test (200 questions, 200 marks, 120 minutes)

Reasoning (50 marks, 50 questions),

Quantitative Aptitude (50 marks, 50 questions),

Professional Knowledge (50 marks, 50 questions),

English Language (50 marks, 50 questions)

MockBank tests series help candidates score 36% more marks

¿Cómo funciona?


Available online 24X7

Carefully created by faculty

Same pattern as actual exam


PARS (Performance Analysis & Recommendation Summary)

Prepared by Faculty

Section wise detailed analysis

Score, cutoffs, accuracy, attempts


Detailed phone discussion

Individual mentorship and study plan

Regular phone follow up

Students can request calls for further guidance

Frequently Asked Questions (click here to see all)

Who is the Chief Operations Officer

The Chief Operations Officer (COO) is the senior manager of a forex broker company who is responsible for the overall strategic management of a company’s day-to-day operations. As part of the role, the COO must report back to the CEO with information pertaining to the latest activity that has taken place within the company.

The role of the COO

The Chief Operations Officer is one of the most highly ranked individuals within a forex company. The COO’s role is vast however one of the most fundamental activities that he or she must undertake is to monitor production quotas and other factors on a daily basis. In addition, the COO will be responsible for overseeing a firm’s business divisions, whilst ensuring the smooth overall strategic management on the entire company.

Although the COO has general tasks and duties to fulfill, their role is largely influenced by the CEO that he or she is working beside, as the two will have a very close working relationship. The CEO will dictate to the COO exactly what reports and other information they require on a given day, which can be influenced by the latest activities to have occurred within the company.

Overall, the COO is responsible for ensuring that business operations are conducted in an efficient, effective and professional manner, and that resources, activities and services are properly managed. Within a forex broker, this largely expands to the level of service provided to customers, as customer service plays a huge and fundamental role in the overall efficiency and success of the company.

In addition to the above, the COO is also responsible for development the organization’s mission statement to lower ranked staff, and dispensing training and awards appropriately.

Learn about the Services for Brokers we can assist you with.

Compliance Officer

What is a 'Compliance Officer'

A compliance officer is an employee whose responsibilities include ensuring that the company complies with its outside regulatory requirements and internal policies. A compliance officer may review and set standards for outside communications by requiring disclaimers in emails, or may examine facilities to ensure that they are accessible and safe. Compliance officers may also design or update internal policies to mitigate the risk of the company breaking laws and regulations, as well as lead internal audits of procedures.

BREAKING DOWN 'Compliance Officer'

Compliance officers are expected to provide an objective view of company policies. Influence by other employees, including management and executives, to overlook infractions may result in significant fines or even business closure. Larger companies typically have a Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) to direct compliance-related activities.

Bank of Maharashtra Law Officers & Treasury / Forex Officers Recruitment 2017

Last Updated: 2017-01-28T11:27:36+05:30

Bank of Maharashtra, Pune, Maharashtra, has invited applications from qualified and capable Indian candidates for recruitment 2017, for various posts. The recruitment is to be done for the following posts:

Law Officers (JMGS I)

Treasury / Forex Officers (MMGS II)

Treasury / Forex Officers (MMGS III)

Selection of the candidates will be made on the basis of Interview. Candidates short-listed in the initial screening on the basis of academics, work experience and IBPS Score Card (only for Law Officer), will be called for the Interview. The interview schedule and centre address will be intimated to all candidates through call letter, which will be sent on their valid Email Id.

Candidates can register online by visiting the official link of Bank of Maharashtra: http://www. bankofmaharashtra. in/ca/main_page. asp#. Online registration began from January 28, 2017 and will close on February 11, 2017. For complete details regarding the recruitment and process of applying, candidates can visit the official website of Bank of Maharashtra: http://www. bankofmaharashtra. in/.


Bachelor’s Degree of Law from a recognized University

Must have valid score in IBPS CWE Specialist Officers March 2012 for Law Officer

Minimum 3 years of work experience as Registered Practitioner or Law Officer, in Commercial Bank or Financial Institute

Should have additional qualifications like CS, Computer Literacy, etc.

Treasury / Forex Officers (MMGS II / MMGS III)

Graduate Degree / Diploma in Treasury Management / Forex from a recognized University / Institute

Minimum 3 years (MMGS II) or 5 years (MMGS III) of work experience in Treasury / Forex Department of Bank or other reputed Financial Institutions

21-30 years: Law Officers (JMGS I)

25-35 years: Treasury / Forex Officers

Age relaxation for the SC / ST / OBC / PWD candidates provided as per Government norms

For more information regarding the eligibility criteria, candidates can visit the official link of Bank of Maharashtra: http://www. bankofmaharashtra. in/ca/main_page. asp#

Application Fee: Rs 300: General / OBC candidates Rs 50: SC / ST / PH candidates

How To Apply:

Willing candidates can apply online by visiting the official link of Bank of Maharashtra: http://www. bankofmaharashtra. in/ca/main_page. asp#

Online registration began from January 28, 2017 and will close on February 11, 2017.

Before filling the online application form, candidates have to pay a fee amount of Rs 300 / Rs 50, through Challan, which can be downloaded from the official website of Bank or NEFT

Candidates can make the payment of fees amount in any branch of Bank of Maharashtra, in the CBS Account No. “60121129612”, with Baner Pune Branch in the Name & Style of “BOM LAW & TREASURY/FOREX OFFICERS RECRUITMENT PROJECT-2012-13”, and IFSC Code “MAHB 0001348”.

Candidates can pay the fees amount from January 28, 2017 till February 11, 2017.

After paying the fees amount, the bank will generate a Challan Copy with details of Branch Name, Branch Code No. Transaction Journal No. and Date of Deposit.

Candidates paying application fees through NEFT should collect their NEFT Payment Receipt with complete details of Transaction ID / Scroll No. UTR No. Branch Name, and Date of Deposit & Cantidad.

Candidates are required to fill the fee payment details in the online application form for its completion.

After successful submission of the application form, the system will generate a complete Application Form with unique Registration No. and Password, which candidates should print out and keep with them for future reference.

For more information regarding the applying format, candidates can visit the aforementioned Bank of Maharashtra website.

Last Date of Form Submission: 11-Feb-2017

Download Form: http://www. bankofmaharashtra. in/ca/main_page. asp#

Registered Office:

Bank of Maharashtra, Central Office, Lokmangal, 1501, Shivajinagar, Pune (Maharashtra) - 411005, Contact No. 020 - 25511654, 25514501 Fax: 020 - 25532581

Dena Bank Specialist Officers Recruitment 2017

Candidates are required to apply on line through Bank’s website www. denabank. com

No other means/modes of application will be accepted

Important Dates

Opening date for on line registration of application: 21st January, 2017

Payment of application fees: 21st January, 2017 to 04th February, 2017

Date of written examination (where applicable): 24th March, 2017

The fees payment challan/NEFT receipt date should not be earlier than 21st January, 2017 and not later than 04th February, 2017

Candidates need not send the print out of the computer generated online application after submitting the application online

However, they are advised to take a print out of the same and retain the same for future reference and required to produce the same at the time of interview

Bank PO Entrance Exam Question Bank CD for Practice ( - Latest Updated September 2017)

Buy Before September 30, 2017 and Get General Knowledge Question Bank CD( about 15000 questions) worth Rs. 370/- FREE ORDER NOW

Vacancies (IBPS Score Card)

Candidates possessing valid score card issued by IBPS in common written examination (CWE) for Specialist Officers held on 11th March, 2012

The mode of selection shall be interview only

Agriculture Officer; JMG Scale-I; 201

Personnel Officer; JMG Scale-I; 14

Officer IT; JMG Scale-I; 70

Officer (Legal); JMG Scale-I; 06

Rajbhasha Adhikari; JMG Scale-I; 11

Civil Engineer; JMG Scale-I; 03

Electrical Engineering; JMG Scale-I; 02

Age (as one 01st December, 2011): Minimum 20 years maximum 35 years

Open Competition Vacancies

Officer (IT-CISA); JMG Scale-I; 08

Officer (Credit/FA); JMG Scale-I; 100

Officer (Forex); JMG Scale-I; 36

Officer (MIS/Economics); JMG Scale-I; 04

Architect; JMG Scale-I; 01

Fire Officer; JMG Scale-I; 02

Age (as on 01st January, 2017): Minimum 20 years maximum 35 years

Security Officer; MMG Scale-II; 14

Age (as on 01st January, 2017): Minimum 20 years maximum 40 years

Reservation : Scale-I; SC 70; ST 34; OBC 123; General 231; Total 458

Scale-II; SC 03; ST 05; OBC 04; General 12; Total 24

Total; SC 73; ST 39; OBC 127; General 243; Total 482

Eligibility Criteria

Nationality/Citizenship : A candidate must be either (i) a citizen of India or (ii) a subject of Nepal or (iii) a subject of Bhutan or (iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 01st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India or (v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethopia or Vietnam with the intention of permanently settling in India. Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Govt of India. A candidate in whose case a certificate of eligibility is necessary may be provisionally admitted to the examination/interview conducted by the Bank but on final selection the offer of appointment will be given only after producing necessary eligibility certificate issued to him by the Govt of India

Educational Qualification : Educational Qualification (as on 01st December, 2011) only for those possessing valid score card issued by IBPS for CWE held on 11th March, 2012 for Specialist Officers

Agriculture Officer : Degree in Agriculture or allied specializations such as Horticulture / Animal Husbandry / Veterinary Science / Dairy Science / Agricultural Engineering / Fisheries Science / Pisciculture, Agricultural Marketing and Co-operation etc from recognized university

Job Description : Marketing, Appraisal of loan proposals, Sanction of loans and Documentation, Monitoring and recovery of loans under agriculture, Govt sponsored scheme and other advances, Preparation of Annual Action Plan and achievement of targets, Representing Bank in various meetings etc

Monitoring of Business Correspondents under Financial Inclusion

Personnel Officer: Graduate from a recognized university and Post Graduate degree or diploma recognized by AICTE in Personnel Management/ Industrial Relations/HRD/ Social Work/Labour Law or Degree/ Diploma in Business Administration/Management with specialization in HRD from a recognized university

Job Description: Developing and maintaining sound HRM system in tune with the changing environment of the Industry

Manpower planning, Recruitment, Training, Industrial Relations, Counseling and Motivation, Career Planning, Performance Appraisal etc

Officer (IT): Degree / post graduate degree in Computer Science / Computer Applications / Information Technology / Electronics / Electronics and Telecommunication / Electronics and Instrumentation from a recognized university/Institution or graduate from a recognized university having passed DOEACC ‘B’ nivel

Job Description: Development of scripts, Making emergency changes to the scripts, version and program change control over source, Development of MIS in the Bank, Interface analysis, maintenance, customization, testing

Managing the back office

New product design and development, launching product campaign, Impart training to the trainers and role out teams for CRM implementation, Monitoring IT infrastructure and security breaches, Taking corrective actions for security breaches Network setup maintenance

Officer (Legal): Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB)

Job Description: Statement, Affidavit, Applications, Deed of assignment, Agreements, Memorandum of Understanding, Power of Attorney etc; vetting of documents/ legal scrutiny reports; advising on matters pertaining to Banking Law, Property Law, Company Law, Mercantile Law, Labour Law etc; Monitoring and follow up suit filed and decreed cases, conduct of Lok Adalats, RRC cases, BIFR/AAIFR cases, Writ Petitions/ SLPs for speedy and effective recovery; Co-ordinating with dealing advocates for prompt conduct of the Bank’s cases; Monitoring and follow up of Claims against Bank, Consumer Cases, Cases before Banking Ombudsman; Advising on matters under RDDBFI Act, SARFAESI Act and assisting the Authorised Officer in action under SARFAESI Act; Registration with CERSAI/RoC, Settlement of Death Claims, Matters under RTI Act Issuing circulars /guidelines in line with statutory/ regulatory requirements

Rajbhasha Adhikari : A post graduate degree in Hindi with English as a subject at degree level or Post graduate degree in Sanskrit with English and Hindi as subject at the degree level

Job Description : Implement the Official Language Policy of Govt of India

Promote Rajbhasha in the Bank

Civil Engineer : Degree in Civil Engineering from any recognised university

Job Description: Construction of new buildings, repairs and rehabilitation of old buildings, renovation of branches

The work will mainly relate to panning of the work, selection of design submitted by the architect, PMC, scrutiny of estimates, approval of materials to be used, getting various approvals from the competent authorities, tendering process, co-ordination at the time of execution of work, checking of measurements and payment of bills

Day to day maintenance of building and periodical inspection of the buildings

Ensure the preventive measures and safety of the buildings

Electrical Engineer: Degree in Electrical Engineering from any recognised university

Job Description : Supervision of supply and distribution of electrical load in the Head Office and other buildings of Bank, rerouting cables for optimum usage and optimising the use of electricity and preparing and updating the circuit diagram accordingly

Supervise installation and maintenance of electrical substations, circuit breakers, transformers, electrical switch gears and instrumentation

Supervise installation, maintenance and repairs of HT/LT electrical installation of commercial and residential buildings of the Bank

Supervise maintenance and repairs of AC plants and window units, water pumps and DG sets, telecommunication networks, lifts and escalators, CCTV, Access control, sewerage plants, neon-signages

Essential Requirement: Valid IBPS score obtained in common written examination (CWE) for Specialist Officers

Individual Test

Reasoning; General 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above

English Language; General 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above

Quantitative Aptitude*; General 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above

General Awareness (#);General 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above

Professional Knowledge; General 24 and above; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 21 and above

* Agriculture Officer, Personnel Officer, Officer (IT), Civil Engineer and Electrical Engineer

# Rajbhasha Adhikari and Legal Officer

Total Weighted Standard Score

Agriculture Officer; General 112; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 104

Personnel Officer; General 124; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 114

Officer (IT); General 128; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 120

Officer (Legal); General 121; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 113

Rajbhasha Adhikari; General 96; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 90

Civil Engineer; General 120; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 113

Electrical Engineer; General 120; SC/ST/OBC/PwD 113

Eligibility Criteria (as on 01st January, 2017) directly from open competition

Officer (IT - CISA) : Degree / Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science / Computer Applications / Information Technology / Electronics / Electronics and Telecommunication / Electronics and Instrumentation from a recognized university / Institution or Graduate from a recognized University having passed DOEACC ‘B’ level and with CISA (Certified Information System Auditor) qualification from ISACA

Job Description: Oversee the creation and maintenance of IS Audit Policy; Developing and maintaining information security policies and processes; Responsible for internal IS audit functions; Defining enterprise information security, risk and control programs; Conducting IS Audit training programs for the Bank; Assist in designing and implementing disaster recovery plans for operating systems, databases, network connections and protocols, servers and software applications; Risk assessment, vulnerability assessment, forensic assessment, etc

Selection Procedure: Written Test (on-line/off-line) and Interview

Officer (Credit/FA): CA/CFA/ICWA/MBA (Finance)/M. Com/2 year’s PG Diploma in Finance or any other equivalent degree/diploma with specialisation in Finance from recognised university/AICTE approved institutes/PGPBF from NIBM

Job Description : Evaluation of credit proposals for working capital facilities, project finance, export and import finance; Monitoring and supervision of borrowal accounts Preparation of viability study, rehabilitation programmes dealing with BIFR/DRT; Liaisoning with RBI and Financial Institutions etc; Rules/regulations and practices in domestic/ Forex, treasury/ money market and RBI/Stock Exchange/ SEBI guidelines, etc; Asset Liability Management and Risk Management; Management of investment portfolio; Bond dynamics; Trading in Govt Security market/Debt market/ Indian Bond market; Equity trading; Derivative products of debt/equity and money market; Money market products like call money, C. P. C. D. Repo; FOREX trading

Selection : Written test (on-line/off-line) and interview

Officer (Forex): A graduate with minimum 55% of marks in any discipline from a recognised university and MBA/ 2 years PG Diploma in International Business/ Finance from AICTE approved institutes/ universities

Additional qualification of CAIIB, Diploma in International Banking from IIBF will be preferred

Job Description: Incumbent should be capable of Promoting Forex business in the Bank; Identify and mitigate market risk in Forex business prudently; Handle inward and outward remittance, export/import finance and LCs etc; Dealing Room operations, liaisons with RBI, EXIM bank, FEDAI, ECGC, etc

Experience: Experience in the related field desirable but not essential

Selection : Written Test (on-line/off-line) and interview

Officer (MIS/Economics): Master’s degree in Statistics/Economics with 50% and above marks from a recognized university or reputed Institute which is recognized as equivalent thereto by the Govt of India

Specialised application knowledge/exposure in MIS/Data Management in Computer is essential

Job Description : Collection, Collation, Analysis and Interpretation of statistical data and other information pertaining to corporate planning, finance, banking and related areas for reviewing and preparation of reports and notes thereon

Selection: Written test (on-line/off-line) and interview

Architect: A degree in Architect from a recognised university with minimum 60% marks

The candidate should be well conversant with the usage of computer and applications like Windows, MS Office etc

Experience : Minimum 2 years post qualification experience in construction and maintenance works with reputed construction firms/Bank/Financial Institution/PSU

The experience should be in work site of commercial and/or residential complexes

Job Description : Supervision of civil engineering construction, repair and maintenance, renovation works etc; Preparation of plans, estimates, getting approvals, tenders and certification of building construction, bill and measurement checking, quantities for new construction, repairs and maintenance rate analysis for works and contracts

Liaisoning with Govt/Municipal Authorities etc

Selection: Written test (on-line/off-line) and interview

Fire Officer : A first class in B. E. (Fire) with minimum 60% marks from National Fire Service College, Nagpur, Govt of India, Ministry of Home affairs or a first class B. Sc with minimum 60% marks and Grade I Fire examination Certificate or Similar qualification from Govt recognized Institute

Experience: Preferably 1-2 years of relevant experience in a large Public/Private sector Organisation

Job Description: Fire Officer will be responsible for Inculcating Fire Discipline; Supervising and Maintenance of Fire Equipment; Training of Staff; Formulate and implement Bank’s fire policies in branches/offices/residences etc; Compliance of prevailing laws/rules and regulations formulated by Govt/ Regulated bodies/Agencies; Liaison with Fire Brigade and Govt Authorities

CA/ICWA: Passed final examination for CA/ICWA

Experience : Minimum 3 years experience in the related fields in Banks / Financial Institutions / Large Indl Units / Govt Organisations, etc and / or minimum 3 years working experience in treasury / integrated treasury dept of a primary dealer (nationalised banks / financial institutions)

Experience should consist both in front and back offices in nationalised banks and financial institutions

Job Description: Evaluation of credit proposals for working capital facilities, project finance, export and import finance; Monitoring and supervision of borrowal accounts; Preparation of viability study, rehabilitation programmes dealing with BIFR/DRT; Liasioning with RBI and Financial Institutions etc; Implementing IFRS Rules/Regulations and practices in domestic/Forex, treasury/ money market and RBI/Stock Exchange/ SEBI guidelines, etc; Asset Liability Management and Risk Management; Management of investment portfolio; Bond dynamics; Trading in Govt Security market/Debt market/ Indian Bond market; Equity trading; Derivative products of debt/equity and money market; Money market products like call money, C. P. C. D. Repo; FOREX trading

Selection: Written test (on-line/off-line) and interview

Security Officer : Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university

Experience: An officer with minimum 5 years commissioned service in Army/Navy/Air force or A Police Officer not below the rank of Asst S. P./Dy S. P. with 5 years of service in that rank or An Officer of identical rank in Para Military forces with minimum 5 years of service

Job Description: Supervision of the security arrangements of branches/RO/HO premises; Surprise checks of branches/ROs Security arrangements of Currency Chests; Cash Management

For posts where experience is essential/desirable, it should be full time and post qualification

Experience in the relevant field of the post applied for will only be counted

Computer proficiency is essential

Before joining the Bank in Officer Cadre, candidate should possess basic computer application and operational skills (Windows, MS Office/Lotus Smart Suite, Internet and E-Mail operations)

A certificate from a recognised university or an institute duly recognised by the State/Central Govt or from any other Institute which is acceptable to the Bank to be submitted by the candidate as an evidence of having acquired computer proficiency

The candidate having passed the computer subject during his graduation/post-graduation will also be acceptable

Upper Age relaxation: SC/ST candidates 5 years; OBC candidates 3 years; Persons domiciled in Kashmir division of J&K State during 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989-5 years; PwD 10 years; Children/family members of those who died in the 1984 riots - 5 years; Ex-servicemen (in addition to the usual period of service in the Defence forces) subject to a maximum age of 50 years-5 years/3 years

Application Fee (non-refundable): SC/ST/PwD Rs 20/-; all others (including OBC/Ex-Servicemen) Rs 100/- (post where IBPS score card); SC/ST/PwD Rs 50/-; all others Rs 400/- (post where direct selection through test/interview)

Requisite application fee must be paid by way of fees payment challan by visiting nearest Dena Bank’s branch or by way of NEFT by visiting any scheduled commercial bank

Fees payment challan/NEFT must be paid on or after 21st January, 2017 but on or before 04th February, 2017 (the last date of on-line registration)

Even if the bank extends the date of online registration by one or two days, the valid dates of fee payment Challan/NEFT will not be changed

Candidates must write his/her name, contact number (mobile/phone number) and address and post applied for on the reverse of the fees payment challan /NEFT

Application fees by demand draft/pay order/cash/cheque/money order/postal stamps will not be accepted

Written Test (Objective): Test of Quantitative Aptitude; Test of Reasoning; Test of English Language; Test of Professional Knowledge; Interview

The minimum qualifying marks in each paper for merit ranking shall be decided on group norms

There will be separate group norms for SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates with relaxed standard

The candidate must obtain minimum 40% (35% for SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates) marks in the qualifying papers to be eligible for merit ranking for the purpose of interview

The short listed candidates who secure minimum qualifying marks stipulated for written test will be called for interview in order of merit in the ratio as decided by the Bank keeping in view the minimum criteria 1:4 (1:5 in case of SC/ST/OBC/PwD)

The interview will carry 100 marks

Minimum qualifying marks in the interview will be 40% (35% in case of SC/ST/OBC/PwD candidates)

Marks obtained in interview will be reckoned for merit ranking

In case of Legal Officers, descriptive test on subject knowledge may be conducted at the time of interview to assess the candidate’s drafting skills

The written examination will be held (offline/online) tentatively on 24th March, 2017 will be held at Mumbai, Nagpur, Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal

Salary: JMG-Scale-I Rs 14500-600/7-18700-700/2-20100-800/7-25700/-

MMG-Scale-II Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100/-

DA, HRA, CCA will be paid as per rules depending upon the place of posting

Medical Aid, Hospitalisation Scheme, Leave fare Concession, retirement benefits and other perquisites will be admissible as per Bank’s rules

New appointees will be covered by Defined Contributory Pension Scheme as introduced for Employees of Central Govt of India and modified from time to time

Probation: 2 Years for JMG-Scale-I; 1 Year for MMG-Scale-II

Call Letters: Call letter for written examination will be available for download from the Bank’s website www. denabank. com after 11th March, 2017 and any other communication in future will be sent/ communicated only by e-mail and SMS to the eligible candidates as given in their on-line application form

Bond: The officers recruited will have to execute a bond to serve the Bank for a minimum period of 3 years or pay Rs 1.50 lakh in case the officer wishes to leave the bank prior to completion of 3 years inclusive of probation period

How to apply: Candidates are required to apply on-line through website www. denabank. com

No other means/mode of application will be accepted

Application link on website will be open from 21st January, 2017 to 04th February, 2017

The guideline for on-line application is available on website www. denabank. com for candidates who wish to pay the requisite fees by means of payment challan (where nearest Dena Bank Branch is available)

Applicants are first required to go to the Bank’s website www. denabank. com and click on the Home page and open the link Recruitment

Thereafter, open the recruitment notification entitled Dena Bank SPO Rectt-2017

Take a print of the entire fees payment challan

Fill in the fee payment challan in a clear and legible handwriting in block letters

Go to the nearest Dena Bank branch with the fee payment challan and pay in cash, the appropriate application fee in CBS Account Number 116211021168 with Corporate Business Branch, BKC, Mumbai-51 in the name and style of Dena Bank SPO Rectt-2017

Obtain the applicant’s copy of counterfoil of the application fee payment challan duly receipted by the Bank with (a) Branch Name and Branch SOL ID (b) Transaction ID (c) Date of Deposit and Amount filled by the Branch Official; o

Candidates who wish to pay the requisite fees by means of NEFT

Applicants are first required to go to the Bank’s website www. denabank. com and click on the Home page and open the link Recruitment

Thereafter, open the recruitment notification entitled Dena Bank SPO Rectt-2017

Take a printout of the instructions for application for funds transfer under NEFT

Go to the nearest branch of any bank which is listed by RBI under RTGS/ NEFT system and pay in cash the appropriate application fee in CBS Account Number 116211021168 with Corporate Business Branch, BKC, Mumbai-51 in the name and style of Dena Bank SPO Rectt-2017

Obtain the applicant’s copy of counterfoil of the application fee duly receipted by the bank with (a) Branch Name and Code Number, (b) UTR Number, (c) date of Deposit and amount filled by the Branch official

Candidates are now ready to apply on-line by re-visiting the recruitment link appropriate places

Fill in all other required details therein and click on the submit button at the end of the online application form retain your registration number and password for further reference safely

After applying on-line, the registered candidates must retain the print out of application form for further reference

Post where IBPS Score Card

Candidates should ensure that their personal email ID (as specified in the online application form while applying for common written examination CWE for Specialist Officers conducted in March, 2012) is kept active during the currency of the recruitment project

Bank may send call letters/intimations for interview etc to the registered e-mail ID

Candidates are required to click on the link for apply online (through CWE), enter the registration number/roll number and password issued for CWE for Specialist Officers held in March, 2012

All the fields in the online application format should be filled up carefully

Original fee payment challan/ NEFT receipt will have to be submitted with the call letter at the time of interview

Without original fee payment challan/ NEFT receipt the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the Interview

Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan

Post Direct Interview

Candidates should have a valid email ID

It should be kept active during the currency of this recruitment project

Bank may send call letters for written test, interview etc through the registered e-mail ID

Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to /of any other person

In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying on-line

Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his photograph and signature

Candidates should first scan their photograph and signature, ensuring that both the photograph and signature are within the required specifications

Candidates are advised not to change their appearance till the recruitment process is complete

Failure to produce the same photograph at the time of interview may lead to disqualification

Candidates should retain the registration number and password generated by the system for future reference safely

After applying on-line, the registered candidates must retain the print out of application form for further reference

Candidates can modify their online application form and are requested to make use of this facility to correct the details in online application, if any

This modification facility shall be available two days after registration and up to 07th February, 2017

Modification will be allowed only 3 times

Original fee payment challan/NEFT receipt will have to be submitted with the call letter at the time of written test/interview

Without original fee payment challan/ NEFT receipt the candidate will not be allowed to appear in the written test/interview

Candidates are also advised to keep a photocopy of the fee payment challan

Forex Bureau Principal Officer Job 2017 - 2017

Forex Bureau Vacancy

A vacancy for a principal officer is vacant. The principle office will report to the Managing Director and will be based in Nairobi.

The main purpose of this job will be to provide strategic support and management of the Forex Bureau, maximize profitable growth and shareholders value of the company.

Prepare, maintain and submit central bank of Kenya reports on a daily weekly and monthly basis.

Follows international financial economic and social trends and assess that possible effect on foreign currency exchange.

Managing the day to day trading of the forex bureau and ensure its profitability.

Establish the most competitive market rates to sell foreign currencies and maximizing returns.

Overseeing the overall operational administrative and financial functions of the bureau.

Customers relationship management ensuring customers get good services from bureau.

Provide daily verification of talks transactions, balance accounts and liaise with the management accounts for preparation of financial report.

A formal training with a minimum diploma in banking, CPA, ACCA OR equivalent – university business degrees will be added advantage.

Solid understanding of treasury account and operational treasury issues

Having some basic knowledge of currency devaluation and revaluation.

Knows how FX deals are administrated, guaranteed and settled.

Applicants must demonstrate strong leadership and communication skills.

How to Apply

If you are up to the challenge, posses the necessary qualification and experience please send your CV only indicating why you are the most suitable candidate for the role clearly quoting the job title on eth email - subject to hello2092011@gmail. com 

To be considered your application must be received by October 3rd 2017 at 2.30pm

Only short listed candidate will be contacted.

Talk to Us

Our aim is to give you the best tools to participate in the fast and exciting Forex market.

Easy, transparent, exciting and fully compliant with all regulations.

If you have any complaints then we'd like to hear from you.

The easiest and quickest way to resolve any concerns you may have, is to contact your Account Service Manager at you local office. We will endeavor to put matters right as soon as we can.

If you are not entirely satisfied write to our Compliance Officer:

If we are unable to resolve matters on the spot, we will send you a letter of acknowledgement within five working days to confirm that we are investigating the matters you have raised.

If you have any comments or suggestions then we also want to hear them. Send an email to comments@easy-forex. com .

Advertencia de Riesgo: Forex, Commodities, Options y CFDs (OTC Trading) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo sustancial de pérdida hasta su capital invertido y pueden no ser adecuados para todos. Asegúrese de que entiende completamente los riesgos involucrados y no invierta dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Consulte nuestra renuncia de responsabilidad completa. Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex Trading Ltd (CySEC - Número de licencia 079/07).

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2017. Todos los derechos reservados.

Η σελίδα δεν βρέθηκε

Αγαπητέ επισκέπτη, η ιστοσελίδα μας μόλις επωφελήθηκε απο μια σημαντική αναβάθμιση. Για την βελτίωση της παρεχόμενης υπηρεσίας και την μεγιστοποίηση της θετικής εμπειρίας σου, αποφασίσαμε να διατηρήσουμε το αρχείο των παλαιότερων αγγελιών ξέχωρα απο τις αγγελίες που δημοσιεύονται μετά την Κυριακή, 11/01/2017.

Εάν έφτασες στην σελίδα αυτή μέσω κάποιου link στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης (Facebook & Twitter) ή μέσω μηχανών αναζήτησης, τότε πιθανό να εντοπίσεις την αγγελία που έλπιζες να βρείς, στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο http://aggeliesergasias. com/old (αρχείο παλαιότερων αγγελιών), χρησιμοποιώντας τις ανάλογες λέξεις κλειδιά στα φίλτρα αναζήτησης.

Εναλλακτικά, μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις το κυρίως μενού (στο πάνω μέρος της σελίδας), το βοηθητικό πάνελ με τους χρήσιμους συνδέσμους ή τα πιο κάτω links για γρήγορη περιήγηση.

Για να επιστρέψεις στην αρχική σελίδα πάτα εδώ .

Απολογούμαστε για την ταλαιπωρία. Για οποιαδήποτε βοήθεια μην διστάσεις να επικοινωνήσεις μαζί μας .

Η ομάδα της #AggeliesErgasias. com

Δημοφιλείς Σελίδες:

Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια; Καλέστε 99907736

CBN, Forex Officers to Meet Over Plummeting Naira

Godwin Emefiele, Governor, Central Bank of Nigeria

Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has fixed a meeting of foreign exchange (forex) officers of banks and other authorised dealers as the Naira on Friday continued to maintain an average value of N306 to the dollar at the paralel market.

This is just few days after the apex bank supported by the presidency, insisted that the local currency will not be devalued.

A circular to all authorized dealers obtained from CBN’s website and signed by Olakanmi Gbadamosi, director Trade & Exchange Department CBN, noted that the meeting shall afford participants the opportunity “to discuss developments in the forex market in the last quarter of 2017 and offer contributions in charting the direction for 2017.”

To attend the meeting also are: the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS), Standard Organization of Nigeria (SON) and National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC).

The meeting is scheduled to hold in Lagos on Thursday, February 4.

Meanwhile, the Naira lost a point from the N305 to a dollar it had previously exchanged, a depreciation of 0.3 per cent.

It, however, closed at N197 to the dollar at the official Central Bank of Nigeria rate.

Traders at the market cited shortage of the greenback and anxiety over calls for the devaluation of the nation’s currency.

They argued that the devaluation wind was still affecting sales at the market.



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Li Rao, Easy Forex Chief Sales Officer, Parted Ways with the Broker

Corredores Noticias

OANDA Enrolls Former BlackBerry Exec as Chief Tech Officer

Graeme Whittington, a former executive of mobile software group BlackBerry, is joining OANDA (Canada) Corporation ULC, a subsidiary of Forex major OANDA Corporation, as its chief technology officer.

The appointment comes amid a wide restructuring at BlackBerry, which left the Canadian mobile phone developer without some of its key management figures, including Whittington. He had an extensive career at the Canadian group, taking various roles such as that of Vice President of service operations. The new appointee is set to bring his vast expertise in the field of developing software products into his new workplace, where he will be at the helm of the team that develops and delivers OANDA's tech-savvy products.

The brokerage has raised the bar for the quality of its technology offering to a very high level and this is seen in the latest versions of the mobile apps for its own trading platform fxTrade, as these embed some cutting-edge charting functionalities. And the brokerage is famous for its Hackathons, or Hack Days, during which its passion for new technological achievements gets pretty obvious: designers, developers, and managers join their forces and share ideas about new tech extras for the business. It was during one of these hackathons that the idea for the fxTradeNow Chrome extension came to life.

And although it may seem that the broker has it all, it has suffered some setbacks with regard to new ideas and their implementation. Let's recall the ill-fated social trading platform fxUnity. which was closed only a year after its launch.

Obviously, OANDA will benefit from some fresh view on its tech innovations and the steering of Whittington, who also has experience in the field of mobile tech regulation. Regarding his appointment at OANDA, the new chief technology officer commented: “OANDA is a highly-respected, global financial technology company with a solid track record of innovation and transparency in the products and services it provides; I am honored to join the team”. Let's wish him good luck.

In conclusion, it'sm worth noting that this is not the first migration of an expert from the mobile communications area to the area of Forex. In June this year, Skype's Janno Teelem joined Tradable, the open trading platform.


OANDA Corporation has transformed the business of foreign exchange through an innovative approach to forex trading. The company’s leading online trading platform, fxTrade, introduced a number of firsts to the marketplace, including immediate execution; instant settlement on trades; trades and accounts of any size; 24/7 trading; and interest calculated by the second. OANDA was the first online provider of comprehensive currency exchange information, and today the company’s OANDA Rate® data are the benchmark rates for corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms, and central banks. OANDA also offers global currency transfers at ultra-competitive prices through a fast, efficient, automated platform.

OANDA Corporation has eight offices worldwide, in Dubai, Chicago, London, New York, Singapore, Tokyo, Toronto, and Zurich. OANDA is fully regulated by the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the U. S. National Futures Association (NFA), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA), the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA), and the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA).

More news about OANDA

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Los últimos corredores de la divisa

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FXDD Compliance Officer Fined $75,000

National Futures Association (NFA) has issued a $75,000 fine against James E. Green, Chief Compliance Officer (CCO), a listed principal and an associated person of FX Direct Dealer LLC (FXDD). FXDD is a futures commission merchant, Forex dealer member and retail foreign exchange dealer in New York City.

The NFA decision is based on the complaints filed on June 29, 2012 and October 23, 2012, and a settlement offer submitted by Green. The NFA panel found that Green, acting as the firm’s CCO and anti-money laundering (AML) Compliance Officer, was personally responsible for failing to supervise FXDD’s operations including FXDD’s AML program.

In the second complaint made against the firm, the NFA alleged that the firm had failed to conduct annual anti-money laundering training for all employees who worked in areas susceptible to money laundering.

In addition to the $75,000, Mr. Green agreed that he would not be employed or act as an AML Compliance Officer for any NFA Member or in a compliance capacity, unless he reports to or is supervised by another person within the Member’s compliance department for a period of one year. Whilst Mr. Green did not admit or deny the allegations, he agreed to settle this matter in full with the NFA.

This is not the first time that FXDD finds itself under the regulator’s microscope. Last July, the NFA issued a charge against FXDD for an alleged violation of rules pertaining to the way in which the company handled a series of accounts. FXDD paid out close to $3.3 million in fines and rectification into an escrow account last December in case the outcome of the accusation fell on the side of the regulator.

This latest NFA verdict is another in a series of crackdowns by worldwide regulatory authorities as they continue to focus on FX firms and their internal practices. The most harshly scrutinized aspects of these FX brokers are the methods exercised in the handling of client funds and that the procedures employed in ensuring that funds held at brokers for the purposes of funding trading accounts originate from genuine and legitimate sources.

About Cina Coren

Cina spent many years in financial services and on Wall Street. Today, she spends most of her time writing and editing and has published several books. She is the mother of 5 and grandmother of many.

& # 169; John Spink/Atlanta Journal-Constitution via AP

Police officer dies after gun battle in suburban Atlanta - A police officer in suburban Atlanta was shot twice and killed Thursday by a suspect who was also wounded during a law enforcement operation, authorities said.

Maj. Greg Barney, a 25-year veteran of the Riverdale police department, died following surgery, said Riverdale police chief Todd Spivey.

"We have lost a valuable member of our family," Spivey said.

Riverdale City Manager E. Scott Wood said Barney was struck in the mid-torso and arm.

The shooting happened as Riverdale police officers were assisting Clayton County police with an operation at an apartment complex in Riverdale late Thursday morning, Assistant Chief Michael Reynolds said. Reynolds did not release any details about the police operation or say what led to the shooting. He also did not release the suspect's name or condition.

Riverdale is a city of about 15,000 people just south of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is investigating the shooting, said GBI spokesman Scott Dutton. The body of the officer has been taken to the GBI headquarters, where an autopsy will be performed Friday morning, he said.

In 2004, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Barney became the first African-American to serve as Riverdale's police chief when he accepted the interim position after the retirement of Mike Edwards. Barney's stint as chief lasted five months.

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OANDA Corporation Appoints New President and Chief Executive Officer

Former PayPal and Citibank executive Ed Eger appointed to cement OANDA’s position as world leader in online FX

Brings extensive international experience in growing major financial franchises and retail e-finance businesses

Eger will build on OANDA’s legacy as the pioneer in online FX trading; enhance value for clients; develop world-class talent; and partner with regulators

TORONTO; December 2, 2017

OANDA Corporation, the global pioneer in foreign exchange trading services. today announced the appointment of industry veteran Edmond Eger III as President and CEO.

Mr. Eger commands 30 years of proven experience in growing businesses through customer-focused, disruptive technologies to consumers in markets around the world. He joins from PayPal where, as Senior Vice President and General Manager for the Americas, he oversaw dramatic growth in the customer base as well as in revenues while he opened new markets. Previously, he was the CEO of Citibank’s multi-billion dollar international consumer credit card business, spanning over 50 countries. Mr. Eger is an expert in growing businesses where technology and finance converge through maximizing benefits for retail consumers in both developed and emerging markets. At OANDA, he will be focused on driving new solutions to meet the continually changing needs of its international client base.

Krishna “Kittu” Kolluri, Chairman of the Board, comments, “It is testimony to OANDA that we are now able to attract the caliber of talent that Ed brings. OANDA is on the cusp of becoming a major global brand and with an IPO on the horizon, Ed is the right person to take this business forward. His role is to bring our customers the best service and tools in the world and develop our organization to be able to cater to a rapidly growing, international audience. OANDA has a phenomenal history of successful and visionary innovation and this history will be crucial to our future. K Duker has played a vital interim role in implementing a core foundation for growth and I am delighted he will continue to be part of this firm.”

Michael Stumm, OANDA Founder and Board Member, comments, “Ed’s arrival means OANDA customers will continue to experience all the things they have traditionally loved about OANDA – efficient trading, superb pricing and excellent customer service – while bringing new innovative products and services to OANDA’s expanding customer base.”

K Duker, interim CEO and OANDA executive committee member, says, “This is a wonderful coup for OANDA. Ed has a world-class reputation for leadership and growing his people. He deeply understands the new paradigm where disruptive technology converges with finance. He has rare and proven experience in driving customer-focused technology in developed and emerging markets around the world and has my total support.”

The CEO appointment comes on the heels of other significant executive additions at the firm. OANDA expanded its board to include notable industry executives Renato Fassbind, Independent Non-Executive Director at HSBC, Mich Mathews, former CMO and SVP of Microsoft Corp, and Kuno Kennel, Chairman of the Board at Schwyzer Kantonalbank. OANDA also added Vatsa Narasimha as Chief Strategy Officer and Graeme Whittington as Chief Technology Officer. K Duker, interim CEO, will remain with the firm and on the executive committee. Through these changes and additional future executive level appointments, OANDA will be well positioned for future growth.

For more information, please visit: www. oanda. com. and follow us on Twitter. Facebook or YouTube.


OANDA Corporation has transformed the business of foreign exchange through an innovative approach to forex trading. The company’s leading online trading platform, fxTrade. introduced a number of firsts to the marketplace, including immediate execution; instant settlement on trades; trades of any size between one unit and 10 million units; and interest calculated by the second. The company’s many awards attest to the power and flexibility of its trading platform. In 2012, OANDA was named “Best Forex Provider” by the Financial Times and by Investors Chronicle; “Best FX Broker” by Forex Magnates; and was recognized by Investment Trends Singapore as providing “Best Value for Money” and “Highest Overall Client Satisfaction”.

OANDA was the first online provider of comprehensive currency exchange information. and today the company’s OANDA Rate® data are the benchmark rates for corporations, auditing firms, and global banks.

OANDA has five offices worldwide, in Chicago, London, Singapore, Tokyo, and Toronto. OANDA is fully regulated by the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the U. S. National Futures Association (NFA), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), and the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA).

Safety officer

Career Objective

Professional Experience

 Deir Ezzor Petroleum Company (DEZPC – Total E&P) • Member of emergency team (fire, accident, evacuation. ). • Instructor for safety training program (fire fighting, Work permit…). • Supervision lifting operation and hot job work permits. • Weekly drills performed and drills planning follow up. • Risk analysis (accidents, near messes, etc.) • Supervision for confined space entry and work at height. • STOP program follow up. • Monthly HSE Statistic report. • Weekly camp and food hygiene inspection. • Issue and update the safety material database files (MSDS). • Measurement and monitoring of radiation and contamination level. • To update 6 monthly NORM data base of all DEZPC sites. • Register and control all equipment stored in NORM yard. • HSE audit planning follow up. • Safety induction for new comer.  Rotary Rig (65) – Syria * Safety Instructor (First Aid, H2S, Fire Fighting, Evacuation Plan) * Monthly Safety Statistics reports. * Supervision all hot work permits. * Emergency Situation Plan * Rig Move Plan * Weekly Camp and food Hygiene inspection * Fire Extinguisher Monthly Checks. * Eye Wash Station & First Aid Box Checks. * Six Monthly Lifting Equipment Check & Certified.  Schlumberger – Sedco Forex (Rig 11) Managing All Safety Issues Such as: • Safety Instructor (First Aid, H2S, Fire Fighting, Evacuation Plan) • Monthly Safety Statistics reports. • Follow up QHSE Database Program • Supervision all hot work permits. • Emergency Situation Plan • Rig Move Plan • Weekly Camp and food Hygiene inspection • Fire Extinguisher Monthly Checks. • Eye Wash Station & First Aid Box Checks. • Six Monthly Lifting Equipment Check & Certified. • Etc…..

 DST Rig 28 – Syria:

Managing all Safety Issues Such As: * Rig move planning. * Camp inspection and food hygiene. * Monthly Safety Statistics reports. * Safety Instructor (First Aid) * Other Daily Routine.


From To Position Company Dec-2001 Present Safety officer DEZPC (Total Syria) Sep-1999 Oct-2001 Safety officer Rotary Rig 65-Syria Dec-1996 May-1999 Safety officer /Medic Schlumberger Sedco Forex Rig 11-Syria Jan-1994 Aug-1996 Safety officer DST Rig 28-Syria


Safety accreditation, Work permit2-Isolation permit3-Confined space entry 4-Blinding &Spading5-Lock out&Tagout-LEL & HEL7-Explosivein Al Furat Petroleum Safe handling of chemicals Mixing. shifting. lifting, First aid in Sedco Forex Rig 11 Emergency Response Derrick man in Sedco Forex Rig 11 Floor man Sedco Forex Rig 11 QHSE Database Sedco Forex Rig 11 STOP For Safety Stop program Roustabout Basic safety Introductor HSE Rig hazard H2S 1-Effected 2-Hazard 3-Equipment4-First aid Fire fighting Cold type First aid 1-A. B.C 2-CPR3-Hemorrhages4-Fractures5-Recovery position in Health institute-Syria

Additional Information

Course HSE in oil field operation Safety and risk assessment Occupational risks at work place Waste Management Scaffolding Erection & Inspection Scaffolding awareness Lifting Equipment Awareness & Knowledge) Defensive driving DDC Risk analysis Safety accreditation Permit to work Fire fighting NORM Permit to work Pollution control Authorized gas tester Safety Instructor Safe Handling H2S Safety accreditation Safe handling of chemicals First aid Emergency Response Derrick man Floor man QHSE Database STOP For Safety Roustabout Basic safety Introductory H2S Fire fighting First aid

Hot Categories

Licencia de corretaje de Forex de Belice

Forex business activities have become highly regulated over the last few years. Now if a company offers Forex Brokerage services to its clients (Corporate or Personal), the company must be issued with a Forex Broker License .

Further, international banks will not accept account applications from unlicensed companies unless companies or individuals trade own funds only .

Obviously, all jurisdictions, both onshore and offshore, have the ability to grant a Forex Broker License to qualified applicants. Generally, onshore jurisdictions impose much higher capital requirements on applicants and consequently the costs of setting up in those jurisdictions is very high when compared to some of the offshore financial centres.

Offshore jurisdictions offer many interesting possibilities because: a) Many will allow a Forex Brokerage to operate free of tax on profits and b) It is possible to set up without the need to maintain a physical presence within the jurisdiction other than that which can readily be provided by a service company such as ourselves.

In our professional opinion, the best jurisdiction to Incorporate a Company and Obtain a Forex Brokerage License at a reasonable cost with reasonable capital deposit requirements is Belize .

Through our affiliate partners, our company offers a full range of corporate services in Belize including license application services and annual support.

The Basic requirements are:

In order to qualify the following conditions and submissions have to be met:

Certificate of no criminal record to ensure that there are no criminal records about Authorized Person, Additional Authorized Persons (if any), all Directors/Officers, Shareholders and Beneficial Owners, not older than 3 months;

Declaration of no history of Bankruptcy for Authorized Person, Additional Authorized Persons (if any), all Directors/Officers, Shareholders and Beneficial Owners, not older than 3 months;

Notarized Copies of passport(s) for all Authorized Person, Additional Authorized Persons (if any), all Directors/Officers, Shareholders and Beneficial Owners

Original Bank references for Authorized Person, Additional Authorized Persons (if any), all Directors/Officers, Shareholders and Beneficial Owners; not older than 3 months

Original or Notarized Copies of utility bills Authorized Person, Additional Authorized Persons (if any), all Directors/Officers, Shareholders and Beneficial Owners, not older than 3 months

Owner’s Resume & /or CV of Authorized Person, Additional Authorized Persons (if any), all Directors/Officers, Shareholders and Beneficial Owners outlining experience in Forex Brokerage Activities and Qualifications warranting issuance of a license.

Confirmation Geographic/target market (U. S.A. & other restricted markets not accepted)

Declaration of owners that they have blocked access to the services for minors

What does the package include?

Our package includes everything you need to set up and operate an online Forex Brokerage with License from Belize.

An Offshore Corporation: Belize is an excellent choice when it comes to incorporating an offshore parent or holdings company. zero-tax status, and one of the world’s friendliest corporate legal environments enable you to conduct your business 100% compliant.

A Cyprus Payment Processing Company: Cyprus is an excellent choice when it comes to incorporating a company for international business especially in for access to the European markets. Low-tax status on profits (12.5%), and one of the world’s friendliest corporate legal environments enable you to conduct your business globally.

Licencia de corretaje de Forex de Belice

A Corporate Bank Account: We work with a variety of safe and secure offshore banks catering to online Forex Brokerage Business operators.

Online Forex Brokerage Merchant Accounts for acceptance of both Visa & Mastercard: Once you have your business established you will need to be able to receive payments from your customer.

4 Hours Personalized Advice: Need some help or assistance with conducting your business offshore? Want to get favorable conditions when applying for an offshore credit card? Want to know where you can invest your offshore profits for maximum return? & # 8230; ¡Preguntanos! We offer the best after-sale support in the industry, and will do our best to assist you with whatever concerns and problems you might have … !

If obtaining a license to offer Forex Broker Services interests you, we encourage you to contact us and we will be happy to assist you with your needs from start to finish.

The total cost to obtain a full Forex Brokerage License in Belize including company formation, assistance opening a corporate bank account and payment processing account to receive payments from your clients is only $15,700 .

Contact Us to become a client and get your Belize Forex Brokerage License Today!

Take advantage of our almost 18 years of experience and let us help you every step of the way.

Your business is important to us and we guarantee professional service.

Новости Форекс Онлайн

Каждый, кто торгует на рынке Форекс, знает, что стоимость той или иной валюты зависит от множества факторов. Так, например, цена валюты зависит от макроэкономического положения страны, которой принадлежит эта денежная единица. Поэтому, чтобы трейдинг приносил прибыль, нужно постоянно просматривать экономические новости, а также уметь быстро разбираться в отчетах регуляторов.

Для вашего удобства мы предлагаем вам специальный раздел «Форекс-новости», в котором представлена непрерывная, регулярно обновляемая лента свежих новостей. Самые интересные новости помечаются как «Новость дня».

Новости экономики и финансов . размещаемые на нашем сайте, мы получаем от ведущих мировых аналитических и информационных агентств.

Новости рынка Форекс — это незаменимый инструмент, который необходим в прогнозе движения цены. В частности, если опубликованные данные противоречат рыночному тренду, то влияние новости на динамику рынка ограничится несколькими часами. Если же наоборот — данные подтвердят движение тренда — то он будет только увеличиваться с возможным откатом в будущем.

Ниже представлены последние Форекс-новости, оказывающие непосредственное влияние на котировки валют, — новости экономики, финансов, политики и валютных рынков.

Следите за изменениями в мире Форекс, и вы всегда будете в курсе самых важных событий, что позволит вам своевременно принимать решения при совершении торговых операций.

Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся на отметке 1 865,86 пункта Российский индекс ММВБ закрылся с понижением на 0,04% на отметке 1 865,86 пункта. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 13:08:00

Темп роста ВВП США за IV квартал был пересмотрен в сторону повышения Согласно опубликованным сегодня правительственным данным, экономическая активность в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 12:34:00

Доллар США незначительно вырос после данных о ВВП страны Департамент торговли США опубликовал третью оценку ВВП страны за 4 квартал в эту. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 12:26:00

Доллар США не изменился, ожидая данные по ВВП в США В пятницу в 8:30 по восточному времени в США должны были выйти данные за четвертый. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

Объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до +2,4% По уточненным данным объем потребительских расходов США увеличился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% По уточненным данным объем розничных продаж США повысился в IV квартале до +1,6% против. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

Объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до -8,4% По предварительным данным объем корпоративной прибыли США понизился в IV квартале до. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:30:00

В США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4% Согласно окончательным данным, в США уровень ВВП в четвертом квартале поднялся на 1,4%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

Объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8% г/г По официальным данным объем экспорта нефти Вьетнама сократился в I квартале на 19,8%. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

Индекс промышленного производства Вьетнама повысился в марте до 6,2% г/г

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 11:01:00

Профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн По официальной оценке профицит торгового баланса Вьетнама составил в марте $100 млн. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 09:39:00

Индекс потребительского доверия во Франции упал до 7-месячного минимума Потребительское доверие во Франции продолжило ухудшаться в марте до 7-месячного. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 09:15:00

Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в IV квартале Экономический рост в Нидерландах улучшился в соответствии с предварительной оценкой в. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 08:23:00

ВВП Франции в 4 квартале вырос Рост экономики Франции в 4 квартале прошлого года совпал с прогнозом, как сообщает. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:55:00

Во Франции в 4 квартале ВВП вырос на 0,3% к/к по последней оценке

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:55:00

Proact Traders: короткие позиции NZD/USD, вход 0,6768, стоп-лосс 0,6790, целевые уровни 0,6713/0,6670/0,6616

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:55:00

Ace Trader: короткие позиции по GBP/USD, точка входа 1,4113, стоп-лосс 1,4200, целевой уровень 1,4053

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:54:00

Рекомендуем открывать позиции на продажу USD/JPY на отметке 113,86 (стоп-лосс 116,16)

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:53:00

Pattern Trapper рекомендует короткие позиции по EUR/USD ниже уровня 1,1220

& Raquo; 2017-03-25 07:16:00

Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 Индекс экономической уверенности в Турции повысился в марте до 78,27 против 71,46. В новому вікні Швидкий перегляд

How to Become a Foreign Service Officer

The State Department replenishes the ranks of its Foreign Service Officers by hiring new candidates from a pool of pre-qualified applicants called "the register." The register is basically a waiting list for new FSOs hoping to receive the big call from the State Department. Only prospective FSOs who make it through each of the required steps are added to the register; however, being added to the register does not guarantee a job.

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Background and Education

The only formal requirements for receiving a post as an FSO is having American citizenship, being between 20 and 59 years old, and being available for worldwide assignments . Although the State Department has no official education requirements for FSOs, it does suggest that prospective officers take college courses in a handful of areas related to foreign service, such as United States and world history, politics and international affairs. Proficiency in a language other than English is not required, but does improve the odds of landing a job. Applicants with fluency in Spanish or Greek, for example, get 0.17 bonus points applied to their wait-list score. Applicants with proficiency in critically needed languages like Chinese or Farsi can earn up to 0.37 bonus points.

Foreign Service Officer Test

The first step towards becoming an FSO is passing the Foreign Service Officer Test. or FSOT. The State Department offers the exam three times per year at locations around the United States and the world. The test is organized into three multiple choice sections covering job knowledge . English expression and psychological profiling, including questions about how you communicate with and relate to others. The test includes questions from a variety of subject areas, including politics, history and economics. The State Department recommends applicants prepare for the exam with a lengthy reading list, including books on the history of immigration, psychology and area studies.

Personal Narrative and Oral Assessment

Candidates with sufficiently high FSOT scores are invited to submit a personal narrative. Akin to a personal statement in a college application, the personal narrative should detail why you want to be an FSO and how your background has prepared you for the experience. A qualifications evaluations panel reviews all applicants' narratives, test scores and resumes, and invites a few hundred to participate in an oral assessment, which are essentially an all-day job interview . including a group exercise, an individual interview and case study assignment. Candidates who pass the oral assessment must then submit to security and medical history reviews.

Medical and Security Clearance

Applicants for FSO positions must pass a medical and security check before becoming eligible for service. The State Department does not publish automatic disqualifying criteria for either the medical or the security check, but does offer general guidelines. FSOs must be able to work in parts of the world without easy access to quality medical facilities, so applicants with chronic health conditions may be ineligible for medical clearance. The department may deny security clearance on the basis of many different criteria, including credit history problems, misconduct at work or school, criminal record, or a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Security clearance may take months or years to complete for applicants with extensive travel histories or many contacts in foreign countries.

Applicants who receive their security and medical clearances advance to a final review panel which reevaluates their applications from top to bottom. Upon authorization from the review panel, candidates names are added to the register.

Management Team

Management Team

The TradeKing management team consists of leading financial industry veterans who have pioneered and helped shape just about every facet of the online brokerage business since the 1990s. We are a group of passionate, independent thinkers who never stop exploring new ways to improve trading for the self-directed investor and who don't mind shaking up the status quo to spur change for the better.

Donato A. Montanaro, Jr. (Don) Chief Executive Officer

As CEO of TradeKing Group, Don Montanaro is responsible for charting the company’s business course and overseeing all principal functions of the firm. Don has been at the forefront of online trading since its infancy, driving the evolution of the modern brokerage by connecting investors’ needs with visionary ideas made possible through breakthrough technology.

Before co-founding TradeKing in 2005, Don was formerly founder and president of SureTrade, Inc. an NASD member brokerage firm and a subsidiary of Quick & Reilly and later Fleet Financial. SureTrade was a pioneer in deploying live chat as a service channel, and was a leader at introducing options trading education to retail clients in the late 1990s. Under Don’s leadership, SureTrade grew to be the eighth largest online brokerage firm worldwide, processing over 50,000 trades daily. Don earned his J. D. from The Catholic University of America's Columbus School of Law and B. A. from the University of Notre Dame.

Richard J. Hagen, Jr. President

As President, Rich plays a central, hands-on role ensuring the firm's business strategy, technology, marketing, client service, and compliance groups all work in concert to deliver a great client experience. Rich’s experience in the online brokerage space dates back to the 1990s. Before co-founding TradeKing in 2005, Rich led H&R Block's online brokerage strategy and the integration of the company's online channel with its branch-office-based business model. Previously, Rich served as vice president at Foliofn and was in charge of its retail brokerage division. Rich also served as president of SureTrade, where he was responsible for the firm's overall strategy and operation. During that time, he played a key role within Fleet Financial, SureTrade's parent company, in developing Fleet's overall Internet strategy. In addition to his leadership role with TradeKing, Rich serves as CEO of TradeKing Advisors. Rich holds a B. A. in business and marketing from Southampton College.

Thomas A. Desmond Chief Financial Officer

As Chief Financial Officer, Tom oversees TradeKing's finance, accounting and strategic development activities. Tom is responsible for advising the executive team on how to reinvest wisely in both our business and our people, and to keep the firm on a steady and stable growth path. Tom also oversees TradeKing's relationships with its investors and other capital providers. Before co-founding TradeKing, Tom was a co-founder, partner and managing director of Baird Venture Partners, LLC, a venture capital firm based in Chicago. Prior to Baird Venture Partners, Tom served as a vice president in Robert W. Baird & Co.'s Investment Banking Group. Tom was also a senior product manager and senior analyst at Morningstar, Inc. and an associate in Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.'s Investment Banking Division. Tom earned an M. B.A. with distinction from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, an M. A. with high honors from Michigan State University and a B. A. cum laude, from the University of Notre Dame.

Philip A. Claxton Chief Compliance Officer

In his role as TradeKing’s Chief Compliance Officer, Phil oversees the firm’s adherence to the securities industry’s ever-evolving regulations. One of TradeKing’s co-founders, Phil joined the company from E*TRADE Financial Corp, where he was the senior manager in charge of financial planning and analysis for the US brokerage. Prior to E*TRADE, Phil served as vice president of global Internet strategy for FleetBoston Financial, vice president of strategy for Quick & Reilly and chief financial officer for SureTrade. Phil received an M. B.A. with a finance concentration from New York University's Stern School of Business and a B. A. in both economics and computer science from New York University's College of Arts and Science.

Kevin Delo Chief Information Officer

As CIO, Kevin leads the development and execution of TradeKing’s technology and product strategies. He is charged with building and managing the firm’s IT, engineering and product teams, while working to identify ways TradeKing can leverage technology innovations to enhance its online investing platform. This includes continuing to extend TradeKing’s pioneering social media, API, HTML5 website and mobile offerings to ensure the firm’s online investing experience meets evolving client needs.

Kevin brings more than 17 years of experience in developing and managing innovative, complex brokerage products for the retail investor. Prior to joining TradeKing, he served as E*Trade’s vice president, brokerage product management. Kevin holds a number of securities industry licenses, including NASD Series 7, NASD Series 24, NASD Series 4 and NASD Series 63. He graduated with honors from the University of California at Santa Cruz, with a B. A in Economics.

Find Out For Yourself

We think once you discover all we have to offer, you'll know we're the right broker for you.

Las opciones implican riesgo y no son adecuadas para todos los inversores. Haga clic aquí para revisar el folleto Características y riesgos de las opciones estándar antes de comenzar las opciones de compra. Los inversionistas de opciones pueden perder el monto total de su inversión en un período relativamente corto de tiempo.

El comercio en línea tiene riesgos inherentes debido a la respuesta del sistema y tiempos de acceso que varían debido a las condiciones del mercado, el rendimiento del sistema y otros factores. Un inversionista debe entender estos y riesgos adicionales antes de negociar.

$ 4.95 para transacciones en línea de acciones y opciones, agregue 65 centavos por contrato de opción. TradeKing cobra un adicional de $ 0.35 por contrato en ciertos productos de índice donde los cargos de cambio cobran. Consulte nuestras preguntas frecuentes para obtener más detalles. TradeKing agrega $ 0.01 por acción en la orden entera para las existencias tasadas menos de $ 2.00. Consulte nuestra página de comisiones y comisiones para comisiones sobre operaciones con corredores, acciones a bajo precio, spreads de opciones y otros valores.

* TradeKing received 4 out of 5 stars in Barron's 12th (March 2007), 13th (March 2008), 14th (March 2009), 15th (March 2010), 16th (March 2011), 17th (March 2012), and 18th (March 2017), and 19th (March 2017) annual rankings of the Best Online Brokers based on Trade Technology, Usability, Mobile, Range of Offerings, Research Amenities, Portfolio Analysis & Reports, Customer Service & Education, and Costs. Rated among the "Best for Options Traders" 2008-13. Barron's is a registered trademark of Dow Jones & Company © 2017. TradeKing received 4 and a half stars for Customer Service by stockbrokers. com in their 2017 Broker Review along with being named #1 Trader Community in their 2017 and 2017 Broker Surveys. The survey was based on the following categories: Commissions & Fees, Ease-of-Use, Platforms & Tools, Research, Customer Service, Offering of Investments, Education, and Mobile Trading. Documentation supporting TradeKing's service and tools awards and claims are also available upon request by calling 877-495-5464 or via email at [email protected]

Todas las inversiones implican riesgo, las pérdidas pueden exceder el principal invertido y el rendimiento pasado de un producto de seguridad, industria, sector, mercado o financiero no garantiza los resultados o devoluciones futuros. TradeKing ofrece a los inversionistas autodirigidos servicios de corretaje de descuentos y no hace recomendaciones ni ofrece asesoramiento financiero, legal o fiscal. Usted es el único responsable de evaluar los méritos y riesgos asociados con el uso de los sistemas, servicios o productos de TradeKing.

El contenido, la investigación, las herramientas y los símbolos de acciones o de opciones son sólo para fines educativos y ilustrativos y no implican una recomendación o solicitud para comprar o vender un valor en particular o para participar en una estrategia de inversión en particular. Las proyecciones u otra información con respecto a la probabilidad de varios resultados de inversión son hipotéticas por naturaleza, no están garantizadas por exactitud o integridad, no reflejan los resultados reales de inversión, no toman en cuenta comisiones, intereses de margen y otros costos y no son garantías de Resultados futuros.

El comercio de futuros se ofrece a los inversores auto-dirigidos a través de MB Trading Futures. MB Trading, IB member FINRA, SIPC; MB Trading Futures, Inc. IB member NFA

Trading in futures is speculative in nature and not appropriate for all investors. Los inversores sólo deben utilizar capital de riesgo al negociar futuros y opciones porque siempre existe el riesgo de pérdidas sustanciales.

El comercio de divisas (Forex) se ofrece a los inversores autodirigidos a través de TradeKing Forex. TradeKing Forex, Inc y TradeKing Securities, LLC son empresas independientes, pero afiliadas. Las cuentas Forex no están protegidas por la Securities Investor Protection Corp. (SIPC).

El comercio de divisas implica un riesgo significativo de pérdida y no es adecuado para todos los inversores. Aumentar el apalancamiento aumenta el riesgo. Antes de decidir el comercio de divisas, debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos financieros, el nivel de experiencia de inversión y la capacidad de asumir riesgos financieros. Cualquier opinión, noticias, investigación, análisis, precios u otra información contenida no constituye asesoramiento de inversión. Lea la información completa. Tenga en cuenta que los contratos de oro y plata al contado no están sujetos a regulación bajo la Ley de Intercambio de Mercancías de los Estados Unidos.

TradeKing Forex, Inc acts as an introducing broker to GAIN Capital Group, LLC ("GAIN Capital"). Su cuenta forex se mantiene y mantiene en GAIN Capital, que actúa como agente de compensación y contraparte en sus operaciones. GAIN Capital está registrado en la Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) y es miembro de la National Futures Association (NFA) (ID # 0339826). TradeKing Forex, Inc. es miembro de la Asociación Nacional de Futuros (ID # 0408077).

&dupdo; 2017 TradeKing Group, Inc. All rights reserved. Securities offered through TradeKing Securities, LLC, member FINRA and SIPC. Forex ofrecido a través de TradeKing Forex, LLC, miembro de NFA.

Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) Plot No. 5, Sector – 32, Institutional Area, Gurgaon Oriental Bank of India (OBC), a leading public sector bank invites Online Applications from Indian citizens for following 21 posts in Officer Cadre. Chief Manager (Risk Management). 02 posts Senior Manager (Risk Management). 05 posts […]

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National Institute of Banking Studies & Corporate Management (NIBSCOM) Noida NIBSCOM invites applications for the below posts. Faculty Member – Trade Finance, Treasury & Forex & # 8211; 01 Posts Faculty Member – Crédito & amp; Recovery Management – 01 Posts How To Apply: Interested Candidates apply on the prescribed format along with a passport size photograph […]

Bank of Maharashtra (A Govt. of India Undertaking) HRD Department, Lokmangal, 1051, Shivajinagar, Pune – 411005 Bank of Maharashtra, Leading Listed Public Sector Bank with Head Office in Pune and all India network of branches invites online Applications for recruitment to the post of Specialist Officers given below. Law Officers. 26 posts, […]


Full-Time Marketing Officer (Forex)

Descripción del trabajo

A newly established FX firm in Limassol, Cyprus is looking to hire a Marketing Officer (Social Media).

Role: Social media marketing, copy writing coordination monitoring and maintenance, design consultation and coordination.

Implement the social media strategy and responsible for growing and maintaining the company’s network of social media channels.

Work closely with content writer / provide content writing

Coordinate with web design team

Consult on company theme, colors, font, etc…

Manage social media campaigns and day-to-day activities. Duties include online advocacy, writing editorial, community-outreach efforts, promotions, etc.

Regularly provide insights and feedback from social media monitoring back to the marketing and content creation teams.

Monitor conversations on all social media channels and respond accordingly

Monitor developments in social media trends, tools and applications.

Excellent commercial working knowledge of social media pages

Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Design skills including graphics and web design.

Strong project management or organizational skills.

Team player, with the confidence to take initiative and provide recommendations for the optimal implementation of social media strategies.

Good technical understanding and can pick up new tools quickly.

Good knowledge of principles of SEO.

Content writing and Media buying experience would be a plus.

Forex experience is a big advantage

Strong command of English language


How to Apply

Please send your resume to cyprec@gmail. com

422 total views, 1 today

I don't know if FAHD 's case is real or not. I know people who have accounts with GFS in 6 digit amounts without any problem withdrawing. Like I said, I've been with them for over 3 years, I have withdrawn and seen other withdraw(people I refer them to GFS) without any problem. If what you're saying is true, please go report to NFA with your evidence.

2008-01-19 5 Stars It's been very honest with me so far. I've been trading through them for about 3 years now. They honor their stops, never suspend you during news (I don't trade news much anyway). Spreads are widen a bit during big datas, but who doesn't. Their platform is proprietary, so it might take some learning to use, but I find it quite easy to learn and use.

Descargo de responsabilidad y advertencia de riesgo. Por favor lee.

Advertencia de Riesgo. La negociación de divisas en margen conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo, y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. El alto grado de apalancamiento puede trabajar en su contra, así como para usted. Antes de decidir invertir en divisas debe considerar cuidadosamente sus objetivos de inversión, nivel de experiencia y apetito de riesgo. Existe la posibilidad de que usted podría sostener una pérdida de parte o la totalidad de su inversión inicial y por lo tanto no debe invertir dinero que no puede permitirse perder. Usted debe ser consciente de todos los riesgos asociados con el comercio de divisas y buscar asesoramiento de un asesor financiero independiente si tiene alguna duda.

Aviso legal Toda la información publicada en este sitio web es de nuestra opinión y de la opinión de nuestros visitantes, y puede que no refleje la verdad. Utilice su propio buen juicio y busque el asesoramiento de un consultor cualificado, antes de creer y aceptar cualquier información publicada en este sitio web. También nos reservamos el derecho de eliminar, editar, mover o cerrar cualquier publicación por cualquier motivo.

Anuncios Advertencia Los enlaces de publicidad se muestran en todo el sitio. Algunas páginas del sitio pueden contener enlaces de afiliados para productos. Estos anuncios y / o enlaces no reflejan la opinión, el respaldo o la concurrencia de este sitio web o de las partes afiliadas. Las revisiones de la FPA nunca son influenciadas por la publicidad. Algunos anuncios pueden contener afirmaciones potencialmente engañosas y / o desequilibradas e información que puede no revelar los riesgos y otras consideraciones importantes involucradas en el comercio especulativo.

Spammers be Warned Si envía spam a los foros o comentarios de FPA, nos reservamos el derecho de editar su publicación de la forma que desee para burlarse de usted. Al enviarnos spam, usted acepta las modificaciones que hacemos y no emprenda acciones legales u otras contra la FPA o sus asociados por cualquier cosa que hagamos o con su spam.





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Code of Business Ethics and Director, Officer & Employee Conduct


FXCM ("FXCM" or the "Company"), including our subsidiaries, affiliates and related entities, is committed to maintaining the highest level of public trust and confidence. We recognize that our reputation hinges on the adherence of our directors, officers and employees to the highest standards of ethical behavior and professionalism in the performance of their duties.

This Code of Business Ethics and Director, Officer & Employee Conduct (the "Code") sets forth a summary of the common standards we have established for the Company, its directors, officers and employees. The Code is designed to promote the values and principles it embodies and to deter any wrongdoing. The Code is crucial in ensuring that our directors, officers and employees - as well as the public at large - are aware of the standards we have set for ourselves. All directors, officers and employees are personally responsible for compliance with the Code, and failure to comply with its provisions is grounds for disciplinary action, which may include dismissal, and referral to the relevant governmental authorities and other regulatory bodies, where appropriate. Regarding any course of conduct not specifically addressed in the Code, officers and employees are instructed to consult their supervisors or an appropriate representative of the Legal or Compliance Departments, but ultimately, they are responsible for using good judgment and acting in a manner consistent with the spirit, principles, and values embodied in the Code.

Governing Laws & Regulaciones

FXCM's objective is to provide our clients with the utmost in value and customer service and to maximize their foreign exchange ("forex") trading experience. Notwithstanding these objectives, the Company places legal and regulatory compliance above profits. In our business conduct, we must always be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

FXCM LLC is a registered Futures Commission Merchant ("FCM") and a Retail Foreign Exchange Dealer ("RFED") with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC") and is a member of the National Futures Association ("NFA"). FXCM directors, officers and employees are expected to comply not only with the letter but also with the spirit of all applicable laws and regulations.

FXCM’s principal operating subsidiaries are also registered with or licensed by the Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom, the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong, and the Australian Securities and Investment Commission in Australia.

Core Ethical Values


FXCM realizes that our success is based on the Company's reputation for integrity along with the public trust and confidence this reputation has garnered. We respect the interests of our clients, honor our commitments, and are forthright in promising only what we can deliver.


A general requirement of any NFA Member is that communications with the public may not be deceptive or misleading. FXCM believes that the imperative for truthfulness does not stem merely from the strictures of regulatory compliance. Rather, it is due to our philosophy of increased investor protection that we undertake every effort to ensure that our client communications and promotional materials are truthful and complete. Accurate and complete information enables investors to make intelligent decisions and, therefore, our statements are designed not to confuse or mislead.


FXCM is committed to treating those with whom we deal in the same manner that we expect to be treated by others. We apply this approach in a consistent, non-discriminatory manner; from our largest institutional investors to our smallest account holders.

We compete aggressively in furtherance of our overall interests, yet we do so fairly, ethically, and in a manner that fully complies with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the values and principles embodied in the Code.

Our history of success has been achieved through honest business competition. We do not seek competitive advantages through illegal or unethical business practices. We endeavor to deal fairly with our clients, service providers, competitors, and individual colleagues. We oppose taking unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other unfair practice.


FXCM has a history of living up to the commitments and responsibilities we have towards our clients, employees, service providers, government authorities, regulators, competitors, the media, and society. To our clients, we are committed to providing our products and services in an efficient and innovative manner consistent with their needs, and we offer a trading environment that is fast, reliable, convenient, and valuable in terms of price and quality. To our employees, we offer challenging positions in a professional and collegial environment and equal opportunities for performance-based professional development. To our service providers, we seek to build mutually beneficial relationships, while promoting the Code's principles in the process. To our regulators, we strive to strictly observe and comply with all relevant laws, rules, regulations and standards of good business practice. We do not sacrifice legal and regulatory compliance for the sake of profits; rather, we offer the authorities and regulatory bodies our cooperation and assistance toward the shared goal of investor protection. To our competitors, we are committed to respectable business practices and to compete by providing superior products and services. To the media, we offer our support in providing accurate and objective coverage of our business. As a member of society at large, we offer our support to many organizations and institutions dedicated to social, charitable, educational, humanitarian and cultural causes. We are committed to remaining a responsible, law-abiding corporate member of society.


FXCM invests tremendous resources of time, energy, and expense into developing our forex products and services and proprietary trading platform. In addition, FXCM has built a strong network of liquidity providers § to provide our customers with a competitive price quotation on every trade. We value both innovation and experience in our personnel. Our directors, officers and employees possess a wealth of experience in the foreign currency markets.


Reliability is the hallmark of FXCM and the products and services we offer. The Company provides 24-hours a day, seven days a week customer service in English that includes sales, dealing, administrative, and technical support. Our goal is to give clients peace of mind in the knowledge that they can depend on us, thereby freeing them to dedicate more attention to their individual investment strategies.

Core Professional Values: Business Practices

Regulatory Compliance

FXCM acknowledges the importance of all relevant laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards - whether internal or external - and complies with them. We are committed to strict management discipline and a first-class control and compliance environment. As a regulated entity, FXCM is required to meet strict financial standards, including capital adequacy requirements. We are also required to routinely submit financial reports to our regulators, both domestic and overseas. These standards and others are rigorously enforced by the CFTC, the NFA, and the FCA for instance, which have the right to fine firms and/or terminate their regulatory status for violations.

Due Diligence

FXCM conducts due diligence so that we know our clients, and conduct our transactions in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. FXCM has adopted a Customer Identification Program a/k/a Know Your Customer Policy documenting our procedures to obtain, verify and record information that accurately identifies each person who opens an account with us. All employees are required to comply with the Customer Identification Program and Know Your Customer policies and procedures.

Communication & Informes

It is FXCM's policy that the information in our communications be full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable. This policy applies to communications with the New York Stock Exchange, the Securities and Exchange Commission and other government authorities, regulators, employees, clients, and the media. All directors, officers and employees involved in our disclosure process (including upper-level management) are responsible for acting in furtherance of this policy. In particular, these individuals are required to maintain familiarity with applicable disclosure requirements, and they are prohibited from knowingly misrepresenting, omitting, or causing others to misrepresent or omit, material facts to others, whether within or outside the Company, including our independent auditors. Those engaged in a supervisory role over our disclosure process have an obligation to discharge their duties with diligence.

Books & Archivos

FXCM records in a complete, accurate and timely manner, all transactions and obligations on our client accounts. We maintain systems of internal accounting controls designed to ensure the reliability and adequacy of our client account records, and the regulatory reports they generate. We maintain records for the periods required by applicable laws and regulations.


FXCM is committed to an independent, robust internal and external audit process to supplement our operational processes and to help us identify and address any relevant accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters. Our managers cooperate fully with our auditors to reach and implement solutions in an efficient and timely manner.


FXCM maintains appropriate instruments to control and monitor the transfer of confidential and sensitive information within and, as far as possible, outside the Company on a need-to-know basis. We do not deliberately disclose non-public information concerning our business, our clients or our employees, unless in connection with the delivery of services to our clients, upon request of our clients, or as required to do so by law.


FXCM strives to maintain an open and transparent dialogue with our clients and others, based on fairness, mutual respect, and professionalism.

Gestión de riesgos

FXCM advises clients to engage in conscious, disciplined and intelligent risk taking. For our part, we are guided by the principle of adherence to the appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks as well as the instruments, procedures and managerial approval processes to monitor, control, and manage the risks to which we are exposed.

Anti-Money Laundering

Money laundering is the process by which persons or businesses attempt to conceal the origin and ownership of the proceeds of illegal activity such as fraud, theft, drug trafficking, or any other crime. Money laundering may also involve the use of legitimately derived funds to finance terrorism. Various financial products and transactions, including those related to the foreign exchange market, may be involved in money laundering schemes. Accordingly, we are aggressive in not allowing the Company to be used as a vehicle for such activity. Money laundering is a criminal offense and can subject its perpetrators and/or facilitators to substantial criminal and civil sanctions, including imprisonment and fines.

To ensure compliance with anti-money laundering laws and regulations, FXCM has implemented policies and procedures to detect, prevent and report money laundering or other suspicious activity.

Continuous Improvement

While the Code does not create legally binding obligations on FXCM, nor does it confer legal rights to our employees or others, we actively review our past performance and strive to adhere to the principles and values included herein.

Core Professional Values: Employment Practices

FXCM's Commitments to Employee Excellence & Equal Opportunity

FXCM seeks to create and maintain a professional environment designed to attract, develop, and retain outstanding people. We offer equal opportunities, irrespective of race, national origin, ancestry, gender, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, physical disability, medical condition, or pregnancy. We will not tolerate any form of unlawful discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or retribution. Employees are instructed to consult the Employee Manual for our complete harassment policies and reporting procedures.

Competitive Reward System

FXCM offers a performance-based culture, with a corresponding competitive reward system and periodic fair and objective evaluations which take into account personal contribution to our overall efforts, as well as adherence to the values and principles set forth in the Code. Our officers and managers maintain an open-door policy designed to give each and every employee easy access to management.


We assess whether violations of the Code have occurred and, if so, determine whether or not disciplinary measures should be taken against the violator and others involved in the wrongdoing. Disciplinary measures may include, but are not limited to, counseling, oral or written reprimands, warnings, probation or suspension without pay, demotions, reductions in compensation, termination of employment, restitution, and legal action.


We may waive application of the Code in certain limited situations. Any waivers of Code provisions may be granted only in exceptional circumstances, and only upon management review in the case of employees. An employee who believes that a waiver may be called for is instructed to discuss the matter with our General Counsel and/or Chief Compliance Officer.

With respect to directors and officers, any waiver of any provision of the Code must be approved by the Board or a committee of the Board and will be promptly disclosed as required by applicable securities laws and the New York Stock Exchange rules.

Director, Officer & Employee Responsibilities


Each FXCM director, officer and employee is personally responsible to abide by all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, as well as the internal policies of FXCM, including the principles and values embodied in the Code. These responsibilities include being familiar with the laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, manuals, and emerging best business practices relevant to their duties, and implementing them to the best of their abilities.

operaciones con información privilegiada

All directors, officers and employees are prohibited from:

buying or selling FXCM’s securities at any time when in possession of material, non-public information (including transactions in securities held through employee benefits plans, such as 401(k) plans);

buying or selling securities of any other company at any time when in possession of material, non-public information obtained as a result of the employment or relationship of the director, executive officer or employee to the Company;

disclosing material, non-public information to any other person, including spouses, relatives, friends, co-habitants or business associates, who then trades in securities or passes the information on further (“tipping”) or starting rumors related to material, non-public information;

engaging in short-term investment activities or “day-trading” of FXCM’s securities;

engaging in “short-selling” of FXCM’s securities (i. e. selling FXCM’s securities that such person does not own and borrowing such securities to make delivery); y

buying or selling puts, calls, options or similar company-based derivative securities, including for hedging purposes.

Generally, information is “non-public” if it has not been effectively made available to investors generally, and information is “material” if there is a substantial likelihood that a reasonable investor would consider it important in making a decision to buy, sell or hold a security or where it is likely to have a significant effect on the market price of the security. Both positive and negative information may be material. While it is not possible to compile an exhaustive list, information concerning any of the following items will likely be considered material:

quarterly or annual results;

guidance on earnings estimates and confirming such guidance on a later date;

mergers, acquisitions, tender offers, joint ventures, or changes in assets;

new products or discoveries;

developments regarding customers or suppliers, including the acquisition or loss of an important contract;

changes in control or in management;

changes in compensation policy;

change in independent registered public accounting firm or notification that the Company may no longer rely on such firm’s report;

financings and other events regarding the Company’s securities (e. g. defaults on securities, calls of securities for redemption, repurchase plans, stock splits, public or private sales of securities, changes in dividends and changes to the rights of securityholders);

significant write-offs;

significant litigation; y

bankruptcy, corporate restructuring or receivership.

The term “securities” should be broadly construed and shall include, but not be limited to, stock, preferred stock, debt securities, such as bonds, notes and debentures, as well as puts, calls, options and other derivative instruments.

The rules above apply to all directors, officers and employees, regardless of whether they are located in the U. S. or abroad. Violation of these rules may expose both FXCM and the director, officer and employee to criminal and civil sanctions. In addition, directors, officers and employees who involve themselves in the prohibited transactions listed above are subject to immediate termination. It should be noted that persons subject to the Code may not violate the rules above even indirectly. Accordingly, you should assume that your family members may not take any actions which you are prohibited from taking.

FXCM has adopted a securities trading policy entitled ”Policies and Procedures for Trading in Securities of FXCM Inc. by Directors, Executive Officers and Access Employees”. Each director, executive officer and Access Employee (as defined in such policies and procedures) should read such policies and procedures in their entirety and refer back to them periodically for additional guidance.

If you have any doubts as to the propriety of any transaction, you should seek advice from the General Counsel’s office before undertaking the sale or purchase of any FXCM or other securities.

Customer Focus

We actively seek to distinguish ourselves from competitors in the area of customer service. We expect and encourage our employees to foster a customer-focused approach, and to treat our clients with utmost courtesy, professionalism and respect.

Trabajo en equipo

We expect our directors, officers and employees to embrace teamwork and to contribute their best efforts toward reaching common goals.

Honesty & Fair Dealing

We expect our directors, officers and employees to act at all times in good faith, with due care, competence, credibility and diligence, and without any misrepresentation of material facts.

Each director, officer and employee shall endeavor to deal fairly with the Company’s customers, competitors, suppliers and employees. No director, officer or employee shall take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or any other unfair practice.

No bribes, kickbacks or other similar payments in any form shall be made directly or indirectly to or for anyone for the purpose of obtaining or retaining business or obtaining any other favorable action. The Company and the director, officer or employee involved may be subject to disciplinary action as well as potential civil or criminal liability for violation of the Code. For more information please refer to the FXCM Inc. Anti-Corruption Policy Statement and Compliance Guide.


During the course of their service, directors, officers and employees may be provided access to confidential information regarding our clients, competitors, trade practices, systems, marketing or strategic plans, fees and revenues, and other knowledge considered proprietary by FXCM or our clients. Directors, officers and employees are not permitted to disclose or use, either during or subsequent to their employment with FXCM, any such information they receive or develop, except for authorized business purposes or where legally mandated. This includes, but is not limited to, information stored on any computer system as well as proprietary software developed by FXCM.

Any director, officer or employee who possesses confidential information has an important responsibility to keep that information confidential, and to disclose such information internally only on a need-to-know basis. Directors, officers and employees must be discreet with confidential information and avoid communicating confidential matters in ways that are susceptible to interpretation or use by third parties.

Public Dissemination of Company Information

It is particularly important that external communications are accurate, consistent and do not violate our confidentiality obligations or applicable laws, rules and regulations. Published information can have a significant effect on our reputation as well as business and legal consequences. External communications include, but are not limited to, communications to the news media, financial and industry analysts, governmental entities, investors, our industry colleagues, customers and other members of outside groups.

To be sure that work-related communications comply with all our policies and applicable laws, we require review of certain communications. If you are approached by the media, an investor or an analyst or wish to publish information or make an external presentation, you should contact the Legal or Compliance Departments for advice and review. This advice and review process is particularly important in light of FXCM being a public company. You must also review the “FXCM Inc. Corporate Policy and Procedures for Compliance with Regulation FD” for further information related to outside communications about FXCM.

It is important for you to bear in mind that the ease of electronic communication means that information about FXCM that you did not intend to become public may end up becoming widely disseminated through the Internet. Given this potentiality, you must exercise caution with respect to correspondence related to FXCM. In the event of unintended disclosure of work-related information in violation of company policy or applicable laws, rules and regulations, you should promptly notify the Legal or Compliance Departments.

Conflicts of Interest

Personal conflicts of interest arise when directors, officers or employees face a choice between their personal interests (financial or otherwise) and those of the Company. Conflicts of interest may call into question the Company's integrity as a whole. Accordingly, a director, officer or employee's service to the Company may not be subordinated to personal gain and advantage. All directors, officers and employees are expected to act in the Company's best interest. Any director, officer or employee in a position where his or her objectivity may be questioned because of an individual interest or family or personal relationship should consult his or her supervisor or an appropriate representative of the Legal or Compliance Departments. Similarly, any director, officer or employee aware of a transaction or relationship that could reasonably be expected to give rise to a personal conflict of interest should promptly discuss the matter with a supervisor or Legal or Compliance Officer. For additional information, see “Questions Regarding the Code & Reporting Violations” abajo.

FXCM Opportunities

It is the Company’s policy that directors, officers and employees may not (i) take opportunities for themselves that are discovered through the use of Company property, information or position or (ii) use Company property, information or position for personal gain. Furthermore, directors, officers and employees may not compete with the Company, directly or indirectly. Directors, officers and employees have a duty to the Company to advance its legitimate interests when the opportunity to do so arises.

Protection and Proper Use of FXCM Assets

Theft, carelessness and waste have a direct impact on the Company’s profitability. Directors, officers and employees have a duty to safeguard Company assets and ensure their efficient use. Company assets should be used only for legitimate business purposes, and directors, officers and employees should take measures to ensure against their theft, damage or misuse.

Company assets include intellectual property such as patents, copyrights, trademarks/branding, business and marketing plans, salary information and any unpublished financial data and reports. Unauthorized use or distribution of this information is a violation of Company policy.

Outside Employment

Employment and participation in other activities outside the Company could interfere with an individual's duties as an FXCM director, officer or employee. Service by any employee as a director, trustee, officer or employee (paid, unpaid, elected, appointed or otherwise) of any business other than FXCM, or any charitable, civic, religious, political or educational organization requires written approval from the Legal or Compliance Departments. Unless given specific permission, service by any employee on a board or in an advisory position with other firms in the foreign currency industry, and particularly with any of our clients, is not allowed.

Questions Regarding the Code and Reporting Violations

Employees are encouraged to talk to their supervisors when in doubt about the best course of action in a particular situation. Any questions regarding the Code and its applicability may be directed to your supervisor or the Legal or Compliance Departments.

We encourage reporting of violations of laws, rules, regulations or the Code to be done directly to relevant supervisors and appropriate representatives of the Legal and Compliance Departments or, where appropriate, directly to higher levels of management. Reports by officers and employees may be made on a confidential, anonymous basis. In case of violations by directors, senior employees and officers, such reports should be made to an appropriate representative of the Legal or Compliance Departments.

Under FXCM’s Whistleblower Policy, any employee may, in his or her sole discretion, report to the Audit Committee, the General Counsel or to the Company’s Ethics and Compliance Hotline, openly, confidentially or anonymously (i) any questionable accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters; (ii) non-compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements or the Code; or (iii) retaliation against employees and other persons who make, in good faith, allegations of questionable accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, in each case through any avenue available, including:

in writing to FXCM, Inc. Attn: Audit Committee or General Counsel, 55 Water St. 50th Floor, New York, NY 10041;

by calling (877) 882-3925 at any time; o

by accessing http://reportlineweb. com/fxcm and submitting a message.

Any other interested party may report to the Audit Committee, the General Counsel or to the Company’s Ethics and Compliance Hotline any issue regarding questionable accounting, internal accounting controls or other auditing matters, legal allegations or retaliatory acts, as set forth in the preceding paragraph. Any such report must be accompanied by the name of the person submitting the report.

All reports should be factual rather than speculative or conclusory, and should contain as much specific information as possible to allow for proper assessment. In addition, all reports should contain sufficient corroborating information to support the commencement of an investigation, including, for example, the names of individuals suspected of violations, the relevant facts of the violations, how the complainant became aware of the violations, any steps previously taken by the complainant, who may be harmed or affected by the violations, and, to the extent possible, an estimate of the misreporting or losses to the Company as a result of the violations.

The hotline above and website are managed by an outside, independent service provider and allow any employee or other interested party of the Company to make a report. Employees are able to submit a report on an anonymously and confidential basis and are not required to divulge their names.

The hotline above and website service provider will explain to each caller procedures for following up on the report (including the caller’s providing additional information at a later date).

The Company expressly prohibits retaliation against any director, officer or employee for reports made in good faith.

§ FXCM's liquidity providers include global banks, financial institutions, prime brokers and other market makers.

Corredores Noticias

Oanda Appoints Drew Izzo as Chief Marketing Officer

Marketing veteran to lead global communications and marketing strategies for industry-leading retail forex broker

LONDON – June 10, 2017 – OANDA, a global provider of innovative forex trading services, is pleased to announce the appointment of Drew Izzo as Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). He will lead the award-winning broker’s global communications and marketing strategies.

An entrepreneurial, collaborative, and dynamic business leader with marketing and forex industry experience, Izzo most recently served as Chief Executive Officer of Athlete. com, a company he cofounded.

“With the perfect mix of entrepreneurial spirit, marketing vision, and forex experience, Drew is a valuable addition to our senior management team,” said Ed Eger, President and CEO, OANDA Corporation. “Coupling his bent for research and analytics as the backbone of a sound strategy, and with an emphasis on the customer’s voice, I know that Drew is a good for fit for the OANDA brand. He will further distinguish our company as an industry leader and the best choice for every trader worldwide.”

Prior to cofounding Athlete. com, Izzo held several senior marketing roles for various companies including Interbank FX (IBFX), which was acquired by TradeStation in 2012. At IBFX, Izzo was responsible for all marketing channels across 140 countries.

“I’m excited to join OANDA, a world-class company that’s renowned for its transparency, technology, customer service and regulatory excellence,” Izzo said. “As CMO, I look forward to embracing the challenges and opportunities helping OANDA continue its remarkable success as the world’s greatest forex broker.”

For more information, please visit www. oanda. co. uk, and follow OANDA on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.

OANDA Corporation transformed the business of foreign exchange through an innovative approach to FX trading. The company’s industry leading online trading platform, fxTrade, introduced a number of firsts to the marketplace, including immediate execution; instant settlement on trades; trades of any size between one unit and 10 million units; and interest calculated by the second. The company’s many awards attest to the power and flexibility of its trading platform. In 2017, OANDA was honored with nearly a dozen awards, including Best Trade Execution Provider, Best Retail Trading Platform and Best Mobile Trading Platform by International Finance Magazine; as well as Best Value for Money by Investment Trends in each the U. S. UK, and Asia Pacific markets.

OANDA was the first online provider of comprehensive currency exchange information, and today the company’s OANDA Rate® data provides benchmark rates for corporations, auditing firms, and global banks.

OANDA has eight offices worldwide, in Toronto, Chicago, New York, Boston, London, Singapore, Tokyo, and Sydney. OANDA is fully regulated by the U. S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the U. S. National Futures Association (NFA), the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC), the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA), and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

OANDA Europe Limited is a company registered in England number 7110087 limited by shares with its registered office at 25 Watling Street, London, EC4M 9BR and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No: 542574.

Leveraged trading in Foreign Currency Contracts, precious metals, and CFDs may not be suitable for everybody as they are high-risk products. We advise you to consider whether trading is appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources, risk tolerance and other relevant circumstances. Since you could lose some or all of your deposited funds, you should ensure you fully understand all of the risks. More details can be found at: http://fxtrade. oanda. co. uk/legal/risk-warning.

More news about OANDA

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Los últimos corredores de la divisa

El comercio de divisas conlleva un alto nivel de riesgo y puede no ser adecuado para todos los inversores. Antes de participar en el intercambio de divisas, por favor, familiarizarse con sus especificidades y todos los riesgos asociados con él. Toda la información sobre ForexBrokerz. com sólo se publica con fines de información general. No ofrecemos garantías para la exactitud y fiabilidad de esta información. Cualquier acción que usted tome sobre la información que encuentre en este sitio web es estrictamente a su propio riesgo y no seremos responsables de ninguna pérdida y / o daños en relación con el uso de nuestro sitio web.

Todo el contenido textual en ForexBrokerz. com está protegido por derechos de autor y protegido por la ley de propiedad intelectual. Usted no puede reproducir, distribuir, publicar o difundir ninguna pieza del sitio web sin indicarnos como fuente. ForexBrokerz. com no reclama derechos de autor sobre las imágenes utilizadas en el sitio web, incluidos los logotipos, imágenes e ilustraciones de los corredores.

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Dispute Resolution

Easy Forex Ltd offers clients Internal and External Complaints Resolution Procedures. Clients are encouraged to initially try to resolve any complaints or disputes through the Internal Complaints Handling Procedures. If a complaint cannot be successfully resolved using the Internal Complaints Handling Procedures, the complaint will be referred to the External Complaints Resolution Scheme.

Complaints may be made verbally or in writing. Easy Forex will attempt to deal with your complaint in a prompt and efficient manner. Easy Forex will follow the procedure outlined below to ensure that your complaint is resolved within a period of 28 days (where possible). Some complaints can be resolved more quickly depending on the facts and the nature of the complaint. If the complaint is more complex and takes longer than 28 days, we will communicate the reasons for the delay.

Our Complaints Officer is Mr Gadi Hadar and he will assist you if required in making your complaint so that all relevant facts are provided.

The following process will be followed to review and investigate your complaint under our Internal Complaints Handling Procedures:

Once a complaint is communicated to Easy Forex, a Representative will listen to your complaint or review your written complaint and ascertain the key issues of your complaint. Should you not feel comfortable talking to a Representative in the first instance then you will be referred to our Complaints Officer. The Complaints Officer reviews and investigates all written complaints;

The Complaints Officer (or the relevant Representative where appropriate) will ask you to provide specific or additional information so that he can ascertain all relevant facts. You are invited to provide as much information as you think is relevant to the complaint;

The Complaints Officer will confirm the key issues of your complaint either verbally or in writing and keep in regular contact with you while the complaint is being investigated and you will be advised as to the current status of the investigation;

The Complaints Officer will undertake an internal investigation based on the facts provided in your complaint;

The Complaints Officer will then deal with the complaint on the facts and contact you should any additional information be required;

The Complaints Officer will then consider all information available regarding the complaint and Easy Forex will either:

Accept the complaint and offer a remedy;

Offer a remedy without accepting the complaint; o

Reject the complaint and provide reasons for such rejection.

Remedial action may range from an apology to financial compensation. Where a financial remedy is considered appropriate, the aim is to provide fair compensation for any loss suffered;

If you feel that the Easy Forex response to your complaint means that your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, then the Complaints Officer will:

Inform you that you have the right to pursue your complaint with the External Complaints Handling Scheme; y

Provide details of how you can access the External Complaints Handling Scheme.

If Easy Forex is not able to resolve a complaint to a client's satisfaction then the client has the right to take their complaint to the External Disputes Resolution Service (FOS).

All complaints must be forwarded to the Complaints Officer for action.

The following information should, wherever possible, be obtained and recorded and provided to the Complaints Officer to ensure the complaint is expedited in the most efficient and fair manner:

Account Number/User ID Name of client Contact details for client Phone Mobile Email Address details for client Details of the complaint (including time and date the matter leading to the complaint occurred, the representative(s) involved in the complaint: Nature of the complaint Damages sought Request any documentation held by the client that may assist in the understanding and resolution of the complaint. Attach any documentation or other material that may assist in the resolution of the complaint (including an initial written response to the allegations by the representative(s) involved).

Please send your complaint to: Easy Forex Pty Ltd. Level 2 437 St. Kilda Rd. Melbourne 3004

Advertencia de Riesgo: El Forex, las Materias Primas, las Opciones y los Contratos Diferenciales (negociación extrabursátil) son productos apalancados que conllevan un riesgo importante de pérdidas de hasta la totalidad de su capital invertido y no pueden ser adecuados para todas las personas. Por favor, asegúrate de entender los riesgos que supone y no invierte las cantidades que no te puedas permitir perder. Favor referirse a nuestra advertencia de riesgo.

Easy-forex es un nombre comercial de easyMarkets Pty Limited ABN 73 107 184 510 y está regulado por la Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). EasyMarkets no hace ninguna recomendación en cuanto a los méritos de cualquier producto financiero mencionado en este sitio web, correos electrónicos o sus sitios web relacionados y la información contenida no tiene en cuenta sus objetivos personales, la situación financiera y necesariamente. easyMarkets recommends that you read the Declaración de divulgación del producto. the Términos y condiciones and the Financial Services Guide before making any decision concerning easyMarket’s products.

Easy Forex & reg; Es una marca registrada. Copyright y copia; 2017. Todos los derechos reservados.

& # 169; Provided by Associated Press

Police: Officers offered aid to dying suspect after shootout - Chicago police officers offered first aid to a dying suspect after a shootout that left three other officers injured on the city's West Side, the police department said Tuesday.

Chicago police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said early Tuesday that the wounded officers are doing well after the incident in the Homan Square neighborhood.

The officers had been investigating drug activity late Monday when they saw a man and a woman acting suspiciously, Guglielmi said. The pair fled, the officers gave chase and the man opened fire, hitting three of them multiple times. One of the officers returned fire, fatally injuring the suspect.

Officers at the scene with first aid kits and bandages were able to apply preliminary care while they waited for Chicago Fire emergency crews, Guglielmi said.

"The officers were trained by CPD in LEMART — Law Enforcement Medical AND Rescue Training — which is designed to render life-saving aid following tactical and emergency situations," he said in an email.

The Cook County medical examiner's office has not identified the dead man pending notification of family.

A gun used by the dead suspect was recovered at the scene.

The woman was arrested Monday night after a chase. She was questioned but has not been charged, Guglielmi said.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Interim Police Superintendent John Escalante visited the officers and their families at the hospital. The shooting follows the mortal wounding of an undercover narcotics officer in Maryland who was shot by a colleague as a gunman attacked a police station Sunday night.

"Every day the dedicated men and women of the Chicago Police Department put themselves in danger so the rest of us can be safe," Emanuel said in a statement late Monday. "Tonight we were reminded of the dangers that our police face, and the bravery that they routinely display."

Escalante praised the Illinois State Police for closing an expressway to allow the wounded officers to be quickly transported to the hospital. Dozens of police officers met the ambulances at the hospital.

"I want to thank Chicago Fire Department paramedics for their quick response in getting our officers here safely," he said. "Again, a thanks to the staff here at county hospital for taking care of our injured officers."

Escalante said the officers have 10 to 12 years of experience and suffered "lowered body injuries."

Police said in a statement that the city's Independent Police Review Authorities will investigate. The officers involved will be put on standard administrative duties for 30 days.

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Sector transfer plan plunges into chaos TOI

The Haryana government's hurried decision to bring 33 Huda sectors and some private developers' areas under the ambit of MCG is snowballing into a major controversy.

Sindri TU opposes factory land transfer TOI

Citu-affiliated Theka Mazdoor Union said on Saturday it would oppose any move by the Centre to transfer land belonging to the now defunct Sindri Fertilizer factory to either Jharia Rehabilitation Development Authority (JRDA) and SAIL.

Jittery babus say frequent transfers hit their morale TOI

Amid a slew of transfer orders issued by the Haryana government, the morale of babus across the state and Gurgaon district is apparently at an all-time low.

Bar association seeks rethink of transfer pleas of judges TOI

Punjab cops sat on 3 alerts on Pathankot attack, says transferred officer TOI

Senior Cop Tells DGP IB Had Sent Alert On 4 Terrorists

Punjab cops sat on 3 alerts on Pathankot attack, says transferred officer TOI

Senior Cop Tells DGP IB Had Sent Alert On 4 Terrorists

Huda staff protest against transfer to Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon TOI

Huda employees' union was up in arms on Monday over the transfer of officials from the urban development authority to Municipal Corporation of Gurgaon (MCG), as part of the transfer of developed sectors to MCG.

Senior lawyers want transfer proposal of Madras HC judges recalled TOI

Three days after TOI reported that senior judges of the Madras high court are making a beeline for transfer outside the state amidst rampant casteism and groupism, the Madras Bar has called for reconsideration of the transfer move, saying it would be

150 Ggn RWAs flout HC cap on transfer fee TOI

The office of the district registrar of societies has served notices to over 150 condominiums for charging abnormally high transfer fees.

​State Bank of India opened its foreign exchange division at its SME branch at Kodialbail on Monday. This makes it the 30th branch in Bengaluru circle to be declared a forex branch.

P Jayarama Bhat, managing director and chief executive officer of city based private sector bank - Karnataka Bank Ltd inaugurated the Jaipur branch of the Bank for Forex business.

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India's foreign exchange reserves rose by $1.3 billion to $298.6 billion during the week ended March 21, RBI data showed.

US dollar moved up against the rupee at 61.98/99 per dollar and the Pound Sterling also finished modestly higher at Rs 103.41/43 per pound at the close of the Interbank Foreign Exchange Market today.

India's foreign exchange reserves rose by $1.5 billion to $293.8 billion during the week ended February 14, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserves rose by $1.3 billion to $292.3 billion during the week ended February 7, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserves fell by $1.2 billion to $291.1 billion during the week ended January 31, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserve for the week ended January 24 was at $292.2 billion, up $157 million on the week but was down $3.5 billion on the year, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserves fell by $1.2 billion to $292.1 billion during the week ended January 17, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserves fell by $12.6 million to $295.5 billion during the week ended December 20, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserves rose by $4.4 billion to $295.7 billion during the week ended December 6, RBI data showed.

India's foreign exchange reserves were up by $2 billion to $277.4 billion during the week ended September 20, RBI data showed. The reserves were also down by about $16.5 billion on the year.

The three officers who are slated to be transferred are Sanjay Bhatia (vice chairman and MD), V Radha (joint MD) and Pradyna Sarvade (additional DG rank and in charge of vigilance); Bhatia's transfer due in March

Cidco corridors at the Belapur headquarter is abuzz with the stand CM adopts regarding the transfer or retention of all the three senior officers-two IAS and one IPS rank civil servants--- holding important functional posts.

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Sarojini 24th March 2017 Written Update

Sarojini 24th March 2017 Written Update:

Written Episode Update 24th March 2017. Sarojini Telly Update 24th March 2017. Sarojini 24th March Telly Update. Sarojini 24th March Written Episode. Sarojini 24th March Written Synopsis. Sarojini 24th March Spoiler. Sarojini 24th March Written Review. Sarojini 24th March Telly Review.

Sarojini 24th March 2017 Written Update

Written Episode Update

The episode starts with inspector misbehaving with Sarojini and family and asking them to forget about Soumendra’s accident case. Sarojini says they lost everything and he is trying to mask culprit. He starts shouting and says he will arrest her for alleging police officer. Bhaskar says if culprit is caught, Soumendra will not return back, so it is better to forget this case and not get into trouble. Dadaji scolds him for his cowardness. Inspector continues misbehaving and asks constables to push family out. Sarojini says he called them here. Constables push them out of police station.

A lady constable identifies Dadaji as her grandfather’s friend and asks what is he doing here with family. He tells whole story and tells how inspector told he caught suspected, but later denied. Constable says inspector is very corrupt and people say he was born from bribe instead of woman. Sarojini says she will confront inspector. Constable stops her and says she will investigate what is happening and will inform them.

Indira tells Samar that she will go to her parent’s house. He says her brother dumped all the work on him and she should also help him in work instead of going out. She feels sad.

Sarojini reaches home and sees goons gambling in front of her home. She scolds goons and shouts not to gamble in front of her house. Goons misbehave with her. Bhaskar says why to get into trouble, let them play Sarojini says she wll call police. Goon says he himself will call police and tell them how Bhaskar also plays with them. Bhaskar forcefully takes Sarojini in. Goon taunts that she should go and cry in front of her husband’s pic and request him to come back and help her.

Sarojini goes home and cries in front of Soumendra’s pic. Nirjhara consoles her.

Sarojini goes to govt office for school’s permission. Officer says he will not sign without bribe. She says she is opening a charity school in her dead husband’s name, so will not pay bribe. He says file will not move without bribe. She challenges that she will open school within 3 months.

Sarojini promotes new leap and time slot at 6 p. m. from 28th March.

Precap: Sarojini cries in market. Children ask her not to cry and believe in god. They gave her flowers. She asks who gave them. They say uncle saw her crying and gave flowers to give it to her. She searches man and sees him leaving in car.

24th March 2017

Read online the Indian serial Written Episode tonight online here from this page. Sarojini is one of the most famous and popular Indian serial. Those who want to read online Written episode of Sarojini Today shall must stay in touch with us. Sarojini serial written episode will be made you availed right here below side of this page. Sarojini 24 March Written Episode will be updated right here below side of this page.

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